395 entries in 1.237s

mircea_popescu: you're allowing yourself to be misdirected. just get the peopel looking for the item called "vpn" in empire universe on a
rk or w/e the actual item is
dorion: ty mp_en_viaje I am Robinson Dorion, the someone BingoBoingo mentioned had inquired about the
rk. Plan is to sync a trb node there.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-17 12:25 asciilifeform: the incident where i glued together
rk pilot plant, to only ~then~ find out that nobody knows when the fuck proper gnat will actually build arm binaries w/ working threading, was instructive.
spyked: iirc the
rk (and everything on arm64) is on 4.x
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 12:24 asciilifeform: looks like potential replacement for the current
rk , even.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-20 21:48 asciilifeform: i do not begrudge danielpbarron his ddos laboratory, but imho he really oughta do it on
BingoBoingo: The vacant
rk can indeed be rigged with the SATA snake to add a 1tb drive.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-01 22:24 asciilifeform: i.e. 100% 'blobless' boot, like
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 17:02 mircea_popescu: perhaps the correct republican approach is not to bake cpu, but to ~bake memory~. why even bother with the whole turdpile that's
ddr init when could simply have sane ram, and
rk with it.
mircea_popescu: perhaps the correct republican approach is not to bake cpu, but to ~bake memory~. why even bother with the whole turdpile that's
ddr init when could simply have sane ram, and
rk with it.
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-03-09 22:38 asciilifeform: if you ever wonder why your x64 iron draws 50x the wattage to do same thing as e.g.
rk, wonder no longer -- the insanity where shit gets moved around to accomodate idjit instructions with fixed in/out hoppers, the insanity where you gotta set prefixes to specify what width ~each operand~ is (why this is needed ? srsly) , all of this adds up to 3bil transistors that heat the room
diana_coman: re sjlj and zcx and apache - the current
RK use would be the only iffy current situation re banning zcx
mircea_popescu: basically there's not much room for middle here. either
rk or else monster -- even things such as shared hosting are better off on large x86 server than a bunch of mid ones
mircea_popescu: well, doesn't seem like the end of the world, then, to say "this is the
rk, has so and so list of advantages as before discussed (truly independend box, etc) and the one drawback meanwhile discovered that you can't really do tmsr-like threading in ada on it, which may be fixed later"
a111: Logged on 2019-01-15 15:32 asciilifeform: it is also time to speak of the next crate. and the customary four cargo slots. 1 is to contain a replacement for uy1 ( and ideally will run cuntoo . ) 1 will contain a 1u that holds
rk's. this gives 2 1u slots remaining, they can be occupied by colo passengers, if these stand up and wish to ride , or pizarro irons, at BingoBoingo's option.
shinohai: Yeah, I haven't a
rk yet to try, that may come in few weeks
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Rather than a
rk, shinohai cuntoo'd and AMD E-300 (AMD 64) laptop
mircea_popescu: ok so basically so far the situation's that shinohai managed to get trinque's sig to match on a
rk but not an intel lappy, while diana_coman mod6 hanbot failed to get it to match on a diverse set of items (laptop, desktop, racked box).
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I am going to head down to the basement to put two old
RK drives in dulap for zeroing and to retrieve the USB to SATA cable for zeroing the rust