582 entries in 0.67s
jurov: so putin should give kurils to japan too
decimation: I guess putin isn't happy with having a 'near abroad' anymore
mircea_popescu: oh, no, it's just that putin i mean roberts "does not understand how the world works"
BingoBoingo: There is 3 dimensional chess occuring in Europe right now between Western Europe, Putin and the relative absence of the US. Pretty much everyone is pissed at / keeping an eye on Americans who are career US gvt. (Never fear - we were military and are now Contractors - no 3 letter agencies here...).
decimation: obviously Putin et.al. are convinced that any western opposition is going to be weak and divided. I suspect he even has tacit approval from Germany
decimation: BingoBoingo: agreed. The same "anti-"communists now hate Putin because he represents everything they hated about Soviet fascism. This is why usg has such an irrational policy vis-a-vie Russia
youtubetard: yea...Putin seems to be very fond of the ole days
ryguy_`: its fun watching putin deflect like bruce lee with a hand behind his back
pete_dushenski: iirc le putin is banning gmo crud in his fair land, if the sanctions aren't doing it first
assbot: Putin Punks West (Again): Russian Troops Enter Ukraine, Guardian Reports | Zero Hedge
HeySteve: because http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-14/putin-punks-west-again-guardian-reports-russian-troops-enter-ukraine
mircea_popescu: you have politics/current affairs, which are mostly a bunch of who we're calling the bad things this week, putin "doesn't understand how the world works" for having dared to humiliate our beloved leadership bimonthly for the past year, and israelis are whatever and on and on
mircea_popescu: "Vladimir Putin has made a complete mockery of delusional US foreign policy yet again, this time anulling in one fell swoop decades of attempts to isolate Iran by signing a 700bn ruble deal".
pete_dushenski: "Vladimir Putin has attempted to sidestep Western sanctions on Russia’s energy sector by signing a $20bn trade deal that could see his country become the largest importer of oil from Iran."
bitcoinpete: "North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is reportedly furious about a Chinese viral video that photoshops him into all manner of ridiculous scenarios: dancing, brawling, riding a pig, frolicking with Osama Bin Laden, and generally being made a laughingstock by Obama and Putin."
bitcoinpete: "if we discount the pavlovian conditioning, the only conclusion is that the entire news cycle pertaining to the downing of the Malaysian airliner is orchestrated in order to lay the blame on Putin."
mircea_popescu: lmao. so let me get this straight, if putin v2.0 decides to visit the us, they'll know ?
thickasthieves: “The US is certainly one of the world’s leaders. At some point it seemed that it was the only leader and a uni-polar system was in place. Today it appears that is not the case. Everything in the world is interdependent and once you try to punish someone, in the end you will cut off your nose to spite your face" ~ Putin
assbot: Putin, Kirchner seek 'multipolarity' in Argentina visit - Yahoo News
mircea_popescu: http://news.yahoo.com/putin-eyes-argentine-energy-third-stop-latam-tour-175220992.html;_ylt=AwrBEiLGTcJTIl8AKwvQtDMD
assbot: Ukrainian Astronomers Officially Name a Star "Putin is a D-ckhead" - Cheezburger
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/unii-sunt-putin-luati-da-altii-saracii-sunt-luati-rau-de-tot-mai-frate/
assbot: Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad | Zero Hedge
bitstein: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-06-18/putin-advisor-proposes-anti-dollar-alliance-halt-us-foreign-aggression + http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2248419 = much fun for bitcoin
assbot: ClubOrlov: The Madness of President Putin
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-madness-of-president-putin.html << herr orlov on pussyriot etc
assbot: Pussy Riot - Putin will teach you how to love / - YouTube
mircea_popescu: putin has the disadvantage of being actually stuck ruling the thing
decimation: so it would seem that putin is also sending a message about women by caging them
mircea_popescu: putin gets this, incidentally.
assbot: Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad | Zero Hedge
chetty: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-06-18/putin-advisor-proposes-anti-dollar-alliance-halt-us-foreign-aggression
decimation: perhaps the fate of the US is to have a "russian 90's" and then see a putin-like figure arise. I kinda doubt it though, because of the intense allergy us folk have to anyone telling them what to do
jurov: BingoBoingo: today the potus was in normandy on 70th anniversary, with putin, merkel, queen elizabeth and everyone, live tv.. i thought it would be the best setup for alien strike, but sadly nothing such happened
moiety: Mats_cd03: Putin's acceptance.
mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny tho, you know ? russia invades the ukraine, let's downvote putin's facebook profile
decimation: at least Putin is able to put motorcycle thugs to useful work in Ukraine
assbot: Putin's rockin' & rollin' on a Harley Trike - YouTube
decimation: well, that seems to be working for Putin
mircea_popescu: "It is almost as if someone (a quite wealthy and powerful someone) has material interests that diverge with those of the Obama administration, and hence converge with those of Putin. Alongside the emerging China-Russia axis, keeping tabs on just how close to Russia Germany is willing to get, is easily the most notable story in the entire Ukraine conflict."
assbot: Vladimir Putin Is A Hockey Superstar (Because No One Will Defend Him)
BingoBoingo: http://deadspin.com/vladimir-putin-is-apparently-a-scoring-machine-on-the-i-1574773039
ThickAsThieves: mike_c, yes putin this week
mike_c: stalin? either that, or putin said it yesterday?
ozbot: Putin On The Ritz - Andrew Wyeth Neal - YouTube
bitcoinpete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNJeZCZQ96M <<putin on the ritz
chetty: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/putin-passes-law-requiring-38bln-security-payments-from-visa-mastercard/499532.html
mircea_popescu: putin the redbeard, the norwegian rapist cum invader ?
jurov: BingoBoingo they don't necessarily favor Russia, they know well who Putin is
BingoBoingo: The same thing that gives Putin his good fortune enables America's golden toilets thus.
