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asciilifeform: *book
asciilifeform: he was permitted to write a book, the very typical 'escaped sov brass' boot, nominally 'edgy' but 100% usg-approved
phf: a good common lisp book to have in addition to keene's clos book is AMOP http://www.amazon.com/The-Metaobject-Protocol-Gregor-Kiczales/dp/0262610744
pete_dushenski: she might also be the only chick on my 'mega-recommended book list'
ben_vulpes: http://www.textfiles.com/bitsavers/pdf/symbolics/genera/User_s_Guide_to_Symbolics_Concordia_Book_Design.pdf << trinque: let's go after indesign
trinque: ascii_field: do you recommend a starting-point book on USSR history, or is the material not in english?
gabriel_laddel: "... a magnificent job. I have never seen a language description that is more complete or more precise, yet each chapter is throughly enjoyable and subtly witty. The book is absolutely indispensable for all serious LISP students and users; its high quality is a major reason why Common LISP is *the* LISP of the future" - Patrick Henry Winston
asciilifeform: copyrasts whine about 'if you made movie, you didn't make that movie' but there can be no such thing as too cruel a revenge for 'if you bought a book, you didn't buy that book'
nubbins`: cazalla, having a pantone book is like having a suitcase full of vials with "essence of ____" written on the labels
assbot: Logged on 24-07-2015 01:41:27; trinque: I took an adderall xr once and had an utterly terrible night, took notes on my entire calculus book
pete_dushenski: can't say i'd really recommend manguel's book, it was a bit too much about him being old and his life and times living all over the world
trinque: I took an adderall xr once and had an utterly terrible night, took notes on my entire calculus book ☟︎
punkman: re:physiognomy, kinda fun book http://www.amazon.com/The-Physiognomy-Well-Built-City-Trilogy/dp/1930846533
mircea_popescu: but i mean this is by the fucking book, where the hell was it
cazalla: trinque, preddy sure nut meg was in some cook book alongside banana skins ( i tried both afterall)
hazirafel: look it up in the phone book :)
decimation: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/07/09/hitlers-thoughts-on-the-euro/ > "I’m halfway through Look Who’s Back, a book in which Hitler wakes up in 2011 and, homeless and friendless, ... The Reichsmark was no longer legal tender, even though others—probably some clueless dilettantes on the side of the victorious powers—had clearly adapted my plan to turn it into a European-wide currency. At any rate, transactions were now b
decimation: somebody fills the plum book, decides what the ny times prints, prints usd, etc
asciilifeform: there is a thicker, nameless book which contains the list of SES ('senior executive service') employees
punkman: "The United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the Plum Book, is published every four years, after the Presidential election.  The Plum Book is used to identify presidentially appointed positions within the Federal Government"
asciilifeform: punkman: usa has the equivalent of su nomenklatura. as in, an actual phone book of the annointed
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-07-2015#1204405 << right out the "i'm not gay, i just like the taste of cock is all" book. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: apparently no one on the net has the statice book up. so here it is, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/statice.pdf
mircea_popescu: nubbins` this is possibly the oldest rule in the book.
gabriel_laddel: trinque: Congrats. It is a lovely book. Simple, to the point, and clearly the product of someone who understood *exactly* the limitations of their tooling.
decimation: I've been reading that 'thinking forth' book, it's rather enjoyable
decimation: ah the missing bit in the middle "a number of previously posted large sell orders suddenly became visible in the order book above the current 30-year futures price (as well as in smaller size in 10-year futures)."
danielpbarron: ag3nt_zer0, http://danielpbarron.com/ascii_book_list.txt
gribble: Error: Too many orders to list on IRC. Visit the web order book, http://bitcoin-otc.com/vieworderbook.php?eitherthing=USD to see list of orders for this item.
mats: ;;book USD
gribble: Error: Too many orders to list on IRC. Visit the web order book, http://bitcoin-otc.com/vieworderbook.php?eitherthing=BTC to see list of orders for this item.
mats: ;;book BTC
trinque: it's a goddamn public phone book
punkman: sorry book indeed
trinque: we're just supposed to look sadly at the page of the book on the trail of tears for a few minutes, then move on
trinque: lol! sorry book!
cazalla: in the mid 90s students were asked to sign a "sorry book" apologising to the australian aboriginies.. i just refused to sign it and that was that, if the other students had simply done the same, it would not have gained any traction, there was no consequence for not signing the stupid fucking book
ag3nt_zer0: several months back I was at the plug and play bitcoin meetup... Nathaniel Popper was there talking about his book... anyway, after the talk I was standing in line to ask him to clarify something when this familiar-looking chap gets in line behind me. asks me who what etc...
asciilifeform: was even turned into a comic book..
gabriel_laddel: earlier I started to modify the address book to handle my rolodex
asciilifeform: i have wanted that thing for years. but i;m not paying usg 500 for a book
danielpbarron: asciilifeform, aha the forward of the book is by berwick, the galt's gulch guy who got a write up in trilema
asciilifeform: someone here might have told me that the fella who put that book together later turned sc4mz0r somehow
assbot: The Book of Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1gqVV4n )
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: there is a dead-tree book containing 'satoshi's posts'
asciilifeform: everybody eventually runs out of book.
mircea_popescu: and so it came to pass zeus eventually ran out of book.
