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asciilifeform: ;;google cargo 200
asciilifeform: (how can this be? cargo cult. easy.)
assbot: The Cargo Cultist, a Dialogue | Bingo Blog
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: He's this guy http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/09/18/the-cargo-cultist-a-dialogue/#comment-34397
pete_dushenski: not entirely my cup of tea but if they can do escargot properly i'm sure it ain't all bad
Vexual: theres a place for escargot in wooloomaloo
punkman: suggestion: escargot fried in olive oil with rosemary and bacon
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: you can call scraped from the pond "escargot" too
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> why would you wear devices to make the piss cling to you ?! << This is why I suspect a bit of cargo cult happening
BingoBoingo: the diapers are probably a cargo cult thing, because the pros do it that way
mp_colonist: hey what was that film with the zoo keeper that travels on a cargo ship with family ?
assbot: Why is food onboard cargo ships generally poor?
decimation: lol http://www.officercadet.com/showthread.php/7373-Why-is-food-onboard-cargo-ships-generally-poor
hanbot: dead cargo ships
decimation: my understanding is that many cargo ships have excellent grub
mp_colonist: no. most cargo ships have a few passenger spots if you can eat crew grub
BingoBoingo: mp_colonist: I've heard passenger travel on cargo ships might be a thing. Know any decent internet write ups?
ben_vulpes: so i've started bringing in the kind of work i started out seeking. internal applications for companies converting passenger 747s into cargo 747s.
asciilifeform: sometimes this situation evolves in interesting directions. e.g., monkeys steal a small subset of man's tech, and build a cargo-cultish airplane - but one which sorta flies when the weather is just so.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mac did not fit the cargo-cult spec - defined by ibm, naturally - of 'feeling businessy' - and therefore yes, did suffer from 'nice package.'
punkman: holy fucking cargo cult junkie farmers http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2014/09/15/weirdly_tramadol_is_not_a_natural_product_after_all.php
mircea_popescu: the entire fucking thing is basically cargo-cultism trying to re-enact the sounds of scania. somehow.
mircea_popescu: i wonder how long before they fit a hercules with a roboarm and start pulling these into the cargobay
decimation: it's an elaborate cargo-cult of security with real humans acting as the 'cargo plane'
mircea_popescu: http://www.janesoceania.com/oceania_cult/Cargocultplane.jpg compareand contrast.
decimation: one imagines such cargo cults must be rampant
hanbot wonders if cargo cult was well explained to her or if she's merely getting more bizarre herself.
mircea_popescu: http://nakamotoinstitute.org/static/img/mempool/the-problem-with-altcoins/cargo-cult.jpg << pretty great pic
mircea_popescu: it's starting to amze me, the natural cargo-cult-ish inclination of most english space dwellers. it's a sort of, 1. learn french ; 2. read some fragments of rousseau at local library, by themselves ; 3. start blog to impart your discovery that you call "the social deal" to the world.
Mexual: well, i thought it was about as cool as cargo pants, so i did it
ben_vulpes: thestringpuller: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i don't believe 90%+ of the derpage emitted by "advertising industry" << precisely this. as i understand, cargo cult.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i don't believe 90%+ of the derpage emitted by "advertising industry" << precisely this. as i understand, cargo cult.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the locals collapse back to their pre-civilisation bullshit, with more or less pronounced cargo cults.
asciilifeform: i suppose if your cargo looks immediately valuable, you might have problems.
mircea_popescu: mdev: the public key argument thing, about it being exposed after the first transaction, not sure why that's an issue, RSA is based off handing out public keys, I know bitcoin uses ECDMA or whatever, but still if the public key can't be trusted << because cargo cult sekoority.
asciilifeform: zeus trojan << very educational case. zeus is a very poorly designed turd, but it is smashingly popular on account of a thousand spamz0r idiots buying 'custom' builds and paying to have them spammed out to chumps. see also one of mp's old articles on spam being a 'cargo cult.'
mircea_popescu: airplane has a cargo hold for a reason.
decimation: Cargo-cult security
mircea_popescu: what the fuck is this cargo cult nonsense.
asciilifeform: cargo cult, too. fat lot of good it will do for the idiots.
asciilifeform: http://dev.solita.fi/img/beyond-cargo-cult-software-design/cargoplane.jpg
Diablo-D3: and cargo culted it together
asciilifeform: 'it had lithium cells in the cargo!'
asciilifeform: (tldr - all planes have 'hazardous battery!111!' in cargo manifest)
mircea_popescu: which is precisely why he makes the sort of cargo cult suggestions he does make.
ThickAsThieves: they still wear cargo jeans and band t-shirts
asciilifeform: any cargo is hazardous if the fellow with the remote control (usg) would rather that it not reach destination.
wao-ender: no hazardous cargo.
ozbot: No hazardous cargo, just tonnes of mangosteens on flight MH370, says airline CEO - The Malaysian In
wao-ender: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/no-hazardous-cargo-just-tonnes-of-mangosteens-on-flight-mh370-says-airlines
wao-ender: also, I'm reading, there was 50 seats blocked for some special cargo on the plane?
asciilifeform: reminiscent of mp's piece re: spam being largely a cargocult
jurov: hope in 50 years we'll be only poking fun about today's cargo cults of passwords, entropy and randomness
asciilifeform: 'Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt; and the carts brought nothing out but loads of dung. That was their return cargo. London turns dirt into gold. Rome turned gold int ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Annoying ass cargo cult technology
nubbins`: re: russian cargo planes landing in crimea
BingoBoingo: benkay: I know two classmates who became fighterpilots. At least one wants to become a cargo pilot because the planes are more comfy.
benkay: unless you have the rigor to do a '12f' application, don't fuck around with cargocult 12fa
benkay: so much cargo cult
mircea_popescu: "professional" is "guy in a suit". pure cargo cultism.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the quote above is from my own blog. cargo cultist got a spam script, understands some parts of how it works. ends up sending the unprocessed spinlist.
asciilifeform: about how most spammers are cargo cultists
asciilifeform: like most SR cargo.
Vexual: do they make a cargo model?
BingoBoingo: I bet id Diablo-D3 show up he is going to try to turn this into some cargo sult bullshit
the20year3: huge thing carying international cargo that needs to be there quickly
dub: this is why its a silly discussion, we're applying the cargo cult thing to each other, its like religion
pankkake: it doesn't need to be a conspiracy (see cargo cult science: not a conspiracy)
mircea_popescu: dub here, have feynman saying substantially the same stuff http://www.lhup.edu/~DSIMANEK/cargocul.htm
benkay: cargo cult entrepreneurship
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cargo cult security isn't just for idiot bureaucrats
grilledcat: Yeah, but the fact that you can pretty much set up a cargo cult copy of a successful security and have it make you rich from idiots is bad for BTC.
kakobrekla: the red balls in the cargo space
mircea_popescu: this is cargo cult not finance.
BTC-Mining: The ship's location is known. Who the cargo is to be delivered to is not known.
mircea_popescu: sure, the concept of spices, or the concept of cargo, or the ship's destination still exists.