40 entries in 0.857s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile , kindergarten arithm: in machine rack (22u) 1 hole occupied by patch panel (1u), power strip (1u), then will need 1u moar of mains sockets , 1u for switch, 1u for shelf (entrance router, apu's) , 1u asciilifeform will reserve for own www box, leaving 16 holes ; in 1 , rk plant will live. 15 for the courageous among l1 .
diana_coman: asciilifeform: from bucharest with amd-love: amd opteron x2150 apu 4 cores 1.5GHz 8 GB ddr3, centos7
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo unless you have a specific objection , i'ma go with 2x opteron (as already specced!) + 6x rk + 4x apu 1 . ( despite lack of adult gnat for rk , it continues to sell, really is the closest thing we have to an in-demand item )
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-24 00:56:59 BingoBoingo: Tomorrow I am going to try the cuntoo genesis scripts on the test machine with a differrent set of found kernel configs while the Uruguayos play their annual independence day death race game. Then I'll ask alf if we have multithreading on ARM yet and suggest his next payload consist of either 4 full 1U AMD64 box, 2 1Ubox and 8 PCengines APU, or 3 1Ubox and 4 APU.
BingoBoingo: Tomorrow I am going to try the cuntoo genesis scripts on the test machine with a differrent set of found kernel configs while the Uruguayos play their annual independence day death race game. Then I'll ask alf if we have multithreading on ARM yet and suggest his next payload consist of either 4 full 1U AMD64 box, 2 1Ubox and 8 PCengines APU, or 3 1Ubox and 4 APU.
BingoBoingo: Ah, yeah the APU one with the msata slots
asciilifeform: btw interestingly, the folx who make apu* , price the apu1 higher than far moar recent box , w/faster specs, evidently we aint the only folx who like classical (i.e. pre-fritzchip ) g-series . ☝︎
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-05#1907037 <-- on the longer term, something along the lines of http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ice40 ; on the shorter, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=apu / http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rk ☝︎
BingoBoingo: APU can also be kitted to Gutenburg mirror with appropriate drives and ECC RAM
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: apu is something rather like a x64 rk.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: apu wins substantially on 1 score -- it can eat ~3~ msata ssd's
asciilifeform: the apu loses on physical space ( it takes the sq. metrage of 6 rk , just by itself ) and cost ( +30% over rk ) aand naturally x86itude.
asciilifeform: and in apu -- 2. but apu still cleans its clock for most processes, oddly enuff (tho not by large margin)
mod6: i should also mention that shinohai's working cuntoo is a APU box - not intel.
asciilifeform: trinque: apu really oughta be run with an in-rom kernel
BingoBoingo: It's something to look out for. Perhaps you could look into maximum desity apu traying too danielpbarron
a111: Logged on 2017-12-03 07:21 mats: http://www.calexium.com/en/blog/entry/45-ports-network-appliance-with-pc-engines-apu-and-deloc-network-card-into-cxm-case1blk-case.html
mats: http://www.calexium.com/en/blog/entry/45-ports-network-appliance-with-pc-engines-apu-and-deloc-network-card-into-cxm-case1blk-case.html ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Could also do humble blade around PC Engines APU board. Idea is minimal viable machine for lord of aspiring lordling to make home while possessing root login.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-03 15:32 asciilifeform: btw : truly, genuinely spiffy pc mobos ( e.g. pcengines 'APU' series ) have ~on-board ttl serial port pins~
asciilifeform: btw : truly, genuinely spiffy pc mobos ( e.g. pcengines 'APU' series ) have ~on-board ttl serial port pins~ ☟︎
BingoBoingo: I'm thinking u1 rackmount formed aluminum sheet with fans on face apu chasis affixed to sheet, unless alf shares his recipe.
BingoBoingo going to pick up a PCENGINES apu to play with, Ubiqiti has distributors in Brazil, exploring best way to acquire boxes
a111: Logged on 2017-10-22 05:49 BingoBoingo: PCENGINES APU not so cheap), VPS 3x+ cost basis. Misc weird (i.e. hand courier and colo 32 bit SPARC machine) billed in proportion to time they take from providing excellent customer service and 2x cost basis for livng space.
BingoBoingo: PCENGINES APU not so cheap), VPS 3x+ cost basis. Misc weird (i.e. hand courier and colo 32 bit SPARC machine) billed in proportion to time they take from providing excellent customer service and 2x cost basis for livng space. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674280 << don't forget that you can put a holy 2-stroke in the secret apu slot of the slavecycle at the ghetto craft table and walk away with the prized freedombike! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so then, main weakness of apu is that it is useless for networking.
mircea_popescu: the apu's ?
deedbot: Framedragger rated gizmolearner 1 << apu etc. tinkerer / new blood
Framedragger: !!rate gizmolearner 1 apu etc. tinkerer / new blood
asciilifeform: walter: afaik the last chip that worked 100% correctly on 'coreboot' was amd G-series 'APU'.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: prototyped on one of these, https://rhomberg.org/images/apu-oberseite.jpg
ascii_butugychag: the pce apu is actually my favourite amd64 box of all time
asciilifeform: phf: i have not personally tried openbsd on them. but note that if you buy the 'apu' model, must also buy the metal tin. there are no screwholes for heat sink. it is pressed on by the board mounting upside-down in its native tin case.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.vgamuseum.info/images/zaatharen/amd/APU/E350D_mobo.jpg << mine. the socketed eeprom is under the white 'e350m1' sticker above the pcie slot.
assbot: PC Engines apu system boards ... ( http://bit.ly/1HtmS06 )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.pcengines.ch/apu.htm << it
assbot: PC Engines apu system boards ... ( http://bit.ly/1JL2POd )
ascii_field: http://www.pcengines.ch/apu.htm << i've been using these for various x86y things
BingoBoingo remembers fuckers Spz. AMD APU's would be the mining be all and end all and they don't even register seriously for the weird alt hash functions