500+ entries in 0.336s

jfw: I tried a nearby "GNU Awk 4.1.3" on 1gb of
`. The direct reading was consistently slower than both input redirection and cat | , which is certainly suspicious in itself; seemed to work though
billymg: ok, so trilema logs uses
`word-wrap: break-all
` on the entire content column. i used jfw's suggestion of
`white-space: pre-wrap
` on the code column because it wraps long lines without splitting individual strings
billymg: hrm, that's strange. that was my only guess as to what be causing the ghost horizontal scroll bar (those lines needed a special case handling with
` to properly wrap)
mp_en_viaje: whereas the 10
`000 the republic made him in the same fucking interval out of a piddly 1 he accidentallied in there is... you know, not enough. too much trouble. and also blablabla yadda yadda & "people themselves".
mp_en_viaje: nobody cares, it's not like i'm particularly threatened by the notion god help me ; but if you quit your day job to spend a decade or whatever's left of your active live becoming the 285
`666th most popular singer-songwriter in the 63rd most popular genre AND you also expect someone will drop what they're doing to clap for you... you're insane, in so many words.
mp_en_viaje: trilema.com/2009/progresam-maria-ta/][obscure idiots from timisoara] "had 10
`000 visits in the first three hours" on meta-piece discussing muh whores (which he doesn't realise YET, such an informed moron he is), and the dc called him because of SERVERS (plural).
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:44:51 mircea_popescu: anyway, to make the point for the 9
`000th time in the general, because unlike the previous 8
`999th times prior, each exactly proven correct and each exactly disavowed the very next morning, THERE IS NOTHING CONTROLLED ABOUT INCA WORLD.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to make the point for the 9
`000th time in the general, because unlike the previous 8
`999th times prior, each exactly proven correct and each exactly disavowed the very next morning, THERE IS NOTHING CONTROLLED ABOUT INCA WORLD.
mircea_popescu: this may seem like a lengthy stretch, but in fact it quite is : linnaeus' own species only speciated about 3-400
`000 years ago, the commitment contemplated here's five times what it took to have homo sapiens.
mircea_popescu: if indeed the relation's extensible, then from the fact that literature was born balanced and math balanced in say 2500 years, we can reasonably expect computerism to also balance in 6
`000 or thereabouts, meaning more or less year 6
mircea_popescu: who knows, maybe this 5
`001st reitreration is how things finally click in the castrated brain. YO! YOU'RE NOT LOOKING FOR FRIENDS! GO FORCE THE IDIOTS TO BUY!
mircea_popescu: and in ongoing regexp lulz : "i am sure it was an image ~in a footnote~" "oh, ok then, WHERE
` LIKE '%((%.jpg%%))%'" "mno, that only looks for pics after a footnote opener and before a footnote closer, not necessarily of the same footnote. it'll include all pics in an article with at least two footnotes, pretty much." "fuck"
a111: Logged on 2019-06-26 19:21 mp_en_viaje: forget the "b&b" bs, there's 5
`000 of them and most don't make money.
mp_en_viaje: forget the "b&b" bs, there's 5
`000 of them and most don't make money.
☟︎ mod6: With everything in the right place... (I even needed a '/var/db/repos/mod6/metadata' directory with one file in it, 'layout.conf', that contains one single line: masters = cuntoo) then I was able to run a
`ebuild ave1_musltronic_tools_x86_64-20180924.ebuild clean manifest install merge
` and end up with the extracted contents in '/ave1_musltronic_tools_x86_64-20180924'.
mp_en_viaje: in the capitalistic perspective : if 100 objects are mentioned 10
`000 times and requested 10
`000 times, then i'd like the one object mentioned 1
`000 times be requested 1
`000 times and the object mentioned once be requested once.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-17 21:04 mp_en_viaje: you then put the 898
`00 into
http://www.interest.com/mortgage/calculators/mortgage-calculator/ to find out that over 10 years fixed 5% interest rate you have to pay 9,524.68 monthly (funny how they quote the rates in monthly and the salaries in yeary, huh), which comes to 114296.16, which is 14701.16 a year MORE than what the Representative of the Director General to the United Nations, who provides leadership and professional d
mp_en_viaje: you then put the 898
`00 into
http://www.interest.com/mortgage/calculators/mortgage-calculator/ to find out that over 10 years fixed 5% interest rate you have to pay 9,524.68 monthly (funny how they quote the rates in monthly and the salaries in yeary, huh), which comes to 114296.16, which is 14701.16 a year MORE than what the Representative of the Director General to the United Nations, who provides leadership and professional d
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: 6 hectares = 60
`000 square meters, ~650
`000 square feet. cents to the sqft, you object to ? whai ?
mp_en_viaje: in other insane wtf : i'm going through the paperwork of caradgea voivod (1818s, "tara romaneasca"). supposedly the public expenditure that year was 8
`137 thalers (of which, post maintenance, over one sixth).
a111: Logged on 2013-11-13 02:09 nubbins
`: given that i'm really just here to mess with the signal-to-noise ratio, i'd like to see the latter
mircea_popescu: this is, you must agree, a significant discount from his usual 10
`000% of the return for 0.01% of the work.
