3549 entries in 0.73s
jurov: or even , god save us, negative one
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller that's what god said.
mircea_popescu: god.
mircea_popescu: jesus god.
jcpham: god hates me
midnightmagic: Legitimizing preying on ignorance means that you legitmize preying on anyone. It presupposes that the only person who shouldn't be blamed for losing their own money is basically God.
mircea_popescu: o god this is hilarious.
davout: "a familiar rock awaits you somewhere" -> oh god, i didn't understand this one right away, but when i did it fucking cracked me up
mircea_popescu: are you allowed in bitcoin if your personal god isn't galt ?
davout: he's my own personal god
dub: god made me retarded so I ripped you off
dub: act of god lol
mircea_popescu: "It's been a long time and while I realize there is a huge demand for these units, I no longer wish to purchase them due to what amounts to an act of god regarding my financial position. So I will make the following request, sil vous plais;"
mircea_popescu: jesus god will i never get this motherfucking oil sorted out
mircea_popescu: hahaha o god ty bitcoin for being here for when there's nothing on snl
mircea_popescu: oglaf is god.
jcpham: thank god for the shares i have left at coinlab
Namjies: Religious people use the same speech. You don't understand why my god is so great until you know it and you won't understand how you lived without it before.
mircea_popescu: jesus god, we managed to get in a word edgewise past assbot.
mircea_popescu: i only get nested for i am god.
Diablo-D3: OH DEAR GOD
mircea_popescu: "sorry, can't deliver your gold on contract for gold we never actually had because of act of god...
mod6: its the ole "sorry, can't deliver your gold on contract because of act of god..." excuse ;P
mircea_popescu: mother of god, giga's thread is on page 72 ? was 64 yest
jcpham: god put the internet here for my amusement
mircea_popescu: well so then let god pay for pils.
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: because fucking chicks is a god given right
Diablo-D3: I swear to god Im going to buy another machine just so I can put 16gb of memory in it
mircea_popescu: pro Deo you mean, as in for god, as in, for free ?
mircea_popescu: do you mean to claim allodial title, as in, you were given it by god ?
smickles: god dammit mircea_popescu, i'm sending you 1 usd worth of btc
Diablo-D3: smickles: dude, if nefario is god, I want my church donations back
smickles: nefario == god
pigeons: i love it: < usagi> It was literally an act of God that GLBSE was shut down at the precise moment I took out those loans
smickles: i don't believe in god
jurov: for this deed shall surely wawrd you place in God's Kingdom
Diablo-D3: how about I write a story about how the rothchilds have a pgp contract with lucifer the morningstar, their god, and thus end the world
Diablo-D3: my god, what would happen if him and robert downey jr, like, made a movie together
Diablo-D3: dub: thank god I dont.
mircea_popescu: o god
rdponticelli: But for a nice fee, I can found that god damn truck here in Argentina
mircea_popescu: god forbid someone makes something actually useful : they won't comprehend it and then it's all OMG CP!!!1
Diablo-D3: the wrath of god
mircea_popescu: o god i think i came a little.
mircea_popescu: ow god.
BTC-Mining: dub: NO, oh GOD, NO!
mircea_popescu: god i love the opinions of the incompetent on matters they don't understand
copumpkin: "I'm against all forms of regulation and government control, except, OH SHIT, PEOPLE ARE BUYING IMMORAL THINGS WITH BITCOIN. WE MUST BANISH IT FROM THE EARTH AS GOD EXPECTS"
Diablo-D3: oh god I want one
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: my god
rdponticelli: Oh, god, the SEC got assbot!
rg: god damn people are fucking stupid
rg: god damn i hat ebeing bsy
____Atlas_____: You need a god it seems, reeses.
reeses: god just shut up you shallow, twee, fool
boonies4u: god damnit
___Atlas___: God save our gracious Queen
rg: god damn terrorists
Bugpowder: God this is the best thing that could have possibly happened to Kludge
rg: god admn it
OneEyed: Maybe someone is willing to buy the debt in full, god knows why
mircea_popescu: my god, people are starting to notice.
rg: i think this chicken omelette is going to be god
mircea_popescu: jesus god Chaang-Noi
nenolod: oh god
Bugpowder: God US Treasuries are going to spike when the shit goes down
Bane_Capital: or I can be a god
Bane_Capital: I justify this through god, morality, ethics, my dick, etc.
OneMiner: The christian god said in no uncertain terms that killing was not an option, ever.
OneMiner: God would beg(NOT) to differ.
BTC-Mining: Tell luke my god makes the universe possible. Tell him he's not the same, because he's the same but has an extra hair follicle on his head, so he's not really the same, just similar. But that my god is still more kickass than is for the extra hair.
BTC-Mining: The universe is just there without explanation. If it's about the need of a beggining/creator for something to exist... then we get to the who created god reflection...
OneMiner: hahaha that's pretty funny. I'm trying to prove to luke that a universe can exist without a god. It takes effort.
Diablo-D3: oh god portal
__Atlas__: I like to think we are all different thought processes that form the collective consciousness of the Universe and/or God
Diablo-D3: if God created the entire Universe, Science really is the ultimate religion
__Atlas__: Not because God or the government or some morality tells me to
Diablo-D3: <mitt> their... money... and... their.... cut penises.... oh God..... someone get me a towel
OneMiner: Seriously... Does the christian god care if he is on the money?
OneMiner: Religion must be driven from every corner of the gov't. It would be most excelent of us to take god off of the money (as Romney fears apparently).
Obsi: good god
__Atlas__: Whether said good be defined by god, a purported nature or science.
smickles: we just need an appeal to god, that's all
rg: MPOE just takes so many god damn shares
rg: you god damn high rollers
nefario1: god
kuzetsa: oh god, really?
kuzetsa: oh god it hurts
Bane_Capital: God, it's such a cold language
Bane_Capital: God, I should of came
Diablo-D3: either I do not believe in God, or I worship a grey wearing a cloak and a crown
mircea_popescu: i have more bandwidth than god, but i appreciate the intent.
Diablo-D3: thank God I dumped as many as possible before we lost all the assets
Bane_Capital: God, that woman must be rolling in her grave at mach 3
mircea_popescu: jesus god, it took two days of ignore lalala.
rg: i wish i had some god dman milk
Diablo-D3: oh my fucking god, people still use php with cgi?
mircea_popescu: o god almighty.
smickles: god damn, a small majority == nearly all