1115 entries in 0.866s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not quite dog, too independent, insufficienlty clever for dog
asciilifeform: dog emulator?
RagnarDanneskjol: http://mashable.com/2014/10/17/ebola-dog-okay/
Vexual: you know, when i hear "monetize dog poo" i feeel challenged
Adlai wishes he could monetize dog poop, his puppy marks his territory with the wrong type excrement
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: No, we know you identify as dog. Kind of dog is import nao.
decimation: "Last week, a dog belonging to an Ebola-infected nurse was euthanized in Spain, causing a national outcry. " << wtf
Adlai: he was really nice considering my friend's dog got cabsick all over the backseat
asciilifeform: in 20 years the average us citizen is on dialup << copper phone net torn down. and where not torn down, scavengers are working. so no, not fiber, it'll be either nothing or dog-slow radio a la africa.
nubbins`: well they're gonna kill her dog, that's something
pete_dushenski: "The necklace on my profile pic is not a dog collar, silly!!!" she said. "This is actually a beautiful necklace bought at Lane Crawford (yes - funded by all you HK taxpayers!! So are all my beautiful shoes and dresses and clutches!! Thank you so much!!!!)".
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YLaAvXU734 my dog is inside the piano
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2014 14:17:39; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, others: re: electronics-sniffing dog << distraction psyop. in real life, hidden electronics are found with a nonlinear junction detector.
assbot: 0 results for 'digital dog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=digital+dog
pete_dushenski: !s digital dog
assbot: 0 results for 'usb dog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=usb+dog
pete_dushenski: !s usb dog
assbot: A Police Dog for the Digital Age: She Can Smell the USB Drive You're Hiding - Bloomberg
pete_dushenski: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-23/a-police-dog-for-the-digital-age-she-can-smell-the-usb-drive-you-re-hiding.html
pete_dushenski: looks like asciilifeform rectothermal scan will be… a dog:
TheNewDeal: And bitcoin years are like the hypothetical dog years
BingoBoingo: Still I lean towards choosing market as a dog turd vendor likely won't last long.
asciilifeform: (note that you could just as easily end up eating a dog turd from the market and a blade of grass from the dump)
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: You dog is from a breed that requires low derp, yes?
chetty: maybe dog walk hour catches on in usa and nyt can boohoo
nubbins`: buddy of mine has a dog named water
asciilifeform: for a small dog.
mats_cd03: 22:28:50 <+mircea_popescu> something with dogshit in it << looks like something meant to be synonymous with 'fiat'. so, fiat held by those smelly dog shits.
ThickAsThieves: wag the dog
Vexual: msg nickerv setpassword dog
BingoBoingo: Indeed dog.
asciilifeform: dog?
kolinko: "Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something" -- Jake The Dog
nubbins`: in fact, both were bred from an animal called the St. John's Water Dog
rithm: a degree in dog breeding sounds exciting
RagnarDanneskjol: a Degree in Dog Breeding -who knew such a thing
assbot: Butt Covers For Your Cat and Dog Can Reduce Pet Homosexuality by 43% • ChristWire
assbot: Butt Covers For Your Cat and Dog Can Reduce Pet Homosexuality by 43% • ChristWire
kakobrekla: http://christwire.org/2014/08/butt-covers-for-your-cat-and-dog-can-reduce-pet-homosexuality-by-43/
decimation: another answer: when power is passed to the new generation, it tends to be divided rather than concentrated - in the end the franchise is extended to every human and his dog, and no one is really in charge
BingoBoingo: My brother has a corgi mix named Frank. Frank is adorable. Frank would not make a good guard dog. Frank is great at giving elderly relatives hope though.
RagnarDanneskjol: you have a dog?
asciilifeform: decimation: catch a ball << bad example. when high-speed photography appeared, people learned that man (and dog, and circus lion) do not catch balls by computing integrals, but through 'bang-bang correction'
Vexual: good dog
Vexual: good dog
asciilifeform: this other picture, is that of a feral dog, who knows that the next stop is the soap boiler and carries on accordingly
gribble: Nigger (dog) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger_(dog)>; Urban Dictionary: lab: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lab&defid=7148451>; Urban Dictionary: bitch ass nigga: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bitch%20ass%20nigga>
xanthyos: why is the tail's dog wagging?
moiety: who gets a dog to not walk it?!
ben_vulpes: with my dog curled at my feet
BingoBoingo: lol here people have yards so they assume their dogs exercise themselves and both get fat, unless they have a motivated dog who takes walks at night at roughly the same time I do.
