471 entries in 0.865s
mircea_popescu: idiot example #2 : a trb which allows txn to be blocked by others than their issuers is ALSO a "way to do things" which doesn't in fact work, and therefore, exactly equivalent to the peter todd & prb idiots item
mircea_popescu: idiot example #1 : peter todd & prb idiots came up with "a way to do things", which does not in fact work. ☟︎
asciilifeform: would seem that these are a type of pseudonode / misc. attacker, that comes in two varieties, one aimed at recent prb (majority), the other -- more trb / old-prb - flavoured.
asciilifeform: lulzily we're banning ~100% of prb nao because they ~insist~ on shitting out 'alert' packets
asciilifeform: btw do the prb folk have parallelized block verify yet? or do they simply eat whatever garbage.
asciilifeform: PeterL: what part of 'prb does not own bitcoin protocol' is hard to grasp?
asciilifeform: !~later tell ben_vulpes the alert messages said 'URGENT: Alert key compromised, upgrade required.' iirc this was part of prb's scheduled retirement of the alert crapola.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, 'IN THE PURSUIT OF UNTHINK In order to let our collective curiosities be the ultimate guide in our journey to pursue the meaningful opportunities of tomorrow, we are always looking to assemble a talent pool, that is not just content with thinking differently, but thinks a whole lot differently. We like to call this phenomenon 'unthink' and Gaditek is 'where unthink is'.' ( http://www.gaditek.com -- runs a prb node. )
asciilifeform: 1. 'blackhole.' 2. tcpdump on two blackholed trb nodes. multitude of peers emitting 'ping, ping, ping...' and soaking up sockets. 3. hypothesis: killing socket hoggers will dissolve blackhole. 4. 'socket-hogging prb is responsible for blackhole condition'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu conflates, e.g., nodejs, prb -- vs alexa, ipnoje -- at his peril imho.
asciilifeform: btw how come i see 'Unable to decode output address' messages at blockchain.info ? i thought they had latest weirdo addr prb system
asciilifeform: i.e. if there is a mass of prb between us and miners.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, jurov , and anybody else still running old prb nodes for whatever reasons of their own -- note that you will no longer be able to connect to dulap. (or to zoolag, when i patch it. or to anybody else who includes this patch.)
mircea_popescu: originally, miner code got split off the main satoshi base sometime in 2011. there was a lot of back and forth between pre-trb prb node code and the node code miners used, but not that much in the past few years.
mircea_popescu: prb.wh != prb.sa != miner.backbone
asciilifeform: in re 'if you won't talk to prb, you won't hear from miners' thing.
mircea_popescu: as the "business" (in the sense of pretending to sv vc, that sorty of thing) portion of the larger prb ecosystem is running into a very marked bitcoin winter (recall, bitpay axed most of the crew a year ago), the ramen support for the "tech" side of prb (various mendacious scumbags like luke-jr, assorted imbeciles like taaki or that idiot who emailed the entire customer base the email addresses of the entire customer base, "p
mircea_popescu: at that point, the writhing horror (which you think of as prb) had about 10x as many loc as trb does ; by now it's 100x.
asciilifeform: whatthehell is 'prbnet' if not the swamp of prb nodes.
mircea_popescu: it won't actually break with prbnet, mostly because prbnet is not actually run on prb nodes. they just connect to it.
asciilifeform: btw mircea_popescu's old node declared 60000 compatibility. so it probably gets same treatment from prb peers
mircea_popescu: i thought we had thread re filtering out prb pings
asciilifeform: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.cpp?v=0.6.1rc1#2691 << prb 0.6.1rc1 introduced a 'heartbeat' mechanism, where a prb node seeing ver. > 60000 ( see http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/version.h?v=0.6.1rc1#0045 ) sends 'pings' and expects back 'pong'
mircea_popescu: ahaha. so basically... they give up, right ? unix-like ie 100% of the net infrastructure. prb is officially a toy, not to be run seriously.
mircea_popescu: "PRB should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not frequently tested on them."
asciilifeform: hanbot: i see ~0 reason to waste bandwidth on talking to prb.
