70 entries in 0.371s

BingoBoingo: !!withdraw 1.15224083 1CkK7nVMp9pjZPaDbdPu94hA6B9sqkWx1P
BingoBoingo: !!withdraw 1.38226328 14dtb2eeiZzmoNeASn2Q2psfpgrfkYreWy
diana_coman: what boggles the mind though is that he'd go to the trouble of coming here for 1 hour or even more if asked; but he would turn down several colo boxes rather than set a guy to do !!withdraw
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: yes, it does; you can withdraw the funds to any btc address; ie you receive it in your own deedbot wallet and then you can !!withdraw to anywhere
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-25 09:31:14 mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.09776 1KQ6jRPaa9RneTYMppJiMCsd1RqMeQM8H
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-26 17:24:16 mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.5 12tGxcb82jAgCCpCga4yoGtAvZkgst3jrk
mircea_popescu: trinque, as it happens i was gonna do a buncha small payments, but deedb ot not answering to !!withdraw ?
mircea_popescu: trinque you see any problem with !!withdraw 149w62rY42aZBox8fGcmqNsXUzSStKeq8C 0.1337 / !!withdraw 1AjZPMsnmpdK2Rv9KQNfMurTXinscVro9V 0.1337 ?
mod6: !!withdraw 0.81037277 168AkkaciPGrFFzfSENXAD921mi8W3S3Xv
trinque: no, recall I move my arse to a printer and hand crank all !!withdraw currently
mod6: !!withdraw 0.73892662 14GZnTRpRZWZNxJ9vHFJeGMrTGS4uCVN8v
trinque: ^ wallet's back up, and I've sent all pending !!withdraw
mod6: !!withdraw 0.67352162 13DDjDTr9xgxMWdhSJpqh3dLMFeXFsEMnH
Birdman: !!withdraw .038 15PsTEo8SaQ36U8RFH9LCrqzs4xZvo42wf
a111: Logged on 2017-10-11 20:46 mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 1 12taDFRdimNTHx1xoUkUZWj3nrE4js6LM6
trinque: I'm about to turn in; anybody that wants a !!withdraw tonight, do it nao
trinque: also, you should all be able to !!withdraw , and lmk if not.
trinque: the !!pay wasn't broken, just !!balance and !!withdraw
zx2c4: !!withdraw 1 1ASnTs4UjXKR8tHnLi9yG42n42hbFYV2um
grimm: !!withdraw 0.02 3FabNPwSNoaQEAfk9qCmb6Sj9BtJ7g8uGV
Amygirl: !!withdraw 0.02 1MZWuxWZaDLEkWdDXT9Q59H5UE9DQduHmL
Tea_: !!withdraw 0.02 17rwcUhnxrVvNEVXh5AN7vdSTUz9VDv3ek
emily22: !!withdraw 0.02 1NgN2mXwi4zc4bmVTSVdr6ciHp7LJ8L4Nj
la: !!withdraw 0.02 13MqJfbdNo1YHui1Dq61YFKXAU82t9KCzb
ben_vulpes: !!withdraw 1.93421146 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9
ben_vulpes: !!withdraw 1.93421146 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9
juhoitse: !!withdraw 0.01 14EuLaLmKLZcSPjwekzDEYSm7HFx7dXYAV
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.63202778 1CkK7nVMp9pjZPaDbdPu94hA6B9sqkWx1P
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.095800 12d4mRYSohxdt1qwQ1ydhdRG5hgBVVVPY9
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.078410 19y2uLpvrWAvTudFyxzZezLei3MkKd5pPb
Birdman: !!withdraw .0185 15FzB9hYQMPjFPpSfy9EXqkW7uKKf4LV8X
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.092419 1949t6yHTStJJYesvt8a1S86Dd8dvBzsRo
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.004003 1AbRyEps74KejccooC9f5DiSgUSrui7Ycw
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.207429 165QE3hRB3x5781eQoxFjN1pdZndyzZJmv
a111: Logged on 2017-11-12 16:12 mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.02 1GrvBXDT2XTnQ83yCsTZmqVtnZto223DkB
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.01998631 1v2bMXrMnewz4myVFoYRnmWteBz9HPqLq
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.01718113 1D5gCE3JkbzUMHQmYkCUhn91Rm4DRfPPJQ
hanbot: !!withdraw .001896 1KvoD4BCQyQ9qJ6PrUgnqB8y28wcnULs7j
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.00953429 114KjtTEg1K17jgCRam7BqMjD8cCNYxdVu
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.236986 1BoJ1wgM446w2yKWJrPjJD7sePvs13sagw
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.45364891 13YczpPCDAxBWQwMmNyyAASHYR4EmbwagP
ccmtacks: !!withdraw 0.0145 1JxsMSnFZdNdVnnDqiTV4aAYM3sESdbPrE
ccmtacks: !!withdraw 0.0145 32uGGc1G4Cytie5zXa8gGWZJvdyM2KncX5
ccmtacks: !!withdraw 0.0145 32uGGc1G4Cytie5zXa8gGWZJvdyM2KncX5
mircea_popescu: ccmtacks you're good to go. can see your btc wallet with !!balance and can also !!withdraw if you wanna sell it etc.
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.02092825 1134zUnfvDRKrmkALRuUuseJfzMKZBYzgv
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.02092669 1E6MZ18LocVz4bLVTroKdpC9HTjzmiGaKe
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.01051304 1PYXbgjhSinKLHZKc3PdVpUNBsuitowLPk
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.00835605 1LEN3nuapQ1UBbxTvRZrsTMjUrJ1BU6RGR
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.0120199 14PywEwC84oBNn4fZiFJssjDPQTokgdGE7
mircea_popescu: so basically, you want !!withdraw to pay to a bitcxoin addredss and !!pay to pay to a nick ?
trinque: mircea_popescu: another thing to note is you asked to be able to pay arbitrary addresses. can do, but I much prefer that be done with !!withdraw rather than !!pay. otherwise I'm stuck worrying about whether some person registers an address as nick.