1681 entries in 0.186s
phf: and http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-01-2016#1366069 ☝︎
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-01-2016#1366068 ☝︎
phf: ^- http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/2015/list/50-greatest-prog-rock-albums-of-all-time-20150617/199927/medium_rect/1434559354/720x405-GettyImages-74702183.jpg
phf: http://www.toysrus.com/graphics/tru_prod_images/Fisher-Price-Grow-to-Pro-Pogo-Stick--pTRU1-2909797dt.jpg
phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pube5Aynsls
phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmpMO2dJQ6Q
phf: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/04/t1larg.business.coffee.jpg
phf: ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/patches/phf-shiva-swank#L373 ☟︎
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=31-01-2016#1391942 << previous take on this problem ☝︎
phf: in other news, http://btcbase.org/patches/phf-shiva-swank
phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5cL-h3Pj1o <
phf: ben_vulpes: http://paste.lisp.org/display/308410
phf: i think ascii short term plan is specifically rewrite of rpc, because it's an easily achievable low hanging fruit, which when done completely will let us get rid of json/http
phf: ^- http://buttersafe.com/comics/2008-10-23-Detour.jpg ☟︎☟︎
phf: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/gcov.txt
phf: asciilifeform: see, e.g., harlan ellison << one good thing came out of this guy, http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/ihavenomouth/imustscream.htm
phf: ben_vulpes: http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html << i am surprised that this has not yet been linked here << it's a whole genre, with roots in usenet days. "~i~ of course grok lisp, but the masses won't, so i use perl, which is as good, so ya'll should stop whatever you're doing". has the standard reaction of "where the fuck are you idiots coming from". naggum gained his notoriety mostly by arguing with these people,
phf: https://github.com/sabotage-linux/netbsd-curses a port of netbsd curses targeting musl/linux. we don't really uses anything with curses directly, but for cli interface building, or balinux, a codebase to keep in mind.
phf: it's like the style for building gov buildings these days, md district court few blocks away http://www.jasoncleckner.com/images/RockvilleDistCt.jpg
phf: http://blog.archive.is/post/47337613342/is-it-possible-to-get-the-source-code-of-this
phf: sussman was there though, when mit switched from sicp to python for their intro programming course, and he defended that decision with his remarks at ILC https://web.archive.org/web/20090327115612/http://blog.snowtide.com/2009/03/24/why-mit-now-uses-python-instead-of-scheme-for-its-undergraduate-cs-program ☟︎
phf: random lulz, sussman signed scheme-81 chip, sold as art. https://www.artsy.net/artwork/gerald-sussman-scheme i think it was listted at $1500, but i can't quite recall. i assume buyer would not try putting it on a breadboard.. ☟︎
phf: mod6: you can also just read r5rs directly http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/ftpdir/scheme-reports/r5rs.ps
phf: (ben_vulpes asciilifeform http://glyf.org/tmp/shiva-swank-op.png only works for own defined functions though, neither builtins nor ffi stuff seems to have enough meta)
phf: pocorgtfo http://glyf.org/tmp/shiva-swank.png
phf: you want http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=stable
phf: illustration: ^- http://www.somepets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/manul4.jpg
phf: this place is great http://www.russianturkishbaths.com if you're ever in nyc ☟︎
phf: or my favorite http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=stable&search=asciilifeform ☟︎
phf: for example http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=stable&search=showmyip
phf: http://mumble.net/~campbell/proposals/filesys.text
phf: mod6: that signature is busted, just vidy output of curl -s http://buildroot.uclibc.org/downloads/buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.sign
phf: ok so http://btcbase.org/upload now works. takes seal and vpatch and saves it to uploads patchset http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=uploads. uploads patchset inherits from experimental, which in turn inherits from stable. those who'd like to upload a patch are welcome to give it a try and let me know if it doesn't work. ☟︎
phf: i split patches into patchsets http://btcbase.org/patches, http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=experimental (and http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=deprecated for historical) to minimize confusion. there's a little menu that lets you select
phf: i have an untested uploader, takes a vpatch and a seal, lets through only a valid vpatch/seal combination. i don't think this exhaustively covers what we need though, and is also written for cmucl/araneida which is not giving me best of reliability.. http://btcbase.org/upload
