2287 entries in 0.954s
nubbins`: i mean, i've even got pgp-signed docs from casascius with md5 checksums of scans of the coins he sent me... but that doesn't stop me from making fakes with the same addresses
benkay: pgp signed comments.
gribble: #18967 Wed Dec 18 19:37:28 2013 nubbins` SELL 1.0 1 BTC S3 Silver Casascius Coin @ 2.2 BTC (Air-tite case, pgp chain of custody)
mircea_popescu: gpg has been around for 20 years, pgp for 30, this guy just discovered "bitcoin signatures"
nubbins`: at least a shirt with your pgp key would have some utility
mircea_popescu: pgp god ?
kakobreklaaa: lemme take a guess, lost pgp key
asciilifeform: but i don't think he had caught the pgp train yet, back then.
thestringpuller: someone needs to ipo a pgp carrier pigeon service
youknowwhoiamand: —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) mQINBFFGg7oBEADSzyOH2sVbcVhvRXFg2k7HuS9Z0w1KLVRfuYxRTz38m71CUScn 5FWnIn+p0KSY6V8idluT0+7hyn8XId0S+i1JLKUi3kl4WjkLx5EkWisQF6noEloF fMUXwpd8dguRkydNdiAIBb3Ghw6ItGEVr0O22KAQR8O9pPx2UIouO+Z6SeBmzJYC i+TJPce60PZ77OqVN3w2m8RYsgZrRjB8F8dKwW1niTsZ6ZUzac3QFJIKMng7r8+X q7ZqgwKMjpoRmeL5Hctwag0yMURNSoXP7rU5bdC8bDT6NIOImWK1+08DH6Vq8JCU 8e2Zakct3P8sjAAQyx
nubbins`: i should really back up my pgp keys and put them somewhere safe
BingoBoingo: If he is serious he can find my email address embedded here http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/pgp/ or I'll probably still be lurking
nubbins`: if you checked each text box for -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----, people would just wrap their cleartext messages in that and carry on.
nubbins`: comes with a pgp-signed chain of custody too, natch
gribble: pgp was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <pgp> yep... that's the plan
benkay: ;;seen pgp
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo anyway, my point is this : whether you know or not, pgp/gpg do not use your key to encrypt the message.
mircea_popescu: do you understand how pgp/gpg works ?
ozbot: TradeFortress PGP Key
mircea_popescu: (guy tied to chair with soldering iron up his butt, face of agony. pgp signatures on the back wall)
kakobrekla: pgp unluck or just big tx in size, not worth.
kakobrekla: hi pgp, you live!
kakobrekla: do you use pgp?
nubbins`: okay, tell me if this makes sense: i have a business and a pgp key associated therewith. the email address of the uid is that of the business. what i want to do is add three additional uids for the three directors of the business, and then have a subkey generated for each director as well.
mircea_popescu: dub i agree indeed you might like such surety, i still believe you'd rather check with gribble than with the pgp wot
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Should people really still be using PGP as an acronym. I figure it is better to bury it with GPG references.
mircea_popescu: better than the pgp wot thing they have
kakobrekla: is supposed to have "tight binding between contacts management and PGP key ring"
mircea_popescu: pgp http://bitcoin.sipa.be/speed-small-ever.png
mod6: pgp: ah. thx.
ozbot: Assessing The State Of PGP Keys With Phuctor | Mike the Crypto Goat
mircea_popescu: http://mikethegoat.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/assessing-the-state-of-pgp-keys-with-phuctor/
gecko_x2: schneier was involved in smuggling the original PGP source code outside of us borders
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, properly implemented pgp is still uncrackable.
dub: that same weeny is probablt fine with accessing his pgp keys on an internet cafe kiosk
mircea_popescu: there aren't such for plain old pgp.
mircea_popescu: Although the parties had access to far better encryption techniques (Karim himself used PGP for data storage on computer disks), they chose to use their own scheme(implemented in Microsoft Excel), rejecting a more sophisticated code program called Mujhaddin Secrets "because 'kaffirs', or non-believers, know about it, so it must be less secure".
nubbins`: i've stopped using perfectly good pgp keys after absentmindedly connecting the machines holding them to the internet
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If you want a lot of details use http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/pgp/ directed at bingoboingo357@gmail.com
mircea_popescu: well i can't find it. somewhere phil zimmermann was saying that people still send him pgp encrypted email but he long since doesn't have the key so he usually responds to ask ppl to send it plainly
pankkake: if you used PGP in all messages I fail to see how you could get caught
mircea_popescu: more importantly, using pgp-style tools you have a dedicated signature identification step. you somehow acquire my signature. such as, from me.
asciilifeform: a basic and inescapable problem in something like 'pgp in browser' is that the user has no way to tell if he's actually using what he thinks he's using.