BingoBoingo: Coding patch to simply say "no" to compact blocks and restore TRB/PRB communion would likely be trivial, BUT setting that precedent is impossibru
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kickbanning prb peers as soon as they disgorge a prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command) << Bloom isn't what disconnects most PRB nowadays. It is "BIP 151 compact blocks".
asciilifeform: also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kickbanning prb peers as soon as they disgorge a prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command)
asciilifeform: Run Moar Prb...
thestringpuller: no PRB nodes on the LAN
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: one other thing: is there a prb node also on your lan? it might have led to malleus banhammering of your ip.
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: the most i can imagine you'll learn about the differences between prb and trb without reading the source is that the latter doesn't have a gui
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: 0.8.something was the last prb i had working
asciilifeform: prb ?
davout: asciilifeform: trb is about keeping the core, prb is about "moar featurez"
asciilifeform: what i would like to do in this thread, is to ask folx to stop and think for half a minute about what differentiates trb from prb.
mircea_popescu: maybe we've all been "ejected from the open source community we participated in" aka prb ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes .8.6 what, prb ?
asciilifeform: with mtgox, he will, if he has half a brain, understand that he has 0 btc, but buncha promises. but with prb, might have delusion of control
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 01:05 adlai: calling it Bitcoin 2.0 is excellent blanding, prb are permastuck in 0.landia
adlai: calling it Bitcoin 2.0 is excellent blanding, prb are permastuck in 0.landia ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (yes, yes, "prb nodes will outcompete". sure. and reddit/wikipedia/etc outcompete us, totally.)
mircea_popescu: anyway, the great gain is that no two elements need/have write access to the same thing by this scheme. in point of fact one way to look at current trb/prb is to say that they have "write locks" on all the fucking time and deadlock.
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform idly wonders if prb is infested, yet, with automakeism << Monero is!
asciilifeform idly wonders if prb is infested, yet, with automakeism
a111: Logged on 2016-07-27 18:53 asciilifeform: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.cpp?v=0.10.0#0722 << still quite the same in prb 10 !!
asciilifeform: and observe, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-27#1510563 , the prb idiots did not ever dare to introduce eggoging-on-locktime-violated. because that there'd be a phork ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but as far as software design and business risk planning goes, importing any prb means locking in a certain future loss.
mircea_popescu: sooner or latter prb WILL be unwound. this is a certainty. just a matter of when.
asciilifeform: let'em live in the wild, with the wolves, with prb segshitness etc.
davout: asciilifeform: because it apparently didn't match whatever prb thought was a "minimum fee"
davout: no, but seriously, how many times did I beat prb into crafting txes it would give me unwarranted opinions about
davout: maybe you want to broadcast that transaction from mit prb nodes, up to you
davout: pretty much the only thing i personally need to be able to rm -rf all traces of prb from my boxen
asciilifeform: davout: why do you have a prb node, out of curiosity?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-30#1593841 << it's part of the not-being-prb business, not to foist changes that have ~any~ potential sharp edges on operator ☝︎
davout: i'm still curious what would make this kind of setup where i script "prb dumpblock | hex2bin | trb eatblock" much faster than syncing from network if the bottleneck is indeed the block verification?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-30 17:33 davout: jurov: because prb's dumped block format changed?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-30#1593682 << prb aint got dumpblock ☝︎
davout: so yeah, prb does have a way to dump a block to hex from a block hash, and a way to get a block hash from a height, looks like this could work
mircea_popescu: prb has dumpblock ?
