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ascii_field: (of having to use the gui, every time you get a slightly variant chip, and of never coming remotely close to understanding wtf is in the black box)
ascii_field: and the folks who have notions that it is, demonstrate a total black-as-night unmarred by any light ignorance of the physical basics involved
cazalla: not sure.. i read one about black dicks and some other weird shit, was a bit too far out there for me (sorta reminds me of the kid at school who never stfu about sex and knew far more than he should in all honesty)
chetty: only in Amerika can you just decide to be black even if you skin is white
BingoBoingo: mats: Well, if you are going to get a bull to cuck your wife, but you don't want black in your wife... limits your options...
pete_dushenski doesn't have amex black or equivalent
ben-of-the-casca: i can see markers and items - but theyre just black
punkman: http://m.nydailynews.com/news/national/naacp-leader-rachel-dolezal-lied-black-parents-article-1.2255743
mircea_popescu: "You'll see people in shorts, tee-shirts, flip-flops, black clothes."
decimation: asciilifeform: they are now associated with 'black church music'
nubbins`: http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/610198841_1/50-PCS-lot-America-style-Round-Push-Button-parts-for-arcade-game-machine-white-black-blue.jpg
asciilifeform: pet: 'realize that if we died tonight, the entire contents of this room will be carried out in just the same kind of black bags as are stacked over there'
nubbins`: i actually make my own discs out of bronze backed w/ ultra-black nanoparticles
nubbins`: sources say i just gotta swap the red and black
mircea_popescu: except he gets nabbed for child pr0nz and perhaps underage rape. so organization goes back to schmuck #1, who now quits, because he had just married a stripper and "needs to spend time with his family", presumably servicing the black cock she's bringing home.
mircea_popescu: reverse in the sense of descvribing the black box.
mats: pacific beach has black and gold sand o_O
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, wtf's going on in the country of the fair ? back in the 80s they had superhot black supermodels and blondy madonna was tag teaming them with rappers
assbot: Black Hat USA 2015 | Briefings ... ( http://bit.ly/1IoA8pO )
assbot: Logged on 05-06-2015 03:06:48; asciilifeform: williamdunne: the usg connection of karpeles is as clear as daylight, considering how he is investigationally untouchable (both in the sr trials and in the greatest btc-related monetary black hole known to date)
asciilifeform: williamdunne: the usg connection of karpeles is as clear as daylight, considering how he is investigationally untouchable (both in the sr trials and in the greatest btc-related monetary black hole known to date) ☟︎
trinque: meanwhile I dropped my old black macbook down stairs twice, did fine
assbot: Logged on 03-06-2015 08:04:26; mircea_popescu: forget the thousand, take the hundred. lazar meir, since we've discussed him earlier, had some very strange ideas about good, and constructed a very crazy united states. forcing a point it could be said that he is the architect of today's woes in the hinterlands, exactly like lincoln is the architect of the black poverty and racial tensions.
mircea_popescu: forget the thousand, take the hundred. lazar meir, since we've discussed him earlier, had some very strange ideas about good, and constructed a very crazy united states. forcing a point it could be said that he is the architect of today's woes in the hinterlands, exactly like lincoln is the architect of the black poverty and racial tensions. ☟︎
Landgull: Heh. Was a startup I was working on, using black soldier fly larvae to convert organic waste into biodiesel, fish feed, and fertilizer. Actually got it into Startup Chile, but my business partner refused to go to Chile and cost me the grant.
BingoBoingo: alphonse23_: Well, if you want to be a dick you could use botnet slaves as IRC bouncer, but easier to leave an old machine on at home to bounce IRC. Black and white Macs are ideal
trinque: black hole of meta-identity and retirement at 25
mircea_popescu: black men with small dicks.
mircea_popescu: and i'd only hire black dudes too
thestringpuller: which was an episode of Black Mirror: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_National_Anthem_%28Black_Mirror%29
trinque: allows for a black hole of thoughtcrime charges
BingoBoingo: Watchmen (2009) has a beautiful black Mac SE/30
asciilifeform: (the trick was, the scrip was available on the black market, in exchange for ordinary - or as they were called, 'wooden' - ruble.)
mats: black and gold sand
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes wasn't anything too riveting, apparently, as now i dun recall. BingoBoingo black people are what, 10% ?
