659 entries in 0.581s
benkay: i suppose. does
polimedia srl's corporate structure provide for funding MPEx?
smickles: tiberiusiv: aslo, from what i've read of the
polimedia financials, most of his money used to come from consulting
dub: dig @
polimedia.us ANY +short
mod6: dig @a.cctld.us
polimedia.us ANY << so if you dig here, you get the forward zone, its just the gtld-servers that don't return a valid pointer
dub: except we cant reach mpex or
polimedia dub: anyone this doesnt work for do: dig +trace
dub: if I cant resolve soa for
polimedia.us im not goign to be able to ask ns1/2.
polimedia.us how to get there
polimedia.us not resolving
dub: and
polimedia is not resolving
benkay: midnightmagic: have you read
benkay: you might want to read
polimedia MJR__: yeah I miss
polimedia Anduck: well i googled
polimedia.us and people seems to be complaining about SPAM EMAILS from your domain
polimedia stands on its own, it's a website on the internet.
Anduck: i just googled it and seems like ppl keep on complaining getting weird emails from
Anduck: what does
polimedia.us in fact do then?
Anduck: mircea_popescu:
polimedia.us is some sort of spamming service?