phf: shit like https://www.vice.com/read/check-out-the-hottest-new-tv-shows-of-2015-0000560-v22n1
phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8dldLG_ZhI
phf: http://41.media.tumblr.com/a56328b796869c572645922fd23acbdf/tumblr_mr3y05fMx81r1yycro1_1280.jpg < van life
phf: http://40.media.tumblr.com/60c2285f1ce76db0d0af0154f06a6e59/tumblr_nz3u93Scsi1r3yj8do5_1280.jpg ☟︎
phf: ben_vulpes: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2805/8768423348_d5dff5d54b_z.jpg
phf: (illustration re business http://img1.tfilm.me/data/screen/or/1275-002.jpg)
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=29-08-2015#1255346 << not sure if you noticed that 4.4bsd vi had lisp mode (and nothing else language wise). man page claims that some indent commands would actually do proper lisp indentation. sometimes i'd like to track it down and see what exactly the had there.. ☝︎
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2016#1408149 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2016#1407950 ☝︎☝︎
phf: which makes me wonder about some of the patches and how to do conflict resolution, for example http://btcbase.org/hash/BDC4FC472BE4A86FB91FA69368FAACE04414FDEEE5B8C82795E31D37E21581B973CAF7F3E9CCC27D487944A5782E3B59615180EAB87C8B3E81242901F3039E4D all patch wallet.cpp towards a divergent state
phf: can click on a hash from patch display and get a list of producers and consumers, like http://btcbase.org/hash/BDC4FC472BE4A86FB91FA69368FAACE04414FDEEE5B8C82795E31D37E21581B973CAF7F3E9CCC27D487944A5782E3B59615180EAB87C8B3E81242901F3039E4D
phf: source patched with http://paste.lisp.org/display/307448, run with a folder as argument and it'll prepend a header based on some conditions (rtfs) to all files
phf: pocorgtfo http://btcbase.org/patches/experimental-genesis
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-02-2016#1403569 << http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions ☝︎
phf: BingoBoingo: there's basically a ru equivalent of throwing lion cells, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/7/7d/Кипятильник.JPG
phf: asciilifeform: perhaps this http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/06/apple-says-iphone-error-53-is-to-protect-customers-security
phf: that's the phone that i use http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007F9XJDY i guess it's discontinued, since the only available option is same for $250 :o
phf: punkman: https://github.com/mmilata/znc-otr
phf: ben_vulpes: if you're using znc, then http://paste.lisp.org/display/306886 might help
phf: maqp: http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc/
phf: http://world.std.com/~jdostale/kbd/Knight1.jpeg
phf: ascii_rear: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-02-2016#1399083 << i've remapped it to cntrl for decade+, like other sane folk << you know that's a filthy unixism and is going to overwork your already qwerty abused left hand even further? lispm puts control on both sides of spacebar, followed by alt/meta, follwed by other stuff.. ☝︎
phf: loop's source is not in cltl2, but the canonical implementation, MIT LOOP, is available in cmu archive https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/lang/lisp/code/iter/loop/mit/0.html
phf: ben_vulpes: man is anyone from X3J13 still alive at this point? << probably better question, who has died, because the majority of the people form the committee are still alive. http://quimby.gnus.org/circus/cl/dpANS3/chap-0-edit-history.tex has an almost complete list of 104 ("These are attendees from minutes back through 3/88"), of those i recognize about 40, of those ~~10 i've been in touch with in the past year and another ~~10 are
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-02-2016#1398750 << http://paste.lisp.org/display/306741 i thought i posted this before, but there are two fixes required on mac os x, sha512sum needs to be replaced with shasum -a 512 (and on openbsd with sha512). since awk can't find the command, it always goes for false. second fix is that you need to explicitly close the external checksum command, because bsd awk doesn't. instead it keeps all ☝︎
phf: ^- http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_add_sendrawtransaction_rpc
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-02-2016#1397760 << when i was interviewing last year, was straight up told by several different companies that i should adjust my rate because i won't be able to compete in the market (that's a direct quote from on of the hr people). one company we went through several phone calls where different people were telling me that the salary requirement is a bit high, but maybe we can work something out ☝︎
phf: (like he has this running ubuntu on macbook air guide http://cr.yp.to/hardware/air.html)
phf: mircea_popescu: i've been using his guide in the early 2000s, but then i think he caved and switched to laptops, because he stopped updating it. he has a recent build recommendation https://blog.cr.yp.to/20140602-saber.html from his "saber cluster"