ozbot: [tor-talk] Tor Browser Bundle: PGP encryption built-in?
mircea_popescu: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x2EE93869A57D509A
mircea_popescu: i was discussing gpg/pgp/ssh keys/whatever else uses diffie-hellman
mircea_popescu: (it's in the pgp link, but putting in text nao)
jurov: how less than pgp?
kakobrekla: yes they suck, but less than pgp
jurov: ;;later tell mircea_popescu "is there some way to make a website where people can put in their pgp keys and they get tested for entropy quality/statistical weakness ?" nope, except for few debianlike-pathological cases.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is there some way to make a website where people can put in their pgp keys and they get tested for entropy quality/statistical weakness ?
mjr_: anyway, just goes to show that pgp/gpg is the way to go
pankkake: it was, it was defeated by printing pgp on a book
nubbins`: so what's everybody's general level of security? raise your hand if you generated your PGP keys on an offline computer
benkay: man, there's a massive market out there that can't figure out how to pgp their mpex
Namworld: "[19:11] <jurov> i'd rather suggest to have two pgp keys. one for trading only and other that would allow to PUSH and WITHDRAW"
dub: not to derail yet another famous Namworld debate but I think the point is that if your pgp keys have bolted it is probably too late to shut the gate
jurov: i'd rather suggest to have two pgp keys. one for trading only and other that would allow to PUSH and WITHDRAW
jurov: cosmo, if you like crypto, try figuring out how to kick start mass pgp usage instead
asciilifeform: gotta love the compromised 'PGP' (in-browser crap)
gribble: pgp was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 13 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <pgp> BTC assets are the same currency, but same hassle? why?
kakobrekla: ;;seen pgp
jurov: it's me there asking why can't we all start using PGP to protect from snooping
furuknap: Yeah, MP is putting up a new asset, and I just can bring myself to doing all that PGP stuff to trade.
mjr___: you could actually put the link into your pgp sig
mircea_popescu: pgp afaik these days stock certs are mostly digital
TomServo: pgp: I think opentransactions might be the thing you're looking for.
mircea_popescu: pgp for one, you will have the normal confirmation delay. for the other, how do you pay the miners ?
qxzn: pgp: "I'm refering to a idea about moving asset custody. For example, why not have a mechnism "like" the blockchain to move ASICM to whatever exchange you want." this sounds a lot like ripple
jurov: pgp, for sharing big data in blockchain-esqe way, there's freenetproject
mircea_popescu: pgp 0tx are nonstandard
jurov: pgp i actually stumbled upon similar txs
fiat500: pgp: some of them are fungible
kakobrekla: 23:50.17 ( pgp ) question: is there anything preventing the creation of a transaction for 0 BTC, < yes, with 0.8xx theres a min set... cant have txes smaller than i dont remember howmany satoshi
furuknap: MP: True, but the BP is also denominated in USD, not BTC, so they seem to be targeting people outside the community who may not be aware of the tradition of PGP signed stuff.
mircea_popescu: furuknap i have yet to see a pgp signed declaration from any of these people.
asciilifeform: pgp over http (or, someday, over pigeon?)
benkay: the super resilient pgp contract economy in action
benkay: wow pgp doesn't take command line input of text to encrypt
jurov: hahaha yea we need protection against impostors, too.. but last time pgp challenge/response was done by email
jurov: benkay, execute pgp externally?
benkay: any ideas on pgp libraries for java?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform burnside coingenuity davout DBordello Diablo-D3 dub FabianB_ imsaguy jborkl jcpham kakobrekla leotreasure mod6 nanotube pgp rdponticelli smickles_ ThickAsThieves thestrin1puller topace_ and everyone else ^
dub: pgp: did your client grok my cosby?
kakobrekla: yes pgp sad
mircea_popescu: pgp srsly.
kakobrekla: pgp i dont know much about them, what can you tell
KRS1: pgp: you can always try this for quick ice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-GQk8Q96PY
kakobrekla: from pgp mouth to gods ears http://blockchained.com/depth_mtgox_15d.png
KRS1: pgp: what do you think about it atm
truff1es: oh boy slow down pgp
dub: pgp: what flavour
Diablo-D3: pgp: typedef struct { ILLEGAL, PIRATE, BITCOINICA, FORUM_IS_DOWN, PRICE_IS_DOWN, NOTHING = -1 } fuck_t;
asciilifeform: pgp: several, actually
mircea_popescu: pgp this is true of course.
asciilifeform: pgp: just run a node that demands to be paid X satoshi before it relays transactions <=Y satoshi.
asciilifeform: pgp: "fundamental" problem implies that it could not be dealt with other than by breaking the protocol, no?
mod6: Just lookin at the stuff listed on other sites... I guess they didn't get the memo on PGP contracts.
kakobrekla: omg pgp