BingoBoingo: I dun see why not. Black girls got the best smell on their pinks.
cazalla: pink pussy contrasted with the black skin doesn't really do it for me either
cazalla: not so sure i'm a fan (not that we have any black women down under)
decimation: do you realize what kind of black hole python is being forced into ... to be polite?
mircea_popescu: like a black hawk crashed into green lantern.
mircea_popescu: BLACK LANTERN dude!!1
asciilifeform: 'Like Bitcoin, Black Lantern uses an open-ledger system in which derived hash-value trees are maintained by Guardtime in order to monitor for changes. In the case of Bitcoin the values represent transactions; in the case of Guardtime, it’s the hashed signatures of the assets being tracked.' << tr0l0l0l
mircea_popescu: williamdunne one of the most amusing things, to me, is that the entire "black domination" subtrend in porn is driven almost entirely by white men.
mircea_popescu: who ever knew of a black hottie outlast a decade.
mircea_popescu: dawg im impressed, this is like black madonna material.
wiz: i mean, not paying tax to the state, or being restricted by their regulations, etc. is a huge competitive advantage in any market, white or black
asciilifeform: the collapse of ai ('ai winter') quite arguably created a black hole with sufficient suction to take -all- of computing with it
mircea_popescu: Bahar Mustafa, the welfare and diversity officer at Goldsmiths Students' Union, told students that the union meeting was only open to "BME Women" - females of black and ethnic minorities."
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-05-2015#1130812 << damned straight. lazy, stupid dudes from africa should not get a salary, college degrees and free housing on the grounds that they're black. ☝︎
decimation: pete_dushenski: amusingly it is my understanding that the central americans have nearly completely displaced certain construction trades, to the point that it is nearly impossible for a regular white (or black) person to work on a 'framing team'
pete_dushenski: decimation indeed. we're seeing increasing amounts of mexican and south us (black) labourers. rest are polacks and newfies (like nubbins`_
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this is the point where i admit this had been all wild speculation and i have nfi. << My point is you could put most of USia's urban welfare expenditure on making potential Black Panther not starve.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> the size of that cohesive group is merely a function of the resources wasted on it. << But consider what USG spends on keeping NBP alive to only have Maybe 200 new Black Panthers vs. what Femen spends on Maybe 200 topless agitators.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> ... << it's a mixed bag, really. the "new black panther" party was a good chunk of the success of the obama campaign. their disinterest was a big chunk of the ridoinculous fizzle of ows. << NBP is truly a tiny thing like FEMEN
assbot: Logged on 12-05-2015 15:09:44; lobbes: idk re: prison insurgencies. He compares the 'black youth' imprisoned today with former workers for Sadam. Former being terribly unorganized to start with vs. the latter (arguably) being the obverse
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-05-2015#1128992 << it's a mixed bag, really. the "new black panther" party was a good chunk of the success of the obama campaign. their disinterest was a big chunk of the ridoinculous fizzle of ows. ☝︎
lobbes: idk re: prison insurgencies. He compares the 'black youth' imprisoned today with former workers for Sadam. Former being terribly unorganized to start with vs. the latter (arguably) being the obverse ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, "We always used condoms before, and we both agreed he's only going to fuck my ass now that we're married. We both love the symbolism — I'll be shitting out his weak sperm while superior black men's seed will soak into my womb as nature intended."
trinque: about his rented gf not being photographed with black men, but she could fuck 'em
assbot: Resilience is The New Black | naked capitalism ... ( http://bit.ly/1bITabO )
ben_vulpes: "people are no longer motivated by appeals to broader, more abstract values, that what motivates them are more narrow, survival-oriented approaches" << http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/05/resilience-is-the-new-black.html subconsciously, everyone knows what's coming
chetty: its worse than not caring, black kids are scroned for even trying in school, the get told they are acting too white
decimation: so you get a 'partially compiled' black box turd? it's amazing hardware vendors put up with that kind of shit
pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRGC-5LjJ2M << "is it coz i is black ?"
assbot: Black Mirror 102, “15 Million Merits” | Ordinary Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1InmCCw )
mircea_popescu: http://ordinary-gentlemen.com/blog/2015/01/24/black-mirror-season-102-15-million-merits << a pretty decent discussion of it.
mircea_popescu: Black Mirror 102, “15 Million Merits”
mats: which is appropriate, i'd say, because cambodians are like the black people of asia
mircea_popescu: "Note that every honest person in Baltimore believes these riots were the first of many, and that the media and government—attributing the riots to the death of Freddie Gray—think that throwing some cops under the proverbial city bus will assuage black rage, when in reality, every government initiative that has contributed to the racial hatred in Baltimore is still ongoing. There will be more riots in Baltimore, pe
BingoBoingo: cazalla: I always try to play chess as black, why should I oppress myself by favoring that colour further
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-05-2015#1122307 <<< always bet on black :P ☝︎
mircea_popescu: lls flat beneath the reality of naked force. The hooting black heathens that have hunted me in the streets of Baltimore for over 30 years might be my enemies, but they at least acknowledge my manhood as they probe for my every weakness, and have struck a resounding blow against the slave mistress society that seeks with its every apparatus to render me weak to the point of meek.