mircea_popescu: and it just as genuinely explains for your benefit why "nobody made anything". for someone to have done 100% of the work of the competent sunkworks engineer, that someone'd have expected to be paid 10
`000% the whole earth.
mircea_popescu: that's the leverage involved : for 1% or so of being a salesman, fellow would like 10
`000% or so of being the corporation's president.
mod6: Which, to trinque's point, the tool that really helps (I had forgotton about this) is the
`make menuconfig
` search.
mircea_popescu: and to him, this makes sense. "what sort of moron would you have to be, to not understand than 100
`000 bakers' for 100
`000 places that had no bakers' since aurelian's withdrawal is way the fuck a bigger deal than 5 homos upset because nobody is using the right zhernouns."
mod6: trinque: Ok, immediately I notice that in my /home/mod6/cuntoo/nomods/cuntoo working directory, from which I ran
`./bootstrap.sh -k config/cuntoo-test1 -d /dev/sdb
` there is currently nothing in the 'build' directory.
mircea_popescu: if the tree is (evaluate object) (decide if buying object) (deal with the fallout of buying object) you can't possibly spend 300ms alftime on 1, 190s alftime on 2 and 168
`000 s altfime on 3. it's just insane.
mircea_popescu: "the cost to buy this $160
`000 item [which really can be had at $8
`000 with some regularity, if one's not in a hurry] for $7
`750 is $7
`750 in cash + dropping the ballo on ffa + whatever else it is.
mod6: Ok, so do
`sed -i 's/=m/=y/g' trb-test1
`, then rebuild and try again?
mod6: ok so next marching orders are to not do the USB Stick, and
`lsmod -v
` compare; but instead, will take a few days to look into initramfs, and then try to build another?
mod6: so,
` the entire cuntoo ssd disk onto a usb, then attempt to boot the USB, and then do the lsmod diff between the USB cuntoo and the SSD cuntoo?
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-11#1895003 << re: So I didn't ever use a USB boot disk, I actually was just using the Live CD to do the chrooting/troubleshooting. But I did the
` from the working gentoo environment.
☝︎ mod6: files backed up. ok, well, i've re-run
`grub-install /dev/sda && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
`. we'll see if this resolves it.
mircea_popescu: o, right, right. the difference between him and 10
`000 'ard cunts in the sad isles that night was that he's the one the chick decided to give a run for his money (which he got to keep most of).
mod6: I think something like
`grep -v "^$"
` will give you all the non-empty lines from a file.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-10 21:29 phf
`: i'm rewriting everything that asciilifeform is releasing in Ada in Rust, because it's secure AND modern!
billymg: it was rendering fine on archive.is for me too, since they just snapshot the html/css (and i inspected to see that it had the styled
` in there)
billymg: hey, looks good on my end (in that post) -- previously the
` was breaking it a bit too soon and leaving some whitespace at the end of the line, before printing the remainder on the next line
billymg: it still requires manual markup but it has the benefit of breaking at the right character automatically, rather than finding the character manually and placing a
` after it
billymg: so one solution is to wrap you string in something like
`<span class="break">longstring</span>
` and setting
`.break { word-break: break-all; }
` billymg: so
`word-break: break-all
` works in that any string will be cut when it hits the end of the line, but this has the unintended consequence of breaking spoken language words as well
billymg: i think it's
`word-wrap: break-word
` mod6: Thanks for the info asciilifeform. For now, I've just named them the same as the original ones, for testing here on my own. Was able to press with
` successfully, and build a trb from that pressed keccak vtree.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-19 23:39 asciilifeform: prolly the only biz that dun have this problem at all, is s.mg, which of oct '18 broadcast reports '8
`484.51538878', i.e. capitalized until the sun burns out
a111: Logged on 2018-10-31 03:21 phf: mod6: just fyi i was able to press eucrypt using v.pl by patching it to use vtools's
`ksum' for hashing instead of sha512sum and
`vpatch' for pressing instead of gnu.
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PZ4hX/?raw=true a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 04:16 mod6: Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the
``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it.
mod6: Ok, so I'm gonna call it a night. What I do know at this point is the
``surplus'' that we're seeing in the statements goes back at least through the August report. However, I'm not even certain at this point if what I'm seeing is actually incorrect, as I said earlier. Or if I just don't understand what I'm looking at. There's a strong chance that I just don't understand it.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform similarily there's 10
`000 things to do around my household, but some girlies still derp about their "going to college" or "having a boyfriend" or whatnot.