davout: ah yeah, i'm currently syncing off ben_vulpes, i was wondering if dumping blocks from prb and then eating them with trb would work
davout: jurov: because prb's dumped block format changed? ☟︎
jurov: davout: you can sync only from prb 0.10.4 and earlier
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-30#1593472 <<< trb -> trb only possibru, or could prb -> trb also work? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:08 asciilifeform: also i see some 'connect() failed after select(): Connection refused' which iirc is bleeding edge prb kicking trb out
davout: i have a recent prb node on the same machine, but i'm not sure it's going to work, re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-29#1592875 ☝︎
asciilifeform: type2 ( pete_dushenski's ) is the garden variety shitflood. which is sometimes solved by ip ban, but only in the case of 'shrapnel addressed to occupant', i.e. idiot prb nodes wildly spamming crapolade, and not in the 'bullet with your name on it' case, where somebody actually has a sybil constellation drowning your trb node in liquishit, with no SINGLE ip misbehaving in any way ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway - properly indexing txn so that we deliver the full data set ; properly handling the blackhole thing will actually ruin prb because nobody's fuycking migrating to their new protocol.
jurov: ben_vulpes: prb 0.11 and newer insist on using improved protocol
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: any idea how prb identifies a trb node?
asciilifeform: also i see some 'connect() failed after select(): Connection refused' which iirc is bleeding edge prb kicking trb out ☟︎
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski there's really no good reason to not serve arbitrart txn data. the fact that "modern" prb nodes can't support this is entirely their doom.
asciilifeform: and so will the prb imbeciles, once we start sybiling them to death
asciilifeform: tor, prb, etc.
mircea_popescu: but in practice, should prb decide to come to sanity, the only avenue open to them is to... try and get their patches on the v tree.
mircea_popescu: kinda what prb "testnet" tries to be
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 18:08 thestringpuller: look i thought jgarzik's tweet about gpg dying was just an outlier of PRB nonsense but it's a plague now I've witnessed for myself, that is all
thestringpuller: look i thought jgarzik's tweet about gpg dying was just an outlier of PRB nonsense but it's a plague now I've witnessed for myself, that is all ☟︎
asciilifeform: this is because there is -- and afaik to this very day -- a thick layer of prb between any of us and any miner.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: last i recall, prb was 100% mit-powered
mircea_popescu: wasn't the prb devteam announcing dismal holdings last they talked about it ?
asciilifeform: '... we can change the packet version to TPACKET_V1 with packet_setsockopt() after init_prb_bdqc() has been executed and before packet_set_ring() has returned. ... When the socket is closed, packet_set_ring() will not delete the timer since the socket version is now TPACKET_V1. The struct timer_list that describes the timer object is located inside the struct packet_sock for the socket itself however and will be freed with a call to
asciilifeform: whole thing came from 'how do i negrate patches' or even 'negrate prb'
mircea_popescu: anyway. legacy prb clients need >10 minutes to disentangle that sorta shit fwiw.
asciilifeform: jurov: i must admit that it has been eons since i set up a prb, and the last one i tested was iirc 0.8.something (which worked with trb)
a111: 181 results for "prb", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=prb
asciilifeform: !#s prb
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-18#1569587 << it's a webwallet where , theoretically, 'anyone' can set up a mirror (just need prb and buncha other heathen soft) ☝︎
asciilifeform: trinque: there is 'nexus of hierarchy' where we, e.g., study writings of mircea_popescu because they make sense and worth respect. and there is the other kind of hierarchy, where prb makes dns query using usg.glibc and internic root server is hardbaked into the code.
asciilifeform: to have separate market, as in 'x prb == y trb coin', they gotta be circulatable separately
mircea_popescu: it's really just building prb complexity for no benefit. i can directly pay to them, they can't pay to me without adding an intermediate step where they desegwit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to peg as in a currency, 1 trb = 1 prb to start. may devalue as time goes by of course.
asciilifeform: the prb gambit, as far as i can tell, is to siphon as much coin as possible into a must-use-prb parallel world
mircea_popescu: doh. prb i mean.
asciilifeform: (summary: usg's most recent attempt to pound in the cock 'halfway', 'segwit', consists of prb churning out txen that result in 'anyone can spend' from trb pov, but miners are to 'agree never to process counter-softforkian tx', a la 'timelock' etc)
asciilifeform: prb, who.
asciilifeform: tangentially relatedly, did prb ever get around to ordering mempool tx by fee ?
asciilifeform: trb wallet is every bit as broken as prb wallet in this respect