395 entries in 1.169s
diana_coman: it's ok, now I see where I had it wrong, got confused re start/end on the RK; it's fine as it is, thank you BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: But RK health seems a low priority at present
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At some point I will have to check the Rockchips for casualties. The load shifting on the way out of Latecho had the RK plant take some paint off of the smaller switch which had served it.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: right, but mp_en_viaje is also right, i dun have a heavy-industry grade operation atm. possibly after successfully serving blog-grade rk's etc such as yours, for a while, can build 'tower of go-for-broke'.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 11:10:55 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-23#1947786 << i'd luvv to see an l1 rack in ro, spyked ! keep in mind tho that asciilifeform 'cheats', has long existing experience buying irons, automated filler for rk's, many yrs in salt mines where set up, maintained, racks of irons, networkisms.
asciilifeform: for mp_en_viaja, i have the choice of 1) standard rk, cum znc 2) apu1 w/ 1gb samsung ssd, cum znc, and in fact prepared trb on it also.
asciilifeform: can i persuade mp_en_viaje to take a (pro bono!) bouncer rk in asciilifeformstein ?
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-23#1947786 << i'd luvv to see an l1 rack in ro, spyked ! keep in mind tho that asciilifeform 'cheats', has long existing experience buying irons, automated filler for rk's, many yrs in salt mines where set up, maintained, racks of irons, networkisms.
asciilifeform: this 1 is on a rk. so e.g. search is palpably slower. but (presently) worx.
asciilifeform: ( concretely : 4 'dulap'-style units , while (w/ mp_en_viaje-corrected set of constants) putting op +240 in +ev, in fact exhausts the energy allotment (not overruns, but leaves room only for rk plant.) and there already were requested, counting everyone who answered, tentatively 4 dulap's worth . (5 if counting shared-box) . )
asciilifeform: ( and right in re rk in draft 1 being catastrophically underpriced )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo and mp were right, btw, it appears that a well-populated rk fixture (and, possibly, shared-machine) are the only way to actually cross that bridge w/out further raising subscriber colo charge.
asciilifeform: on top of this, i have a gentoo for'em; an automated system for provisioning; and rk is 'most cpu for the watt' box that i'm currently aware of, is imho excellent fit for a wattage-constrained initially small tower.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: re rk -- i included rk plant from the following logic : 1) it was best-selling product in era of piz 2) i am sitting on a crate of brand-new rk that did not get invoiced to piz or get to fly 3) pre-existing interest ( e.g. diana_coman's ) in inexpensive www mirrors.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: and if it's not clear, this is not about my rk, the tiny-worth, no; it's mainly because I really don't want to move about s.mg servers again, it's been quite an intense week that post-pizarro implosion one.
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947558 << i considered pre-ordering ( it'll be 62, 14 for 1us and 48 for rk plant, i.e. a /26 ) but that'd be 200/mo vs the current baseline 25, and hesitated to do this until rack actually populated by paying customers, it is steep cost for an empty-for-indefinite-time rack.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-21 23:28:17 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The actual physical machine aspect and the potential frustrations involved in the detailed fingerwork of handling RK drives and cables, suggests a price floor may be in order.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re 'fingerwork' -- i've dismounted the rk's for the 1u earlier built for transport to piz , and they will live in a 'DIN' 2u subrack. so no moar finger gymnastics.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform-rk hosting is a 'turn-key' product, incl. gentooism, maintenance, debuggery as-req'd, etc
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: observe that i allotted 50/mo of catch-all overhead. this i expect will mostly go to maintenance of rk plant.
asciilifeform: a 256G 'dulap' potentially could house ~128 users at similar ram apportionment (but only 8 if each were to be allotted 4 cores as present in rk.)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: this is so. the current standard rk contains 2GB ram.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i think you know, i had rk provisioning ~100% automated.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The actual physical machine aspect and the potential frustrations involved in the detailed fingerwork of handling RK drives and cables, suggests a price floor may be in order.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: as for rk vs shared hosting, i actually prefer that folx live in rk, it is considerably easier to administer , each user gets actual physical machine where can do as he pleases.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lol, maybe 1% of it ( what was left trapped in that chest ? coupla rk ? )
diana_coman: asciilifeform: heh, the cute&lonely rk that could!
diana_coman: asciilifeform: hm, I suppose given the sad state of arm-as-testing-ground, I should even re-think whether rk is best home for blog; though honestly for what I need it so far strictly re blog it wasn't any particular trouble otherwise
asciilifeform: this appears to be rate-limited by rk ssd.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: before you go back to these -- is there a large file i can wget-test with from here , in ossasepia ? i'm curious re whether oceanic pipe is limit, or the speed of the rk ssd
ascii_rack: diana_coman: your box is sitting on the ip given in #o earlier. pings, but no www, iirc you had manually-controlled www revvup on that rk.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: meanwhile, i've successfully decoded and unpacked your rk backup. it will go into brand-new rk today.
