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cazalla: mistake they made, was to allow idiots like me to grasp prometheus' fire,
god forbid what the smarter amongst us here have in store for such people
cazalla: well, we were still being trained for no existent agricultural jobs in 1998 on the priviso we started them back in like 93 or some shit,
god forbid they up and admit there was a fkn cow or farm in the region any longer and the farming lands were all sold to build shitty properties on
trinque: mircea_popescu: yeah, seems there are no other acts of
god that could delay it
danielpbarron: ah it was Enoch, and he walked with
God for 300 years
ben_vulpes: and what about that whole "walked with
god for 200 years" schtick, hm?
nubbins`: jurov does
god have a peepee or a slit?
jurov: The zh words would help refer to
God: for Zhe is just, and Zher love for humanity endless, and we worship Zhim
mircea_popescu: in short : once sociopathology is identified, it's
god damned everywhere.
god damned it they have decided fetlife is not to be searched. how dares anyone change this, and how dare they be someone specific!
mircea_popescu: You can't get away with pat answers, such as psychiatrists see the psychiatric ramifications of discrimination or being unable to marry. There are psychiatric ramifications of bankruptcy, and war, but no one felt compelled to write a policy statement on it (and thank
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> not exactly, more like, "if
god had meant me to gamble 10k dollars in this casino, he'd have given me 10k dollars" << Nah, he'd just make the credit officer in the cage a bit wet on the brain
mircea_popescu: not exactly, more like, "if
god had meant me to gamble 10k dollars in this casino, he'd have given me 10k dollars"
mircea_popescu: not about to do that. girl's 19, and more importantly ITS REALLY NOT HER
jurov: brendafdez: won't you rather do an affiliate for honest-to-
God dice game?
mike_c: ugh,
god no. academia and i never got along.
mircea_popescu: there's no doubt in my mind that the "every fuckhead's sacred,
god needs every one" current mantra is headed the same way monty python saw catholicism go.
cazalla: funny you mention that, a slice and the topper of son's first birthday cake is in the freezer.. will remain there for
god knows how long
http://www.atruechurch.info/masturbation.html The sexual desire is a
God given desire (Romans 11:36) and it is not evil in and of itself (Romans 14:14). Moreover,
God has made a way for even those who are not married (male or female), or those who are away from their spouse (like a soldier at war), to at least somewhat satisfy the sexual drive via masturbation. It is oppressive to teach that such an act is against the will o
god preserve me from heresy but! so far inflaiton has actually been beneficial for bitcoin.
punkman: "Matt Green, a professor specializing in cryptography at Johns Hopkins University, said he has looked at the GnuPG source code and found it in such rough shape that he regularly assigns chunks of it to his students for review. At the end I ask how they felt about it and they all basically say: '
God, please I never want to do something like this again'"
mircea_popescu: good
god. a cloud of now useless paper, and a criminal eyed mp
mircea_popescu: phillipsjk: Not even my 2 year electronic program or running a node for a year? <<< jesus
god he's adorable. totally pwned ben_vulpes too, because the joo's a lazy reader. meanwhile in the linked cv ? "Objective. To find a day or night job in the Edmonton area."
pete_dushenski: The
God delusion is a parasitic meme because, being alien to reason, it does not serve the interests of the host. << utter nonsense
god help the man that a) thinks ; b) gets a result and c) expects the system to CHANGE to accomodate HIS result.
pete_dushenski: so kid in compton is just like
god-daughter of mr. rothschild
mircea_popescu: but the point is, since some of the brighter young minds on forum have taken to reading the logs, pointing out the plain obvious now and again is
god's work
mircea_popescu: the best part of tradecraft is that it is so
god damned hard to do well.
mircea_popescu: PeterL but it making money is not the point. the idea isn't for -
god forbid- some inept cocklets ending up with control of the means of production./
trinque: more enemies == dear
god man, look at the stock market!!11!!!
mircea_popescu: anyway, to save teh noobs : in no case am i proposing that the bizarro atrocities of the muslims, stereotypically grouped above under " stoning innocent girls in the road" are an effectual approach to the problem [of overrepresentation of woman in their own mental space]. it clearly doesn't work, but then again it's clearly what they're trying. and obviously it's not the
god damned women's fault that dudes are all hang
mircea_popescu: We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government. << this part is the funniest, incidentally, considering the APPALLING record of usg agents trying to infiltrate a
god damnd public channel so far.
