582 entries in 0.738s
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> no chance of it, either. < putin thinks otherwise.
mircea_popescu: as far as they're concerned, any stupidity they try is ok, "nobody could have foreseen it won't work" and it's putin's fault.
WolfGoethe: the usa mvoed in because cuba and russia were getting to close. putin foragev 32 billion bucks of cuba debt.. and wanted a prescense on the island
WolfGoethe: cuba sold putin out, the idiots... they will get a color revolution soon. the moment fidel dies
WolfGoethe: Putin doesn;t wanna go there tho. he is sitting back
WolfGoethe: i really think bitcoin could spike to a million bucks if Putin worked with China to answer the us economic attack. putin could just say he refuses to pay back their loans because of the sanctions and he could ask china to call in their us debt... the fed could just print cash to buy it up... but if china sold that debt to foreign governments... the fed could NOT print foreign currency.. so... overnight the dollar would collapse... not a shot
mircea_popescu: lol now that china is looking poised to reconstruct the entire world around shanghai, the english agitprop is talking of putin pawning russian national interest to beijing.
cazalla: nuva plane going missing, air asia this time, fkn putin wtf bro
gribble: Colour revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution>; Vladimir Putin: we must stop a Ukraine-style 'coloured revolution' in ...: <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/11243521/Vladimir-Putin-we-must-stop-a-Ukraine-style-coloured-revolution-in-Russia.html>; Putin says Russia must prevent 'color revolution' | (1 more message)
assbot: BBC News - Vodka prices: Putin calls for cap amid economic crisis ... ( http://bit.ly/1wGzldf )
assbot: Putin says “Fuck it, we’re switching to Bitcoin” ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8f0PP )
rithm: http://dailyhashrate.com/2014/12/18/putin-says-fuck-it-were-switching-to-bitcoin/
jurov: http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/europa/Gipfeltreffen-mit-Putins-fuenfter-Kolonne/story/30542701 << putin celebrated aas europe's savior from moral corruption
asciilifeform: http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/ws/660/amz/worldservice/live/assets/images/2014/12/06/141206063050_putin_poster_624x351_ap.jpg
mats: i wonder how putin feels about it
assbot: New York Times propagandists exposed: Finally, the truth about Ukraine and Putin emerges - Salon.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1sb7MD8 )
BingoBoingo: http://www.salon.com/2014/12/04/new_york_times_propagandists_exposed_finally_the_truth_about_ukraine_and_putin_emerges/ << lulzy
cazalla: jurov, have you not seen putin's thumbs up for titties?
jurov: if that's gonna happen, i fully expect putin to set on to properly and for once get rid of such moral depravity
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell asciilifeform here's a decent putin joke : "All Vovocika jokes are political jokes."
mats_cd03: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthecost/2014/11/russian-european-deadlock-2014113071046562676.html << bets on when Putin lets 'em freeze for a few weeks?
decimation: well to be fair, putin can live off of massive mineral wealth to some degree
pete_dushenski: basically goes over the many ways putin has figured out capitalism better than almost anyone else.
assbot: Agency Goes To The Active, Or How Putin Doesn’t Understand How The World Works. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7jyF )
pete_dushenski: anyways, this dovetails into today's article: http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/30/agency-goes-to-the-active-or-how-putin-doesnt-understand-how-the-world-works/
mircea_popescu: well inasmuch as something still exists for putin to run over, neither has russia "starved to death" ?
mircea_popescu: the entire "putin doesn't understand how thwe world works" and "oh horror x! oh horror y!" is really the voice of a deconstructed postmodern intellect confronted with the sheer obscenity of reality.
BingoBoingo: Sure, but if Obola can have Costana, Putin can have a naval base just outside of Guantanamo
BingoBoingo: Eh, Putin just needs to cozy up to Cuba
jurov: undata: there's parallels to sudetenland annexion and numerous other historical precedents.. it's very unlikely putin just stops there.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i said "because if you're reading the guardian&co, what you see there is coming out of the same sifon that yields the "putin is insane" spritz."
jurov: noo, mircea is pulling putin into the discussion
mircea_popescu: because if you're reading the guardian&co, what you see there is coming out of the same sifon that yields the "putin is insane" spritz.
mircea_popescu: which, you know, back when putin was merely pissing in the guy's mouth at public meetings, hey, i guess it's what people do, make this type of false claims.
mircea_popescu: all autumn they spent in this "o noes, bombama put teh hurts on putin!111"
jurov: btw, what else can putin do? taking care of the nation is not capable of enacting western definition of lawful order
nubbins`: "According to MacDonald, Putin did not respond positively. He didn't provide further details."
assbot: Stephen Harper at G20 tells Vladimir Putin to 'get out of Ukraine' - World - CBC News
nubbins`: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/stephen-harper-at-g20-tells-vladimir-putin-to-get-out-of-ukraine-1.2836382
cazalla: putin v aussie pm - http://i.imgur.com/orNOUF5.png
assbot: Logged on 12-11-2014 00:20:12; mircea_popescu: i don't see you churning out an article a week about how "evil nato" and "nice putin"
jurov: re:putin http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/in-depth/russia-says-fleet-of-warships-is-off-australia-for-climate-research/story-fnpebfcn-1227123047034?nk=944f472ed8ac245182d4622953d08019
cazalla: no idea, our pm said he was gonna shirt lift putin
cazalla: g20 is on and media are playing it off as putin versus our prime minister due to MH17
cazalla: aus media is talking up putin being here more so than obama
cazalla: putin has touched down!
