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trinque: victoria
nuland, that's so good.
BingoBoingo: In other lulz,
Nuland denied a visa to Russia
a111: Logged on 2018-11-06 16:25 asciilifeform: reads like straight
nuland mircea_popescu: possibly infantile temper tantrum by whatever
nuland cunt they have now.
mircea_popescu: phf i have nfi that such a thing as post-structuralism happened in ru. at any rate prior to
nuland help.
mp_en_viaje: ben_vulpes, yeah, the saudi genius dood's plan worked as wel las if
nuland made it.
nuland sharing a cell with rice will be a pleasant development on the way to obama-in-FPC-montgomery
mircea_popescu: but anyway -- was a major victory for the us dept of
nuland, because thsi was the first time local aristocracy actrually got the black treatment. guy took it verypersonal, tried to shoot self, had a hole in jaw for a while.
mircea_popescu: but yes, i will say pirate, for all his warts, dpb, fucktarded ustard teen as he was, and the whole rest of the menagerie are better people than pick your pick. obama. hillary.
nuland. whatever 5k dickless drones are sitting around wash dc offices reading this now. all of everyone
nuland-soros wasting their us fed acct on the local whores, more or less.
mircea_popescu: you hear that
nuland ? you ain't got the resources to compete. not good enough.
mircea_popescu: incidentally - every time they let a woman near secrets it blew up. there's rice. there's
nuland. there's clinton. that's almost all of them.
mircea_popescu: and the mcdonalds happy meal diet clearly isn't agreeing with
mircea_popescu: ческим флагом национального самоопределения." approximately translates to "fuck you
mircea_popescu: hint : you're well aware that eliberation is not necessarily the path to freedom.
nuland's all about eliberations after all :D
mircea_popescu: but
nuland's ukraine coup failed so spectacularly it's contending with the iran contra affair.
mircea_popescu: whatever mini-
nuland is in charge does not understand that there are forces more powerful on the field, who "do not understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: anyway, salon and the derpage is entirely irrelevant to why and wherefore "we knew all along" and saw through the
nuland bullshit from day one.
mircea_popescu: <BlueMeanie4> in engineering these problems << the agenda is, "send
nuland to dance naked in teh lubyanka. we didn't think the ukraine posturing was funny."
mircea_popescu: because if one can joejob people this way ima put
nuland in prison on federal drug charges ?
mircea_popescu: given that clams are somewhat intelligent, is a large enough collection of clams more intelligent than victoria
nuland ?
mircea_popescu: right, which is how you know he's just realpolitiking all over
nuland's face, ass and tits.