billymg: ok, phf, i pressed again at
`, now i have those files in my vtools directory
billymg: i ran
` after pressing and got a
` binary, used that one
a111: Logged on 2015-04-13 14:59 mircea_popescu: nubbins
` for the record, traditional (european) cooking happened around this large flat table of very thick oak
mircea_popescu: dealing with a 500
`000 copies (more or less exact) of the same 100GB file within half an hour... that's more than any node does ; and more than the collective of nodes did since the beginning of the ocin.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-14 04:30 Mocky:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1862167 >> I don't see how it would necessarily be any simpler aside from one
` statement. And there's nothing to stop listening on separate ports and getting all benefits asciilifeform mentions with different sizes
a111: Logged on 2018-10-14 04:30 Mocky:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1862167 >> I don't see how it would necessarily be any simpler aside from one
` statement. And there's nothing to stop listening on separate ports and getting all benefits asciilifeform mentions with different sizes
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1862167 >> I don't see how it would necessarily be any simpler aside from one
` statement. And there's nothing to stop listening on separate ports and getting all benefits asciilifeform mentions with different sizes
☝︎☟︎☟︎ phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-05#1858751 << my preferred method is to
`ssh -D 8080 host
` which sets up a socks proxy with port 8080 on your local machine and outbound on the
`. you can then configure e.g. firefox to send everything through that proxy
☝︎ mod6: ben_vulpes: bitcoind has been stopped, and lovelace has been shutdown with
`shutdown -h now
`. Feel free to pack it up whenever you're ready. Thanks.
mircea_popescu: ft-free in face of this conflict requires deliberate effort involving multiple people, which in turn require management and guidance. 4.
``THE BITCOIN FOUNDATION'' will endeavour to provide these, while fostering community growth and development, under the general principle that if and when any other thing conflicts with Bitcoin, that other thing must either be discontinued or amended in such a way as to no longer conflict w
phf: re standalone keccak hasher: i'm not sure that it's needed, i think the relevant phase can just be dispensed with altogether.
`vpatch' verifies the hashes as it goes along
verisimilitude: It's because I own this hardware that I intend for the first MMC targeting a
``real'' machine to target MIPS. I decided if I ever got one, I'd try to understand it well enough to run my own software directly on the bare metal and in the boot firmware.
verisimilitude: I've noticed only one result in the logs for
mod6: Bank Wire or WU is acceptable. We're looking to purchase a total of $4
phf: asciilifeform: there are
`set it on fire' incidents predating waco. john africa's MOVE compound in philadelphia was set on fire after a standoff in 1985
mircea_popescu: diana_coman amusingly, the latest "stabilization" or we was 60 years later huh. how much were eggs cca 2004, before the 1:10
`000 conversion ? 5k or so, 10k for easter ?
mod6: No, not at all. I just don't want it to go unanswered either. For insance, it'd be fine with me (asciilifeform?) to simply just take 41
`666 shares instead. mircea_popescu can we do that?
mod6: Oooh, I see what it is. In the charter you were to be assigned 100
`000 SSW at a per share price of 0.00001 BTC each.
mircea_popescu: they have these pieces here too, "police caught dope dealing ring, confiscated some dope and 20
`000 colones in cash"
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 20:19 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to illustrate the "10
`001" species, did i ever recount the time my toilet was clogged... by an aligator ?
a111: Logged on 2018-08-18 14:20 mircea_popescu: in other news, to directly dump a file into pastebin : item=
`cat file.txt
`; echo $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=$item"
http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com -w %{url_effective})
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-18#1842694 << i'd like to expand on this. 1) to dump a file, the better format is curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@file.asc"
http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective} ; 2. to dump a pipe/process, the better format is eg item=
`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | gpg --yes --no-tty --trust-model always -aer mod6
`; echo $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "paste
☝︎ xdeller: because it
`s far more prone to slowloris-style attacks and its memory footprint than ur-generic-
httpd I think
xdeller: the later is better, but at least nginx which I
`m using omitting it out of box
xdeller: it requires some level close to one of file(1) heuristics and it
`s hard to imagine a webserver which does this kind of thing out-of-box
xdeller: e.g. one link which hasn
`t dissolved yet had non-text content-type
xdeller: heh, I
`ve seen some octet-stream immediately after following log history on link from above
xdeller: afaics voice/devoice doesn
`t work on myself
xdeller: err, I think I
`ve found trilema link a few months ago as a reference in some interesting blogpost
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the basic of the usg chumpatron is this precise process, "very little" -> "very much", ie, he went from 1 beer money to 50
`000 beer money. this is growth, yes ?
a111: Logged on 2018-07-26 00:01 mod6: trinque: Question for ya regarding how jurov can make a payment for The Foundation's hosting fees at Pizarro: Is there a way that I can get an outside BTC address to give him that would go directly to my deedbot wallet? I see that I can do
`!!deposit amount
`, which might work, but it could be days before a payment is made. Is this a problem? Thoughts?
mod6: trinque: Question for ya regarding how jurov can make a payment for The Foundation's hosting fees at Pizarro: Is there a way that I can get an outside BTC address to give him that would go directly to my deedbot wallet? I see that I can do
`!!deposit amount
`, which might work, but it could be days before a payment is made. Is this a problem? Thoughts?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2015-04-06 08:34 mircea_popescu: "In this article I am going to show you how to create an executable that runs arbitrary code if it's examined by
`. I have also written a social engineering scenario on how you can get your sysadmin to unknowingly hand you his privileges."
a111: Logged on 2018-07-07 23:27 phf: i've been using vpatch/vdiff without full blown v, because i can order the patches by hand (and there's now an explicit ordering provided by manifest), and vpatch verifies the hashes for me. it would be handy if i could also press existing sha patches with
`vpatch -a sha
` or whatever