BingoBoingo: Putin could have crimea and Eastern Ukraine because the people already favor Russia.
BingoBoingo: See this is the genius of Putin in Crimea and the enablement of US golden toilets all rolled into one.
fluffypony: "President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called the Internet a CIA project"
fluffypony: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_RUSSIA_PUTIN_INTERNET?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
bounce: haven't really paid attention to exactly what putin said in response to snowden, but them russkies don't appear to engage in dragnet-and-store type surveillance. they know very well who they're after and they're good at it, if not very subtle.
BingoBoingo: benkay: I'm just thinking of what Putin is doing in Ukraine vs. Bush-Obama in the US. It's going to force a lot of soul searching at the top of the US about the essence of being a super power when mapped onto results.
mircea_popescu: "Of course we had our servicemen behind the self-defense units of Crimea," Putin said during an annual televised call-in with the nation on Thursday.
mircea_popescu: wonder how long before people start going "o putin is behind this!"
mircea_popescu: fluffypony well yeah, it's sort-of like putin's surprising resilience in spite of being declared crazy.
BingoBoingo: My hypothesis on why Putin can't understant how the world works though is that the world just doesn't work because it has no benefit from doing so.
mircea_popescu: i guess may account for why putin "doens't understand how the world works".
mircea_popescu: when forumanon says of mp what obama&co say of putin, we know we're living in the best of possible worlds.
mircea_popescu: who, putin ?
decimation: pat buchanan has some good posts on Taki's mag: http://takimag.com/article/is_putin_one_of_us_patrick_buchanan
Apocalyptic: chetty, they should have picked the photo of Putin on his bear imo
VanCleef: speaking of media propaganda the funnest ones i seen was yesterday or the day before, but all american media groups were saying putin called obama about ukraine because putin is weak and looking for an exit
mircea_popescu: so putin threatens to fuck them up with the energy, quickly the propaganda brigade is out there with preparatory statements
benkay: just contri-putin
mircea_popescu: after which, "putin is satan"
mircea_popescu: inching along towards the "putin doesn't give a shit about the way i think the world should work"
mircea_popescu: and in completely different yet very related news, "The problem, as the president explained it, is that Putin doesn’t understand how the world is supposed to work"
ozbot: Putin says Crimea showed 'new capacities' of Russian army - International - World - Ahram Online
BingoBoingo: http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/9/97749/World/International/Putin-says-Crimea-showed-new-capacities-of-Russian.aspx
VanCleef: Putin approval rating is higher in American than Obama
VanCleef: so Putin opened a new account at Rossiya and his monthly salary to be transferred there instead. lolz obama pwnd
VanCleef: talk shit about putin what do you expect?
mircea_popescu: and talk among each other about how "putin is living in a different world"
HeySteve: Putin tried to get a regional processing centre for credit cards several years back
VanCleef: Putin the next C.E.O of bitcoin
dignork: US is dropping sanctions in hope that people will revolt, and overthrow Putin, surely it will save lives
mircea_popescu: no i mean, what guy on your project, putin ?
mircea_popescu: radan putin ?
mircea_popescu: benkay putin launched a nuke
LordPutin: <3 Putin forever
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i wouldn't bet much on obama not feeding preet to putin's bear. yezhov didn't live to grow old.
LordPutin: putin would never do some clowningshit like that
LordPutin: Putin is a true leader
Ghaleon_: who saw that Putin speech, was damn awesome
asciilifeform: the trial is about as likely as mr. putin personally hand-feeding preet bharara to bear
BingoBoingo: Putin might have some competition http://sploid.gizmodo.com/watch-the-chinese-air-force-bombing-the-yellow-river-to-1547130234
LordPutin: http://www.awsm.com/img/2010/vladimir-putin-riding-bear.jpg
LordPutin: i'm going to name my kid putin because i want him to grow up strong and handsome
Ghaleon: Europe sees how cool and fair Putin is... people r getting sick of the usa's meddling and hypocrisy
Ghaleon: Putin = THE MAN
LordPutin: Putin should just be the president of europe
ozbot: Putin: Crimea similar to Kosovo, West is rewriting its own rule book (FULL SPEECH) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: and if this is the next target for the suddenly found int'l cock of putin,
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform notrly, he doesn't have reddit comments going "reading putin's pr chick makes me physically hurt"
mircea_popescu: where's putin's hottie in ten inch heels ?
mircea_popescu: a steady stream of "putin takes stance on making kremlin toilets use recycled paper" bs would do wonders.