asciilifeform: highest compliment paul e. could give a colleague was to say 'this is from The Book'
asciilifeform: he liked to say that god had a book, containing the best possible proof of each theorem
decimation: actually better link to the book here http://www.celnav.de/page2.htm
asciilifeform: for contrast: i just finished a neat little book (ru) on early artillery
funkenstein_: for longitude, i believe there is a book by sobel or something
asciilifeform: some smirking 'plum book' stuffed shirt who thinks that his ph.d. makes him a god
assbot: Logged on 04-07-2015 06:13:58; decimation: agreed, except "consenus-critical" means "compatible with what satoshi wrote" in my book
decimation: agreed, except "consenus-critical" means "compatible with what satoshi wrote" in my book ☟︎
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: ted k. had a book!
trinque: least you actually read the book
ascii_field: the annointed 'plum book' folks can take bribe, extort, to their heart's delight
ag3nt_zer0: trinque: hi there. were you able to read through that book? if so, what'd you think?
jurov: in fact it did, but outside the book
asciilifeform: anyone for whom this question is a routine matter really ought to own the book
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181475 << this is not even the worst known abuse. one book (forget whose) actually suggested 'just in time compilation' on arbitrary (!) machines by snarfing up binary routines from function pointers and memcpying them into a buffer, then (*foo)()-ing in... ☝︎
decimation: well, until the book is printed, studied, underped
asciilifeform owns a book with title 'the of' on the spine
ascii_field: rezun has a very spiffy nearly book-length description of the ru version
assbot: 29 December 1944 - As I Please - George Orwell, Book, etext ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hlcbho )
asciilifeform: ^ has book, 'mother nature', where the thesis is laid out. recommended.
assbot: Mr. Talented | 🇺🇸 America has taught Me that each Human being has 36,000 days to do something extraordinary. In less than 2,000 days, I've independently launched a start-up, wrote a book, obtained celebrity contacts & most importantly reached YOU. Here's my business card: MrTalented.org 30-sec ... ( http://bit.ly/1HgcObW )
ascii_field: likewise, when mircea_popescu has occasion to visit a doctor, does he visit an 'obsolete' specialist, or just some fella who had a 'general sense of sanity' and decided, on a weekend lark, to open an anatomy book for an hour or two ?
punkman: "discuss trading" << I don't get why this would be desirable, beyond telling each other "o hey buttstamp book crossed again"
ben_vulpes: "stella", for a favorite kids book "stella luna", because the car is a batmobile.
pete_dushenski: expenses are 'for the greater good' and 'on the book'
pete_dushenski: revenues are decentalised and therefore 'off the book'
asciilifeform: (orlov's '5 stages' book, as well as of course 400 yrs of euro 'wish i were an amerind' material, ends with just this)
mats: might be worth your time to put it in the -otc order book
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-06-2015#1167674 << soviet lego clone did not come with book ☝︎
funkenstein_: BTCBanana: funkenstein, hahah why you invested in a tech you don't understand go read the book by andreas
mircea_popescu: anyway, to take a page out of alf's book, "we will know terminal decline stage by this sign, that ivy-limp bureaucrats will organise tranny beheading parties and then gather the heads in a sack and take them to isis, as a ritual sacrifice. much to everyone's confusion and wtf in that camp."
mircea_popescu: in the european cultural discourse it ended up as a bit of editorializing by people without a daily mail, looking to illustrate the idiocy they read in some book.
ascii_field: but notice there is no how-to book, 'build church organ in 21 days'
assbot: Book of Brodin Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1HwXVTb )
BingoBoingo: Also this exists http://bookofbrodin.wikia.com/wiki/Book_of_Brodin_Wiki
nubbins`: i need someone to buy me this book: http://www.beheadingboredom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/how-to-even-for-dummies.jpg
ascii_field: but could also learn this from book
pete_dushenski: actually reading ascii_field recommended "chinese examination" book atm.
asciilifeform: mega-book ^
asciilifeform: http://www.burnsideinstitute.com/robot_book/robots.html << with english transl.
assbot: Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Book Review: The Redistribution Recession ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gd6Hom )
mircea_popescu: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/06/01/book-review-the-redistribution-recession/
mircea_popescu: One of the biggest surprises in the book is the importance of federal mortgage loan forgiveness: “This chapter shows how all of these outcomes, and more, may be a direct result of stark incentives created by the FDIC and HAMP programs (hereafter jointly referenced as FH) and their practice of targeting the ratio of housing expenses to borrower income. The FH programs offer modifications on the basis of borrower incom
mircea_popescu: "If you live in an expensive city and are acquainted with families collecting welfare the book confirms what you might have noticed, i.e., that it would be irrational for the adults in the family to enter the workforce. Here in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for example, the welfare families that I have spent the most time with occupy apartments with a market rent of about $4,500 per month ($54,000 per year in post-tax inco
assbot: Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Book Review: The Redistribution Recession ... ( http://bit.ly/1MrNSyK )
decimation: here's how to 'out-scam' the printing press: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/06/01/book-review-the-redistribution-recession/ < "In other words we?re trending toward a society where about half of the working-age adults will kill themselves with 60-80-hour weeks while the other half will relax on the sofa."
mircea_popescu: by the book.
Landgull: Even if the cause is imperceptible, without some skill of maintenance everything crumbles in time. Which book is a best seller today is likely random and inscrutable, no book would be read 1,000 years after being written without skill.
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: Another usefull asciilifeform suggested reading is 'Wasp' I think it was our book club book a bit before you arrived
chetty: I still like the feel of an actual book, but the worlds libraries on your lap is hard to beat
hegemoOn: wanted to share this article http://parasec.net/transmission/order-book-visualisation/
asciilifeform: the gods could write a riotously funny book of what folks said while sitting on stakes, boiling in oil, etc
cazalla: i never read much as half a cook book