1200+ entries in 0.522s
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2015 15:14:24; mircea_popescu: !s disinfo recipes
mircea_popescu: !s disinfo recipes ☟︎
shinohai: !s http://www.zdnet.com/article/brazilian-army-gets-hacked/
punkman: !s cyberbullying is a barrier
shinohai: !s http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11970391/Internet-firms-to-be-banned-from-offering-out-of-reach-communications-under-new-laws.html
ascii_field: !s room will be empty
shinohai: !s android 2fa vulnerabilities
ascii_field: !seen artifexd
mircea_popescu: !s it's a job not a conviction
ascii_field: !s intel me
ben_vulpes: !s bezzlecorp
BingoBoingo: !s five words
asciilifeform: !s chicken also wants
shinohai: !s http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/03/hackers-gonna-hack-but-why-maybe-freud-has-the-answer
asciilifeform: !s rotherham
mircea_popescu: !s Philip Müller
shinohai: !s http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/02/asia/australia-drops-knights-dames/
BingoBoingo: !s See the advantages: you can reprogram the faux vroom speaker for horse whinny.
v_diddy: !s first steps
shinohai: !s /rotor/TEST2/ourlibs/lib/libboost_system.a: error adding symbols: File format not recognized
adlai: !s malleability
jurov: !s MMM
pete_dushenski: !s kickstarter
shinohai: !s "revolutionary laser shaver"
davout: !s deterministic ecdsa
davout: !s ecdsa signatures
lobbes: !s Xotica
mircea_popescu: !s steam
punkman: !search f9beb4d9*
asciilifeform: !s cabergoline
asciilifeform: !s placebocin
asciilifeform: !s mocsny
gabriel_laddel: !s Lothar's potion
gabriel_laddel: !s Lothar Neethling
gabriel_laddel: !s Wouter Basson
adlai: !s http://dpaste.com/19HFTMB.txt
adlai: !s banx platinum
pete_dushenski: !s stubnuts
ben_vulpes: !s exwm
mthreat: !s fubar
ben_vulpes: !s exwm
asciilifeform: !s chocolate ration
ascii_field: !s crank bait
shinohai: !s http://www.salon.com/2015/10/17/margaret_atwood_on_our_real_life_dystopia_what_really_worries_me_is_creeping_dictatorship/
ben_vulpes: !s three body problem
shinohai: !s The Last Psychiatrist anal
brg444: !search sidechains
jurov: !s relish impossible
davout: !s factom
asciilifeform: !s arse safe
mircea_popescu: !s bambi's mom
asciilifeform: !s keybase
ascii_field: !s how i need a drink alcoholic of course
ascii_field: !s tenser, said the tensor
hdbuck: !s in other news
hdbuck: !s mircea_popescu in other words
mircea_popescu: !s tikrit
trinque: !s backups
asciilifeform: !s derive.exe
asciilifeform: !s mumath
shinohai: !s https://redd.it/3nt7qz
asciilifeform: !s glove girl
BingoBoingo: <gabriel_laddel> which is to say !s anything made for $20k or so << I dare you to deliver to me a Compact pickup truck in the United States less than 3 years old. The problems are known.
gabriel_laddel: which is to say !s anything made for $20k or so
ascii_field: !s altshuller
pete_dushenski: !s from:adlai !rate
ben_vulpes: !s britney spears
mircea_popescu: !s because that's how normal debates work
ascii_field: !s nonlinear junction
ascii_field: !s population replacement
thestringpuller: !s doherty threshold
ascii_field: !s berkem atomi
ascii_field: !s tontine
ascii_field: !s lon horiuchi
ascii_field: !s dma
punkman: !s athens affair
shinohai: !s http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/27/us-mideast-crisis-putin-usa-idUSKCN0RR0H820150927
mircea_popescu: !s miscegenation
asciilifeform: !s gods of copybook headings
ascii_field: !s coke machine
ben_vulpes: !s why is it crashing
asciilifeform: !s mmwys
asciilifeform: !s no formats no format wars
mircea_popescu: !s cramer-shoup
phf: !shasum wot
pete_dushenski: !s rape tunnel
pete_dushenski: !s hondajet
asciilifeform: !s dopamine reuptake
mircea_popescu: phf !stalin is "not-stalin", right ?
mircea_popescu: and in my eyes the one to blame in this failure is !stalin.
pete_dushenski: !s i thought this was well known
ascii_field: !s rsa pill
shinohai: !s https://medium.com/quantum-bits/break-rsa-encryption-with-this-one-weird-trick-d955e3394870
asciilifeform: !s non-outsourceable
asciilifeform: !s nonoutsourceable
pete_dushenski: !s abbybitcoin
asciilifeform: !s glass cellar
kakobrekla: !s tmux leak
shinohai: !s https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2015-July/030150.html
asciilifeform: !s bitnodes