assbot: Woman Walks Naked Man on Dog Leash, Puts Unknown Object in His Anus
BingoBoingo: Also apparently mircea_popescu is unwelcome in West Virginia http://gawker.com/woman-walks-naked-man-on-dog-leash-puts-unknown-object-1613629007
cazalla: i'll never understand how someone can pick a cat over a dog
thick_as_thieves: or dog complex
dub: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/yes-this-is-dog
mike_c: oh oh, i get it. dog the bounty hunter.
pete_dushenski: mike_c: this is dog
mike_c: dog died
DreadKnight: benkay, bacon is food, apple is food, naming software or hardware after food is somewhat applying psychological manipulation, think about the Pavlov's dog
asciilifeform: a police dog (at least, ones trained in the russian tradition) will attack if fed by a stranger.
asciilifeform: he wrote an interesting autobio (afaik, never translated) about his dog work
asciilifeform: turns out his profession was - police dog trainer & handler.
asciilifeform: e.g, herr einstein: a junkyard dog, who took credit for the genuinely interesting late 19th. c. work
benkay: if you've never trained a dog, set both of yourselves up for success.
benkay: DreadKnight: this is the kind of advice that ruins people's lives: "go adopt a rescue animal for your first dog! you'll have no idea what it's suffered through or how trainable it is! think of the poor dogs!"
sexy_saffron: on the internet, no one knows you're a dog
benkay: (my dog just sneezed in his sleep and narrowly avoided rolling off the couch)
asciilifeform: now, if you're willing to live like a feral dog, it isn't even necessary to leave the country. i recall, a few years ago, an article about one fellow who lived in a dugout in a u.s. national park. for ~30 years. he was caught by pure chance. ☟︎
mike_c: obviously slave, like dog, will participate favorably at some level.
mike_c: it is same as dog. you are limiting the downside, but also limiting upside.
mike_c: right, same with dog.
mike_c: that is the benefit of slave, like benefit of dog. it will do what you tell it or else. child and wife have different pros & cons.
mike_c: and i don't want a dog. different strokes.
mike_c: it is a gamble. more upside with a good kid than a good dog.
asciilifeform: short version - bacterium isn't a sled dog. he won't work if he doesn't 'want' to. (expressed in actual flesh as the formulation: the ones without the 'work' trait - e.g. secreting dope - tend to outperform their 'useful' peers in reproduction)
Namworld: Well definitly. That cat would chew a door to get to me. Can hear it scratching doors to follow me. That plus always laying at my feet. It's more like a dog.
Vexual: buy a few devkits and leave that dog fuck voin alone
BingoBoingo: moiety: This is why I hang out with my brother's dog occasionally. So I don't have to do the heavy lifting.
moiety: BB but you have to. so like to conferences we can send you and the dog.. like..: yes this is dog... bingoboino's dog so Fuuuuuuuuuuuu - kinda thing
BingoBoingo: moiety: Maybe? I dunno... Loud dog that grows to that size as an adult, as opposed to one that's still a growing puppy at that size seems more practical to feed
BingoBoingo: moiety: Well, it is a guard dog breed and I have nothing for such a dog to guard, especially while not being so friendly
artifexd: Is your dog 80 lbs in the video?
benkay: 80 pounds of high-efficiency dog engine.
artifexd: benkay: Did he give it back to you? My dog likes to run around with the ball (a green soccer ball) for a while before she brings it back.
BingoBoingo: moiety: Lol, I considered saying yes that's my dog, but... way too friendly for a bull mastiff. Such a dog allow some stranger to leash it with a belt without a fight.
moiety: @disqualifications: Any dog that attempts to bite the judge.<< lololololololol
BingoBoingo: moiety: I was going for a walk at about 2 in the morning and some stranger yells "Is this your dog". The dog in question is a brown bull mastiff puppy about 24 inches tall at the withers. Dude has it leashed to his belt says it ran in front of his truck....
artifexd: https://www.akc.org/breeds/german_shepherd_dog/breed_standard.cfm
BingoBoingo: Almost got a dog last week...
assbot: The State of The American Dog - Esquire
benkay: http://www.esquire.com/features/american-dog-0814
benkay: but i'm just a dog
assbot: A Real Shaggy Dog Story - YouTube
danielpbarron: good shaggy dog story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3JzMuvlMZM
danielpbarron: i think magnolia is a shaggy dog story
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Probably the best defense is a larger dog or a gram or so of lead
assbot: Police Use Dog To Find Memory And Hard Drives In Search : The Two-Way : NPR
TheNewDeal: gotta head to bed, but I'll leave you with this. Child-porn sniffing dawgs http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/07/08/329501226/police-use-dog-to-find-memory-hard-drives-in-search?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20140708
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, others: re: electronics-sniffing dog << distraction psyop. in real life, hidden electronics are found with a nonlinear junction detector. ☟︎