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fluffypony: "[00:20:08] <~spacenerf> lot of people made PGP'alikes using this shniz, most of which are difficult to deal with/possibly broken on some platforms etc"
Diablo-D3: last time I had to authenticate on gribble I needed to sign a message with my pgp key
jurov: ah so. but it's the same with pgp. if you swet expiry date as they recommend
nubbins`: i was just floating the idea of bespoke t-shirts with one's public pgp key printed on the front
nubbins`: i mean, i've even got pgp-signed docs from casascius with md5 checksums of scans of the coins he sent me... but that doesn't stop me from making fakes with the same addresses
nubbins`: at least a shirt with your pgp key would have some utility
nubbins`: comes with a pgp-signed chain of custody too, natch
mircea_popescu: (guy tied to chair with soldering iron up his butt, face of agony. pgp signatures on the back wall)
mircea_popescu: dub i agree indeed you might like such surety, i still believe you'd rather check with gribble than with the pgp wot
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Should people really still be using PGP as an acronym. I figure it is better to bury it with GPG references.
ozbot: Assessing The State Of PGP Keys With Phuctor | Mike the Crypto Goat
mircea_popescu: http://mikethegoat.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/assessing-the-state-of-pgp-keys-with-phuctor/
dub: that same weeny is probablt fine with accessing his pgp keys on an internet cafe kiosk
kakobrekla: 23:50.17 ( pgp ) question: is there anything preventing the creation of a transaction for 0 BTC, < yes, with 0.8xx theres a min set... cant have txes smaller than i dont remember howmany satoshi
asciilifeform: pgp: "fundamental" problem implies that it could not be dealt with other than by breaking the protocol, no?
mircea_popescu: so bill gates is making a mpex clone complete with pgp and everything.
mircea_popescu: benkay there was some pretty good discussion with pgp on this, lemme d ig
KRS1: i'm with you pgp
mircea_popescu: pgp so what, have trade engine check with clearing ?
mircea_popescu: pgp i wouldn't mind working with one.
MJR_: i'm going to lunch with darren pgp
gwillen: pgp: if you bought with BTC or with dollars you would have put into BTC, I think you lose
gwillen: pgp: if you bought with dollars you weren't otherwise going to use to buy BTC, I think you get pretty much a wash
mircea_popescu: pgp the budding bitcoin entreprewhatevers still have much more basic issues, such as for instance dealing with their daddy complexes
mircea_popescu: pgp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHrt7Fc99Eo there. with music.
smickles: pgp: if you're still having issues with the websites, use assbot or mpexbot
mircea_popescu: pgp the reason is they're mixing bizdev with the fee schedule.
gesell: smickles: yeah mpexbot... so it could be that just as mpex forces people to understand that the odd security model is better (and forces people to learn why and learn what pgp is) maybe it is of value to force them to use a different interface in a similar way. but the cause and effect is not as clear with the Web vs Mpexbot, as it was with the gpg protocol
Josh_Rossi: but i already set up a script to do it with pgp
mod6: Hey all. So I think I'm just gonna play with this thing a bit today, but it should be a lot less testing in here. I'm gonna change this thing so when it just sits in here, it looks for a msg from the owner defined by a pgp keyid and it'll verify with gribble via keyid & hostmask & if authenticated currently.
jurov: doctor_pullfinge, since pgp is used,coinbr has no way to tamper with your orders nor replies
Diablo-D3: I fucking pgp encrypt it with a passphrase, and then upload it to multiple VPSes
mircea_popescu: put it on the same line with -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
mjr__: it's funny though, my friend who i work with is so impressed with nomura because they use pgp
jurov: unless they do it like my bank... sends emails with pgp signature.. but pubkey is nowhere to be found
mod6: Even with BitOTTer, the users will have to know how to use PGP (gpg) tools to use it though. So learning this is still required.
mod6: ate up a bunch of time too, now the code reads in the private key, will ask the user for a passphrase to encrypt the private key with, then that will be used to decrypt when needed to read in the priavte key upon launch. this will be a different passphrase that is used with the PGP private key itself, of course.
mircea_popescu: with a laboratory user test to evaluate whether PGP 5.0
nanotube: kuzetsa: that said, you can use pgp whenever you need gpg, with gribble. i.e., pgp eauth works just as well as gpg eauth. :)
Diablo-D3: the bonds will be "physical" certs that are digitally signed with a single use pgp key
Diablo-D3: all numbered and signed with a pgp key used only for this and then locked away in a vault
mod6: the users PGP PublicKey and MPEx PublicKey can stay as they are. no need to do anything with those at all.
Diablo-D3: how about I write a story about how the rothchilds have a pgp contract with lucifer the morningstar, their god, and thus end the world
smickles: well, a contract was written up. I expected it to be double signed with pgp sigs, but they ended up printing it and using physical sigs
tonikt: You just download an archive with the entire history of your assets transaction - it's a zip file with PGP signed contracts inside and the keys
OneEyed: so I'm quite familiar with the "trust" problem at hand (+, I've been using PGP then GPG for ~20 years, since Phil Zimmermann's first releases that I got from Usenet)