asciilifeform: ( rk, however, lacks ecc. but also much smaller footprint for particle. )
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-18#1946473 << this is good idea. i'ma obtain the necessary physical pieces for ~that~ after properly serviced existing queue ( diana_coman's demo rk ; correct and rational price summary )
asciilifeform: diana_coman already requested rk, it will be installed immediately when get key.
asciilifeform: ( already diana_coman requested rk. so must fill. )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: can't fathom wai you'd want it instead of rk, tho, unless want gigantic sata disk
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It requires very little of anything. It si something that could probably fit on pogo if pogo wasn't physically bulkier than RK
asciilifeform uncrated just nao the ssd for diana_coman's rk, and the mount. it'll be the 1st box going in.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: can you make this happen by saturday ? would like to get diana_coman's rk standing up immediately when router, hoses, etc. emplaced.
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-17#1946050 << there will be a set of 'din rails' for expandable-on-demand, properly ventilated rk plant. already purchased .
asciilifeform reserving 3 whole u for rk (up to 48 will fit...) in experimental cage. and folx encouraged to install e.g. 'bouncers' -- the sooner find out what kinda flood this thing will eat, the better imho
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: not essential, then will put standard asciilifeform-rk kernel , and correct if necessary.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: an exact image copy of my piz rk would be great (saving the reinstall of all sorts)
asciilifeform: diana_coman: if you'd like an exact image copy of your old rk, we can work with BingoBoingo , could gpg . otherwise will be 'virginal' as described in my 'gentoo for rk' cookbook.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: you mentioned rk ; i've prepared an rk for you, using same type of ssd as prev. lemme know if you want a different type. it will be installed as soon as i get keyz to the magick door and have the entrance router configged (it arrives, loox like, on fri. also)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile , kindergarten arithm: in machine rack (22u) 1 hole occupied by patch panel (1u), power strip (1u), then will need 1u moar of mains sockets , 1u for switch, 1u for shelf (entrance router, apu's) , 1u asciilifeform will reserve for own www box, leaving 16 holes ; in 1 , rk plant will live. 15 for the courageous among l1 .
diana_coman: and I still want to take a rk there, as soon as it's available really; atm my sad pile of isp idiots is only growing ,with not much useful to show for it.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: already purchased another 'octeon' to set up the entrance router + switch for wherever new asciilifeform cage built. and will start by emplacing apu1's & rk's , then anyone who has the courage to put box in heart of reich.
billymg: it would still be nice to get a copy of some of the directories on my old rk if i'm not too late
BingoBoingo: ATTN ALL: Latecho has silently disabled my access to the datacenter. All that remains in the rack per my last survey are 1. Switch for the incoming connection 2. less sophisticated switch serving RK plant 3. RK plant (minus drives) 4. Rails 5. A small mountain of network and power cables 6. Many Racknuts, mostly unsused 7. One platic tote box, empty
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: 16 ( 17, incl desk test bed ) rk. + a room fulla laboratory gear, such as is kept by fella who never even in nightmare pictured to run a dc.
asciilifeform: 0 charge 'per ip', could house e.g. rk orchestra.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 16:36:01 diana_coman: asciilifeform: dunno, maybe s.nsa could sell hardware including rk plants? for me asciilifeform-seal is worth something really.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 16:36:01 diana_coman: asciilifeform: dunno, maybe s.nsa could sell hardware including rk plants? for me asciilifeform-seal is worth something really.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 16:36:01 diana_coman: asciilifeform: dunno, maybe s.nsa could sell hardware including rk plants? for me asciilifeform-seal is worth something really.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform and everyone else: All disks are out of the rack with the exception of the RockChip kernel SD cards. Maybe a couple of unused RK spare are hiding in the bilge box. A variety of miscellaneous was recovered as well including the KVM, a couple handfuls of USD ttyls, the unsealed FUCKGOATs that were plugged into RockChips, and for sentimental value the Qntra/DNS server I flew into the country with because it's tiny ass fit in
diana_coman: asciilifeform: dunno, maybe s.nsa could sell hardware including rk plants? for me asciilifeform-seal is worth something really.
asciilifeform: important to get the disks tho, the rk people may want'em.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: rk per se is perhaps the least expensive piece in there, asciilifeform for instance is sitting on a crate of 16 new ones right here and presently nfi what to do with'em
asciilifeform: iirc at least 1 had a trb noad going on rk .
asciilifeform: as for why anyone would want an rk back -- potentially could colo'em , if you buy a 19in box (20bux or so) . most colo outfits dun give a damn what you colo so long as it hangs on the rail .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: rk's i suggest to be offered to their current inhabitants for cost of postage. ( and if anyone would rather have the disk stick cremated, oughta indicate, and it then added to the pyre ) . the rk's per se have no writable storage aside from the sd & stick .
