48 entries in 0.483s
BingoBoingo: The big difference between Haiku and ReactOS is in Haiku
spreading works (TM)(R). Reactos hasn't made it that far yet.
mircea_popescu: sovietism A LOT more adaptable, adapted self right into fucking grave, with a whole lotta "
spreading works"
mircea_popescu: this then induces two possible errors in aproach. the situation where the solution is over-span, which we generally call "overengineered" ; and the situation where the solution is under-span, which is pluriously referenced as jwz's error, but is not substantially different from
http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=spreading+works or the airplane that can take off, and flies well, but can't land.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you stiumbled on a fine example of "
works". do not add coal to soil you plan to cultivate.
phf: and it's definitely ~not~ the case of
spreading works. python made a very right and sane distinction between strings and bytes. and the interaction of the two requires awareness. the mistake that they made is to make the conversion implicit, which lets people pretend like underlying problems don't exist, and when it breaks ~like it should~ blame it on python
davout: in other words: "
spreading works"
pete_dushenski: "“There’s all kinds of reasons why we should be using and enjoying our pulses more. They’re affordable, they’re nutritious, they have a great source of protein, they have a low environmental footprint,” Stewart said." <<
spreading works !
assbot: Logged on 13-12-2015 17:04:29; mircea_popescu: this is why dudes hang out with bitches (hey, she might not be pliable to me, but she sure as fuck ain't pliable to anyone else - so that's 50%.
mircea_popescu: this is why dudes hang out with bitches (hey, she might not be pliable to me, but she sure as fuck ain't pliable to anyone else - so that's 50%.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "the onlyt way we'll go past
works is once all alternatives are exhausted"
mircea_popescu: note that both
spreading and eating
works. so there is that.
assbot: You rated user danielpbarron on 29-Jul-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes:
Works at
spreading teh words..
undata: decimation: that only
works if you accept the freedom-
spreading justification