cazalla: putin is due to land here within a few hours with obama due in the morning
mircea_popescu: he's definitely just as much an enemy as the wily putin, who clearly understands what bitcoin is all about, and is fighting it more efficiently than the us.
assbot: Putin Hits on China's First Lady, Censors Go Wild
punkman: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/11/10/putin_hits_on_china__first_lady_apec_censors_go_wild
mircea_popescu: i don't see you churning out an article a week about how "evil nato" and "nice putin" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: PeterL it's an expression, referencing the case when putin handed obimbo's butt to him for the nth time and the english propaganda yelled "putin doesn't understand how the world works!"
joecool: rastafarian putin
kakobrekla: speaking of Putin, if anyone doesnt know of, check out Rasputin.
assbot: Такого как Путин / One Like Putin, English Subs - YouTube
mircea_popescu: now you understand how the world works. unlike putin!
mircea_popescu: and if putin keeps hammering him in the head all over the middle east, your scrip may be as good as the confederate's.
thickasthieves: geez i like Putin
assbot: Putin at Valdai - World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules (FULL VIDEO) - YouTube
thickasthieves: vid pf the putin speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F9pQcqPdKo
thickasthieves: but yes, the Putin thing is mostly uncovered in us
assbot: Putin says Washington fails to respect the interests of other countries | Fox News
thickasthieves: <+asciilifeform> incidentally, not one word of this in u.s. papers. ---- http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/10/24/putin-accuses-us-undermining-global-stability-by-trying-to-dictate-its-will-to/
mircea_popescu: anyway, orlov's putin reads like mp. which i guess is a good thing for all those involved.
mircea_popescu: we are making it, right here, and it specifically excludes "russia" in the sense of "putin"
assbot: ClubOrlov: Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over
asciilifeform: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/10/putin-to-western-elites-play-time-is.html
asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VobIRxoulLg << performed by putin
asciilifeform: say mr putin drops 10000 btc in the piggy
asciilifeform: that you, i, mircea_popescu, putin, whoever, can read.
Vexual: did you hear what our elf of a leader said to putin?
mircea_popescu: you actually think this is what putin did ?! or russian prole thought he did ?!
mircea_popescu: undata: BingoBoingo: I'll read this but to continue, the Russians sought Putin's strong voice after their collapse. << not after, honey. a decade after. that decade is important.
undata: american putin doesn't look much like him
undata: why wouldn't I expect Americans to choose their own Putin
undata: BingoBoingo: I'll read this but to continue, the Russians sought Putin's strong voice after their collapse.
asciilifeform: at any rate, even if herr putin mailed me a ru passport as perverse birthday present, fat lot of good that would do. need a lot more than a passport to leave the 'big zone.'
jurov: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2595277 << putin already saving oil companies from pension funds? happens rather quickly
mircea_popescu: that was the first of since then numerous times putin shoved his cock in obama's butt.
mircea_popescu: "You'd think that Obama has already overplayed his hand, and should behave accordingly. His popularity at home is roughly the inverse of Putin's, which is to say, Obama is still more popular than Ebola, but not by much. He can't get anything at all done, no matter how pointless or futile, and his efforts to date, at home and abroad, have been pretty much a disaster. So what does this social worker turned national masco
mircea_popescu: undata> wouldn't... *using the thing* collect the data relevant to judging its performance? << YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS PUTIN!
assbot: Russian View: Why Putin Is Not Impressed | Wolf Street
bounce: love the punchline: http://wolfstreet.com/2014/07/21/russian-point-of-view-new-sanctions-wont-impress-putin/
bounce: apparently it was mr. reid who thought putin doesn't understand how the world works: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2014-03-27/html/CREC-2014-03-27-pt1-PgS1781-6.htm
mircea_popescu: you know who understands how the world works ? obama lmao. putin doesn't.
gribble: Russian View: Why Putin Is Not Impressed | Wolf Street: <http://wolfstreet.com/2014/07/21/russian-point-of-view-new-sanctions-wont-impress-putin/>; Why America doesn't understand Putin - The Washington Post: <http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-america-doesnt-understand-putin/2014/03/14/81bc1cd6-a9f4-11e3-b61e-8051b8b52d06_story.html>; Has Putin pulled military back from (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ;;google "putin doesn't understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: bounce putin doesn't understand how the world works.
bounce: http://gulfnews.com/news/region/iran/daesh-document-disclose-plans-to-seize-iran-s-nuclear-secrets-1.1394455 -- too bad it doesn't tell why they think putin would go along with what they want
mircea_popescu: and certainly the chinese have "problems" they never heard of. similarly to how putin "doesn't understand how reality works".
mircea_popescu: seemed to me putin's counter to the ukraine. fuck with us, lose the uk sorta deal.
mircea_popescu: for a guy that "doesn't understand how reality works", the situation in the field speaks well of putin.
nubbins`: putin is funnier the more i look
nubbins`: putin dgaf about helping the queen down the stairs
ThickAsThieves: i like that the putin drawing is a scanned bar napkin or sumth
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude imagine for the sake of science fiction, a putin that didn't lie. like, ever. he'd be spotless like warm milk foam.
mircea_popescu: putin is lying every chance he gets, what.
jurov: while putin never lied and never will
mircea_popescu: "putin doesn;t understand how the world works"
jurov: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/09/russia-putin-revolutionizing-information-warfare/379880/?single_page=true