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diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I suppose there is also the same question applied potentially to the FG and
FFA then; but fwiw I digested
FFA as well as I could and I still think it is a gem, perhaps a pearl better put: quite the result of successive spinnings/polishings
diana_coman: well, there IS on one hand the
FFA gem that has however come after the initial projection that he'll do consulting for smg and so I'll have what to use rather than write eucrypt with the salvaged-mpi (though he salvaged that at least)
mp_en_viaje: so no, i couldn't give less of a shit as things stand right now if
ffa is "properly completed" or not ; nor if "more material" is made available as unqualified scribbles on trb code.
diana_coman: ftr I consider
FFA mandatory for #o & rather entry level at that but so far people still need to excavate selves to get to that entry level even.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: if you start to study
ffa, dun hesitate to ask asciilifeform to help as you go in. << will do!
mod6: I have a whole list of things I wanna do; actually. Like, finally spend the time I need on all things
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 22:26:36 asciilifeform: in related grrs, asciilifeform recently attempted backport of mircea_popescu's selector knob to own wp, but broke teeth cuz it dun know how to cross paragraphs, and i have '9000' multi-para selections, esp. in
ffa series where coad
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 02:24:17 asciilifeform: it was enheartening tho when diana_coman ate
ffa 1-19 and commented. apparently it was edible by at least 1 . (even if took a maffs doctor )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 02:24:17 asciilifeform: it was enheartening tho when diana_coman ate
ffa 1-19 and commented. apparently it was edible by at least 1 . (even if took a maffs doctor )
mp_en_viaje: reading diana_coman 's executive summary really brings into focus the beauty of stan's
ffa. fucking gem, what.
bvt: hello. I will try to finish the
ffa work from the workplan over next two days. i had some meatspace interference that stole a few work hours.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 16:28 BingoBoingo: As it is, there's no mention of the MIPS experiment on your blog. Last post is
FFA Chapter 19. I suspect if put together a weekly or every other weekly "This is what I've done, here's what I am chewing on, here is what has yet to be bit off, etc" would calm some nerves
BingoBoingo: As it is, there's no mention of the MIPS experiment on your blog. Last post is
FFA Chapter 19. I suspect if put together a weekly or every other weekly "This is what I've done, here's what I am chewing on, here is what has yet to be bit off, etc" would calm some nerves
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 13:39 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-22#1919162 << can't speak for other folx, but asciilifeform wrote 7 ch. of
ffa thus far in '19 (featuring errything to do with primes, and all of peh, plus tutorials on the latter) and expect to wrap up 8th (# 20) before june is out.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 07:07 asciilifeform would like to bake new batch of sellable goodies , after we release peh/
ffa mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, suppose fellow wants
ffa. how does he pick the one he needs ?
mircea_popescu: both the mips and the x86 ffas pretend to
ffa, do they ?
mircea_popescu: if tomorrow we have a
ffa-for-pc and a
ffa-for-mips alternative, there WILL BE AN IFDEF.
mircea_popescu: all this said, i don't believe if someone wrote an ebuilds for say
ffa they'd thereby degrade
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 16:41 bvt: mircea_popescu: i guess that there two components in your question. the easy is
ffa: is agree that my
ffa-related output is underwhelming for a lord, however 1) i don't expect that it will eat much more time (at ch.14 i'll see if there is really need for further asming, the anticipated answer is "not really") 2) i find speedup from asming generally useful, so i don't think the time i spent on it is wasted.
bvt: after
ffa I will have a look at other things (like ripping out kernel rng, having another look at gnat-arm64 internals, as it seems there is no ongoing work on this front atm). i expect to get something useful as a result, and maintain it in long term.
bvt: mircea_popescu: i guess that there two components in your question. the easy is
ffa: is agree that my
ffa-related output is underwhelming for a lord, however 1) i don't expect that it will eat much more time (at ch.14 i'll see if there is really need for further asming, the anticipated answer is "not really") 2) i find speedup from asming generally useful, so i don't think the time i spent on it is wasted.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 07:09 bvt: i do expect that 'saltmine season' is over now -- i've been working on asming karatsuba squaring (
ffa ch.12b) over this week, post expected tomorrow.
mp_en_viaje: bvt, so what's your idea going forward anyway ? are you basically going to be doing some
ffa as you fiat overlod permit now and again, so by the end of 2019 you can look at having completed chapter 22 or somesuch, and that'll have been it ?
bvt: i do expect that 'saltmine season' is over now -- i've been working on asming karatsuba squaring (
ffa ch.12b) over this week, post expected tomorrow.
☟︎ diana_coman: on the bright side,
ffa is such a contrast to euloran client to make digesting
FFA a break in itself
a111: Logged on 2019-06-06 07:11 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-05#1917355 << i do not think data should be included with
ffa ; while i do believe data should be included
with bitcoin. the reason for the split is that i perceive a difference between design and implementation / algorithmics and code, so following. if you see peh as a sort of "packaging of this theory for consumption" then maybe worth including,
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-05#1917355 << i do not think data should be included with
ffa ; while i do believe data should be included
with bitcoin. the reason for the split is that i perceive a difference between design and implementation / algorithmics and code, so following. if you see peh as a sort of "packaging of this theory for consumption" then maybe worth including,
☝︎☝︎☟︎ pehbot: asciilifeform:
FFA Ver: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FD
diana_coman: asciilifeform: for one thing you already have skills he doesn't yet seem to have and for the other thing you constantly say it yourself that at times there is no juice left for
ffa /similar.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 23:06 asciilifeform would luvvv to read '
ffa-style' incarnation of such a work, where the chip is 'built up' from empty space in ~hour-long chunks. but prolly this won't exist until asciilifeform writes 1..
mp_en_viaje: AND, with all the experience from
ffa, you actually got what you need as a basis to actually make that megaspire work.
mp_en_viaje: alright, well, month's not bad -- by the time you're done with
ffa you can start a mega-bolix series.