2400+ entries in 0.153s
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 17:36 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform kinda too lazy to
deedbot a list of the various spots in logs where the fact that bitbet keeps no logs was discussed. seems about 99 and 3/4% that the whole point there was to create an entry point for later parallel construction, "o look what bitbet logs show".
mod6: fwiw, I hope that wasn't a sort of spam for the
lobbesbot: mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu was last seen in #trilema 38 seconds ago: <mircea_popescu> !Qseen
deedbot mircea_popescu: trinque btw don't get deterred, we do want
deedbot wallet before any kind of deeds search.
trinque: !!gettrust
deedbot shinohai
trinque: !!gettrust
deedbot Framedragger
Framedragger: asciilifeform: oh, so only the
deedbot announcer here on irc excludes some new keys?
mircea_popescu: i wasn'\t aware it does, that's what
deedbot uses to pipe here also
danielpbarron: i was voiced obviously, but maybe
deedbot had reconnected since then, and didn't see me as authed anymore?
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-04-06 00:05:55: <mircea_popescu> until trinque's
deedbot payment is on i dunno what lightweight to recommend you
BingoBoingo: saifedean of Lebanon, expert who would not
deedbot was cast out for the rice in his pork
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 17:47 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he "will spend significant time" to find... "Research" tasks adequate to that fuckdolls "level" yet he can't be bothered to figure out how
deedbot works ?
trinque: !!gettrust
deedbot trinque
deedbot: lobbes updated rating of trinque from 1 to 2 <<
deedbot lobbes: !!rate trinque 2
deedbot nacci: so I do have a
deedbot registration from about 6 months ago when i was checking out the eulora buzz
nacci: is an airgapped farraday cage a prerequisite for
deedbot registration?
nacci looking into
deedbot CompanionCube would be interested in reading
deedbot's source at some point
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he "will spend significant time" to find... "Research" tasks adequate to that fuckdolls "level" yet he can't be bothered to figure out how
deedbot works ?
☟︎☟︎ trinque: !!gettrust
deedbot TomServo
ben_vulpes: there are other chans using
deedbot wot?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: girl (rather cute, i might add) said she just wants to lurk to start. read logs etc. i've pointed her towards registering her key with
deedbot and said she can ask q's via pm or pgpgram. we'll see what comes of the endeavour i guess.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 21:44 fd_travel: i recall checking
deedbot's and a111's IPs (digitalocean etc), but hey, if it worx.
fd_travel: i recall checking
deedbot's and a111's IPs (digitalocean etc), but hey, if it worx.
☟︎ trinque: runs (for example) a test server for
deedbot just fine
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall earlier discussion re "what is segwit" /
deedbot ?
mod6: so either user creates ~/trb-deps and then pulls all .asc's from
deedbot manually in offline mode. or makefile creates ~/trb-deps and pulls .asc files in `make ONLINE=1` mode and dumps files in there.
lobbes: sure, but from what I can observe, your own
deedbot (and others' log-o-trons) appear to operate in a more sane manner. I guess I'm just saying I have much to learn
shinohai: asciilifeform: still getting bad signature when trying to verify your patchset ... (imported your key from
mircea_popescu: well what other bots ? lobbes ' is older than
deedbot iirc. you got 100% of bots made after release, can't complain.
trinque: this guy's running with -connect to
deedbot.org node
mircea_popescu: i also recall a thread re how to do this with maybe mimi or else
deedbot, which i don't think is that one
trinque: sure. behold wot.
trinque: hm,
deedbot still trapped on a netsplit eh?
trinque: having watched
deedbot transactions for quite a while, I can at least say that once 0.001 fee confirmed almost immediately
trinque: wot.
deedbot.org is also down
trinque: PSA that as of now I cannot access the box hosting
deedbot via SSH.
mircea_popescu: trinque my concern was more in the vein of, i don't want
deedbot to answer with an item crafted as described to a !!key command
phf: dat wot.
deedbot link comes back blank for me
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough -- it is currently the case that
deedbot's deeds list integrity is currently protected by republican design rather than by usg's "cryptographic standards".
trinque: I wonder if it'd be useful for
deedbot to say a txid when sending.
deedbot does lag time to time
trinque: we'll see what it does to