mp_en_viaje: and before that, had one rk ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: since last rk sold. which is iirc august.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If you want to do a slow growth thing and try to recoup some Bitcoin, I don't see what is keeping you from finishing your second RK plant and finding it a lower cost basis/better value pipe eurocolo.
lobbes: interesting. I would entertain the idea of buying the rk I am renting (depending on cost of course)
asciilifeform: incl. rk.
asciilifeform nao stuck figuring out what to do with 15 rk's...
asciilifeform: dulap also served e.g. the rk example image, 2.5GB, downloaded by lotsa people w/ no ill effect on pipe
asciilifeform: ( hence why asciilifeform set to work to build a 15 unit 2nd rk plant )
asciilifeform: the rk was the 1 product where demand outstripped supply consistently.
asciilifeform: there were ( BingoBoingo may have exact # ) several people queued for rk.
asciilifeform: there's several people on rk who have FG.
mp_en_viaje: at the very least both smg servers need it, which is what, 2 out of 5 colo'd machines, with the rk making up another 1/3 of pizarro business ?
asciilifeform: the rk people are specifically there because they do not want 'rando vps'.
asciilifeform: with the modest ram, not a rk competitor, but potentially useful for other applications ( has 3 serial ports, so can eat FG ) ; runs 'pogo'-style linux, so can stuff even classic gpg in ; can have nic plug attached, so potentially even host small net proggies ; pulls coupla milliwatt, so could work in radio relays or similar.
asciilifeform has been doing decidedly 'unsexy' chores -- testing rk's , and making lotsa small holes in aluminum...
snsabot: Logged on 2019-07-26 10:17:04 dorion: ty mp_en_viaje I am Robinson Dorion, the someone BingoBoingo mentioned had inquired about the rk. Plan is to sync a trb node there.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: is 'dinama' the same busybodies who tried to confiscate the replacement rk i sent you, for 'enviro pollution' ??
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: all 16 rk's are here nao.
asciilifeform: meanwhile: BingoBoingo : 1st crate of rk's is here.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-05-02 09:56:16 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-02#1910633 << there's actually not 1 but 2 'standard os' available in piz ( 'rk' and 'dulap' tarballs ) but both are stone age gentoos, they are obsoleted by cuntoo (when the latter is pronounced baked, but really even nao, it is impossible to e.g. 'emerge' packages on the vintage gentoo, the upstream package repos went full tard year ago )
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> a standard FG usb uartron can be used to talk to rk << Can it? You had me order a uart shipped here from the pastoral countryside
asciilifeform: trinque if you encounter any grrr re rk, put in the log, i'ma answer asap.
asciilifeform: a standard FG usb uartron can be used to talk to rk
asciilifeform: the primary win of closed 1u chassis for rk is proper, civilized forced air
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: my original plan included a serial-controlled relay board for rebooting individual rk. but nao thinking, just how often anyone asked to reboot ? do we need this ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: power supply (w/ nominally jp caps) for rk plant, bought
asciilifeform: trinque do you want a rk btw ? i have some spares here, can send you
asciilifeform: is actually why new rk plant -- will be sold to folx using conventional www stack etc, traditional softs, even trinque's vpnism idea, and the like.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile rk (16) + heat sinks bought. 1st major chunk of the new crate. 670 ($) . ( still need cabling, ps , the ssd's, and naturally to assemble. )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'ma still get 16 rk, 1 will be spare.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile i found a fitting GB switch. 1u plant will thereby house 15 rk .
asciilifeform: btw if e.g. rk plant gets eaten, lose considerably moar than ~1k, there's a great bit of hand-craft involved in making these.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'take decade to fill rack' is less of a problem than seems -- if could fully tenant e.g. 32 rk's or equiv, already pays for entire dc bill.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingostani customs is a circus one could almost write book about. they for instance didn't give a rat's arse re the 1us. but demanded to know why 6x 'high tech!111 omfg'-looking rk's in the carry-on. ( rk pilot plant was assembled on-site, in hotel... )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's a calculable function. 4 'heavy' (32cpu opterons) added up to just 5kg short of the max permitted 'overweight'. anything lighter (e.g. rk plant) poses no pain from mass pov. but the suitcases i (specifically) bought for expeditions, are in fact of max permitted phys. dimensions. (w/ 2 u in ea. + paddings and fixators.)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the ones for mircea_popescu , are looking to cost 1-1.5 k ($) ea. (still hunting for the exact machines we use, the old seller seems to have vanished) . rk plant will cost ~1k , not counting drives (and switch, which, grrr, not found yet!) for a plant of 16 subunits. the remaining 1u is to be apu1 (4x) , not drawn yet so i daren't say exactly what costs, expect also in vicinity of 1k (sans disk).
asciilifeform: 1u chassis actually fits 16 rk with comfortable air flow. and their ps. but no GB switch seems to exist, of requisite size, that'd fit inside, even if stripped of own chassis.