1400+ entries in 0.425s
ascii_field: !s teaching the controversy
Adlai: !s tezos
pete_dushenski: !s felicia day
asciilifeform: !s ubiquiti
BingoBoingo: !s pine
asciilifeform: !s from:decimation www.jameslafond.com
asciilifeform: !s from:ascii_field www.jameslafond.com
asciilifeform: !s from:asciilifeform www.jameslafond.com
asciilifeform: !s 5EC948A1
mircea_popescu: !s medium.com
asciilifeform: !s brekekekekex
asciilifeform: !s кто ты по жизни
asciilifeform: !s trachtenberg
ascii_field: !s you and the atomic bomb
ascii_field: !s homomorphic
pete_dushenski: !s moore
pete_dushenski: !s nist
asciilifeform: !s nationalist is haunted by the belief
ascii_field: !s just5
phf: for the record i think a secure and verifiable path for receiving a key of person in wot is to ssl connect to freenode using explicit server key, request !shasum wot from assbot, download http://files.bitcoin-assets.com/wot/wot_users.sql.gz, verify its shasum, do `zgrep -oE '\([^)]+phf[^)]+\)' wot_users.sql.gz` (or whatever nick), the second number in the grep output is going to be the key fingerprint, next grep --recv-key <fingerprint>
pete_dushenski: !s locale
nubbins`: !s thickasthieves
asciilifeform: !s hardcopy fpga
mircea_popescu: !s scheme
Adlai: !seen assbot
asciilifeform: !s rule of law
Adlai: !s verifying deeds
trinque: !s gentoo-stage3
asciilifeform: !s greenarrays
ben_vulpes: !s testing in production
ben_vulpes: !s unable to join
ascii_field: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/urbit-dev/for$20sale/urbit-dev/PvXo1t7uNrY/ik5e-9b-cNwJ << where i sold mine
ascii_field: !s joe stack
asciilifeform: !s flashlight crash
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea gimp
decimation: somebody already had my 'pcb anti-fuse' idea (and thought it out better) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.electronics.components/fuse-based$20printed$20circuit$20board/sci.electronics.components/BV7Q279up-Q/XzdY2RJgQgEJ
asciilifeform: !s android rng
mircea_popescu: !seen pierre_rochard
asciilifeform: !s gallium
ben_vulpes: !s -e
ben_vulpes: !s gentoo guide
pete_dushenski: !s desert god
ascii_field: !s protocol vs promise
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea_popescu ethereum bitcoin
ascii_field: !s glibc
BingoBoingo: !s dependopatamus
Adlai: !s operandus
asciilifeform: !s hangout
nubbins`: !s the buggers held full control
ascii_field: !s what colour are your bits
ascii_field: !s drepper
shinohai: !s Dmail
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea shinohai
trinque: !s gossipd
trinque: !s from:mircea_popescu fair use
ben_vulpes: !s wget -m
mircea_popescu: !s from:asciilifeform bourbaki
mircea_popescu: !s eulora emacs
BingoBoingo: !s jennifer
pete_dushenski: !s plumbook
asciilifeform: !s strela
BingoBoingo: !s coin.mx
BingoBoingo: !s Nordic System
kakobrekla: !s http://www.righto.com/2015/05/bitcoin-mining-on-55-year-old-ibm-1401.html
ascii_field: !s судьбы моей рычаг
ascii_field: !s butugychag
asciilifeform: !s yi yi zhi yi
jurov: !s cjdns
Adlai: !s tenth rule
gernika: !s psoriasis
jurov: !s WLX-652
ben_vulpes: !s http://block777.com/
ben_vulpes: !s block777
ascii_field: !s spreading works
ascii_field: !s lightoller
ben_vulpes: <mthreat> !s wtf << ty!
mthreat: !s wtf
mircea_popescu: !s not a country
nubbins`: !s force-052-050.pdf
jurov: !s squirrelmail
punkman: !s slavecoin
gabriel_laddel: !s embrace and extinguish
gabriel_laddel: !s dawg just make the cardano already so we can sell em
danielpbarron: !s Jian Feng
williamdunne: !s http:// from:mircea_popescu
williamdunne: You can do !s http:// from:mircea_popescu and get vast quantities of porn
mthreat: !s "in other news" from:mircea
trinque: !s mega-snore
mircea_popescu: !s plenty-lol
mircea_popescu: !s a-ads
ascii_field: !s a pig like that
mircea_popescu: !s bukkake
Adlai: !s xuthus
Adlai: !s fivezerotwo
asciilifeform: !s царь-государь ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: !s cezaro-craiesc
mircea_popescu: !s riemann
asciilifeform: !s martian bank
trinque: !s borderline
thestringpuller: !s phillipino