phf: lurk 6 months, build trb, replace RelayMessage in http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/wallet.cpp#0645 with your own thing that serializes CTransaction to file, come back if that doesn't quite work
phf: mircea_popescu: osmething like this http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation
phf: ( http://btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools )
phf: jurov: like http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_fix_instance_print , asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum asciilifeform-programmable-versionstring don't press because presumably conflict with programmable-versionstring malleus_mikehearnificarum in order. no idea why polarbeard_better_log_messages polarbeard_fix_instance_print don't press though
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353760 ☝︎
phf: but curl works reliably on any of the posting services. or anyway anything that can do an http post without fucking up the payload
phf: mod6: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-February/000205.html mod6: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-February/000206.html << http://btcbase.org/patches/programmable-versionstring http://btcbase.org/patches/malleus_mikehearnificarum ☟︎
phf: polarbeard: PeterL: a getpeerinfo backport patch for trb: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/db7909cba265c3c50c02 << http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_add_getpeerinfo_rpc
phf: ok, so http://btcbase.org/patches/ ☟︎
phf: mircea_popescu:
phf: point illustrated by brion gysin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw9dmLCdgyI
phf: ben_vulpes: http://r-s-g.org/kriegspiel/about.php
phf: of course per ascii's oft repeated point there's a russian translation, on github, https://github.com/ilammy/lisp
phf: ben_vulpes: ideally you'd want to read this first http://www.amazon.com/Lisp-Small-Pieces-Christian-Queinnec/dp/0521545668
phf: a curio for the lisp aficionados http://mumble.net/~jar/pseudoscheme/ an implementation of scheme in common lisp forward ported from lisp machines. a precursor to scheme48, so gets a lot of things right
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2016#1388877 ☝︎
phf: so pressing anything from shiva graph is entirely senseless
phf: i can change my toposort to consider first seen nodes first, which results in the full press like
phf: so i dropped patches from "[BTC-dev] Tinyscheme Genesis, Cleanup, and Fixes, CORRECTED; -and- Shiva Pedigree Bridge." but i'm still missing something so they are just hanging there separately, ☟︎
phf: mircea_popescu: does selection work here for you?
phf: so i added inline patch display to my patch display displayer instead
phf: the thread mostly reminded me of http://slaviccenter.com/languageschool/images/10104.jpg
phf: i.e.
phf: asciilifeform: dropped your patch into the graph thingy, is doing right thing
phf: mircea_popescu: hey trinque jurov phf : would it be possible to take that very nice graph phf showed, turn it into a proper svg and have the nodes clickable ? << like (is in no way bulletproof, so i expect it to be down by the time i come back from breakfast) ☟︎
phf: "patch" is surprisingly trivial once you get past unified diff format parsing, http://paste.lisp.org/display/306234
phf: can someone with a full press (including shiva 2) verify that this is remotely correct hashes http://paste.lisp.org/display/306216 ?
phf: asciilifeform: http://glyf.org/tmp/war-room2.png not quite right, but i like it
phf: asciilifeform: http://glyf.org/tmp/war-room.png
phf: ben_vulpes: so actually inside the patch hunks are grouped by files, what i was referring to as hunks are actually per file hunk groups. so in other word the graph is already edge-per-file. i added the labels but it looks dodgy http://glyf.org/tmp/labels1.png http://glyf.org/tmp/labels2.png
phf: and the one ascii requested, transition graph for when there's only one hunk per patch file http://glyf.org/tmp/trb-transition-hunks-asplode.png (i filtered out all the genesis files that don't have further transitions)
phf: http://glyf.org/tmp/trb-transition-hunks.png same as before but with a separate edge per hunk ☟︎☟︎☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: check it http://glyf.org/tmp/trb-transition.png ☟︎
phf: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383561 << wtf? that is not at all the issue! ☝︎
phf: shitgnomes held an emacs conference, complete with code of conduct https://emacsconf.github.io/emacsconf2015/ , names on that page of projects and people are the usual suspects. organizers are sacha chua and john wiegley, who is the current emacs maintainer.
phf: here's an s-graphics made animation instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdTGJChDKrM
phf: mircea_popescu: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/13_af.htm