trinque: mircea_popescu: no! dear
god no!
decimation: "like that, it works. but
god help him if he did something like "tight housing for poor folks like you"" << most us cities have zoning rules specifically banning multiple occupants, multiple buildings, converting house to apartment, etc
mircea_popescu: like that, it works. but
god help him if he did something like "tight housing for poor folks like you"
assbot: Logged on 05-06-2014 04:19:25; mircea_popescu: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not
God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 21:44:58; mircea_popescu: see ?
god hates us.
trinque: vs say mats experience of "fuck
god, I am
trinque: mats: interesting actually, to think of
god as a human aspiration
mats: i resolved that day to become
god, so i would never have to see anyone die again
mats: shortly after i came back, i left the faith. if
god is real... i would seek him out and kill him.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller obviously. because the
god of reddit hath so ordained that everything that can exist is directly accessible with no effort to anyone, and so... three second's effort is good enuf to form any opinion!
undata: nubbins`: I've always thought it ample evidence of there being no
god that food and air share one, refuse recreation and procreation another
fluffypony: the reddits were all "OMG GAVIN HAS THE PATIENCE OF A
mircea_popescu: once they decided i killed poor anton (
god rest his stupid, scammy soul), i discovered... whoa.
chetty: yeah if he could get off the
god wagon he would make a lot of sense actually
punkman: mircea_popescu: driving adoption in africa and central asia,
god help you. < imagining asian version of tips from husband now, scary
mircea_popescu: driving adoption in africa and central asia,
god help you.
mircea_popescu: thanks
god that italian dude did the cached version eh.
God Damn. It won't be until round 4 of the Australian open that a Serena Williams / Alize Cornet rematch is possible.
mircea_popescu: it will fill any shape and any volume we draw for it. because it must. because...
god willed it!
mircea_popescu: but the notion that mining will still work no matter how badly the incentive structure gets ruined, because somehow mining is a
god given gift / universal service obligation of nature to man doesn't.
mircea_popescu: uh this log. so yesterday^H^H^H^ earlier today ben_vulpes is all like "
god i love you guys". then i get all "wtf is this derp thinking, giving usgavin room to pretend for ?" and next line in log, sure enough...
ben_vulpes: <gavinandresen> asciilifeform: I don’t want to rescue anybody, I want as many people as possible to Get the Bitcoin Religion! Can I have an AMEN? << good fucking
god nubbins`: oh my
god, what if that wood collector guy illegally imports wood and Blazedout419 was working undercover with customs?!
mike_c: oh
god.. the accent in my head is killing me. hilarious
mircea_popescu: this is the point of notarization : making the acts of men equal to the acts of
god... do the proceedings of court note that a pidgeon shat on the window?
god, my sides
davout: thank
god we already know the earth is spheric
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: cazalla date moar american womenz born after 1980 <<
God save you if you date one after 1990
BingoBoingo: Well, they are going to stop saying MP coin soon I imagine, because... They still base their idea of MP wealth on that dorky tortilla chart from
god knows how long ago.
god forbid you confuse vegemite for nutella. YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> dude...
god save Botswana over there. << Stahp impeaching Botswana's reputation by implying the United States resembles it.
cazalla: i was promised heat seaking missles and by
god i will have them
undata: "fucking django,
god damn it" *rolls over*
mircea_popescu: artifexd i wonder if for some
god-forsaken reason the shitgnomes never actually considered this obviousness.
cazalla: gee, now i'm dreaming about garza,
God help me
mircea_popescu: if they were merely offered a fair salary for their work they wouldn't take it because "it's not enough to live on". as if "living" is somehow fixed and
god ordered that black guy in missouri must live better than black guy in senegal.
mircea_popescu: you might as well claim a tb patient is
god, because he can kill people. sort-of.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: so for a time,
God did permit a man to have more than one wife. (see, for eg. Genesis 4:19; 16:1-4; 29:18-30:24) - but
God did not originate the practice of polygamy. He provided only one wife for Adam. <<< bs. the original family was adam eve an' lilith.