BingoBoingo seeing baltimore riot tape first thought black mardi gras
mircea_popescu: The professional gun-armed black criminals were staging home invasions, drug stash-house raids, and stealthy break-ins of high value targets under cover of darkness <
BingoBoingo: And the Black vs. Bosnia conflict was silenced by the old bosnians
decimation: sure, that's what gives the us its black and white checkerboard demographic map
decimation: "In the city, the entitlement pressure continues to ramp up, with the Whole Foods grocery store coming under fire for feeding national guardsmen that prevented their store from being looted. The ghettoites claim that the grocer should have been feeding the black students who lost their free school lunch on Tuesday, rather than the guardsmen who were protecting the grocer from these same juvenile delinquents. "
mircea_popescu: "10. All whites I have spoken to have noted that blacks they normally come into contact with have been behaving with increased—or not before present—hostility. This has been noted by the author as well, with hard eye-contact and aggressive posturing evidenced by most black males I now encounter, where before that was a minority expression of about a third of such men."
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: On black and white turdcams I look more like a chubby somali than a korean, but yes. I am surprised he did not mount aggressive defense on the camera quality.
danielpbarron: 4. Lone white women away from home were targeted for gang rape by gangs of black men immediately across the city and county.
mircea_popescu: not that many white people speaking sino-tibetan languages, not that many black people speaking indo-european languages, not that many yellow people speaking semitic languages etc.
williamdunne: Occasional racist jokes but the couple of Asian kids and couple of black kids were just viewed as other kids
williamdunne: So, just to be clear. The difference is you can tell who shitty white people are, but you can't tell who shitty black people are?
mircea_popescu: that's kinda what happens with racial stereotypes. if you grow up among white people, you immediately recognize white trash. black people don't register properly in this scheme, so your mental heuristic (correctly) just assigns the trash bit to all of them.
lobbes: http://www.worldcrunch.com/business-finance/the-threat-of-mexico-039-s-massive-undergound-economy/shadow-economy-gdp-black-market-employment-benefits-taxes/c2s16698/#.VUkz95O0K20
lobbes: not sure how you'd measure black market economic activity, but this article claims 25% of Mexican GDP is such:
assbot: Operation Black Buck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1I6JyUZ )
decimation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Black_Buck < "The attacking Vulcan was refuelled seven times on the outward journey and once on the return journey. "
asciilifeform: it looked like a buncha derps coin vanishing into black hole.
asciilifeform: decimation: to some of these folks, the beige and black that pc chassis traditionally come in is the conspiracy
pete_dushenski: sorta like that louis ck bit about young black comics just being way, way fucking cooler than he could ever be
mircea_popescu: africa doesn't suck because "black people suck". africa sucks because africa is the people who were left behind.
Pierre_Rochard: “For people to say black lives matter, and for the crowd to shout back ‘U.S.A.,’ which is upholding a system that is oppressing black people, I think that that is problematic,”
mircea_popescu: http://www.dailydot.com/politics/harvard-protest-primal-scream-run/ << where black lives that matter meet white cocks that are free!
mircea_popescu: friend, and the last thing I see before I black out is a patch of yellow cheese powder inside her long tangled beard."
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I think some hmility was imposed when some of the black kids got too amped up on "kill whitey" and started going after Bosnians. Seems they learned better than to do that within a month or so.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-04-2015#1113685 << kinda shows the limits of stereotyping. black people that shoot black people are in no way related to black people who riot @ the police. ☝︎
Pierre_Rochard: another thing I noted - press conference had only black people speaking. Cops on the ground are mostly white
BingoBoingo: Pierre_Rochard: "Black Leadership" is coded language for "FBI Provacateurs and Informants"
Pierre_Rochard: ah, well, judging from the press conference, baltimore’s black leadership does not care about black lives either