900+ entries in 0.095s

lobbes: or the whole thing: !Q
later tell shinohai: !~
later tell danielpbarron Please to ping me when you are able to do a simple Eulora trade, thanks!
shinohai: !~
later tell jurov I wish to donate my Feb. Qntra shares to the Bitcoin Foundation, please to advise as to how to proceed.
ben_vulpes: !~
later tell PeterL i've responded to your comment
ben_vulpes: !~
later tell mircea_popescu may i buy one of the power supplies out of the S.NSA inventory asciilifeform's posession? i'll pay you .0047 btc for it
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell joecool It looks like you sat too long putting togther that "exclusive". Now the world knows Craig Wright is being sued for 10 Billion dollars and such are the wages of convincingly faking the wrong papers.
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell phf sorry about that ; but srsly either bvulpes link or simply From: Gregory Maxwell <greg@xiph.org> would have sufficed.
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell loren good idea to get your key in wot anyway ; otherwise the eventual "loren" will still be a day old item
lobbes: asciilifeform: can use !Q
later tell in meantime
lobbes: !Q
later tell jurov plox to ping mod6 once ya get the chance
mod6: !~
later tell jurov Please to ping me as soon as you get a chance.
mod6: !~
later tell jurov Please to ping me as soon as you get a chance.
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell mircea_popescu
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6TNbp/?raw=true The whole email thread from this morning through their suggesting desktop power supplies to go with rackmount cases to my polite suggestion the numbers and timeline aren't acceptable. Fuck me, and fuck these monkeys with their SHHHH SHHH sounds. Fucking monkeys just have turned operation "Make BingoBoingo rich 2018" into a clusterfuck by entertaining the "Let's
a111: Logged on 2018-02-06 16:08 BingoBoingo: !~
later tell pete_dushenski Have you been following the BBisp developments?
phf: !~
later tell danielpbarron ack
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell pete_dushenski Have you been following the BBisp developments?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: !~
later tell shinohai Got any Qntra stories baking yet?
a111: Logged on 2018-02-01 14:20 BingoBoingo: !~
later tell mircea_popescu Qntra.net online at pls to get the domain repointed, ISP statement incoming.
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell mircea_popescu Qntra.net online at pls to get the domain repointed, ISP statement incoming.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: !~
later tell mircea_popescu a MUSL box is now ready to plug in and serve a form of Qntra... after a weekend of head banging
a111: Logged on 2018-01-29 01:14 asciilifeform: !~
later tell trinque do you have a working gnat on ppc (g5 or any other) ?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-27 17:29 spyked: !~
later tell mircea_popescu
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1776901 <-- neato! ftr, it seems that pingback responses vary a lot across web server configs, wp versions etc. some blogs. for example wordpress.com-hosted blogs give undocumented (or sometimes empty) responses, probably as an anti-spam measure. (after filtering out non-pingbackabble sites, I sent all pingbacks manually, just to look at responses)
spyked: !~
later tell mircea_popescu
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1776901 <-- neato! ftr, it seems that pingback responses vary a lot across web server configs, wp versions etc. some blogs. for example wordpress.com-hosted blogs give undocumented (or sometimes empty) responses, probably as an anti-spam measure. (after filtering out non-pingbackabble sites, I sent all pingbacks manually, just to look at responses)
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 17:56 mircea_popescu: !~
later tell spyked "Note that this article is not meant to replace the actual thing. If you want to understand FFA properly, go read FFA. And just so that we understand each other, that DeGrasse Tyson guy is an imbecile" << no links ? what did links ever do to you!
shinohai: !~
later tell asciilifeform Is possible to operate fg from pogoplug using usb-to-serial cable?
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell spyked "Note that this article is not meant to replace the actual thing. If you want to understand FFA properly, go read FFA. And just so that we understand each other, that DeGrasse Tyson guy is an imbecile" << no links ? what did links ever do to you!
☟︎ danielpbarron: !~
later tell esthlos plz to
later tell me your key.asc i guess
jhvh1: esthlos: (
later tell <nick> <text>) -- Tells <nick> <text> the next time <nick> is in seen. <nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching nick will be given the note.
shinohai: !~
later tell ben_vulpes is mimisbrunnr www down for maintenance? Getting Internal Server Errors.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-11 14:41 danielpbarron: !~
later tell trinque ok i finally got around to looking at this cuntoo thing. machine can't load the kernel. when i chroot to try to rebuild it, i can't even mount /dev points or df -h
danielpbarron: !~
later tell trinque ok i finally got around to looking at this cuntoo thing. machine can't load the kernel. when i chroot to try to rebuild it, i can't even mount /dev points or df -h
☟︎ mircea_popescu: !~
later tell aegis wouldja stop with the join/part spam
Birdman: !~
later tell trinque why put another 0 in front of .0185?
trinque: !~
later tell Birdman put a 0 in front of that .0185