1312 entries in 0.655s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: at this point, the enemy is enemy not simply because of what he does or may do, but because of what he has done and what he is. <<< well, at the previous point the enemy was not an enemy at all, just a bunch of derps. it's ony recently that trilema went from "power rangers" to "
gavin has turned", and for a while there prior to the 2013 debacle he was not even being treated in concordance with the idiocy
Apocalyptic: cazalla, re your article, "once regulators and politicians control and enable the continued development of Bitcoin", they can't be that clueless, how the hell do they hope to "control the continued development" ? by sending a
gavin-bis ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform speaking of nobel prizes, god help us if satoshi ends up awarded the nobel for chemistry and
gavin dressed up as princess leila
mircea_popescu: i hear
gavin is planning to fork bitcoin and make his own version.
mircea_popescu: assbot:
Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin' <<< mmmmywah, that was really on the table lol.
Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin'
mircea_popescu: but if there was a candidate for "magic packet" undocumented behaviour of the subverted
gavin-bitcoin, this is it.
mircea_popescu: obviously exact result can not be known, because the specification is
gavin's mother's cunt.
assbot: And
Gavin moves on to the dark side. The Bitcoin project is officially hijacked pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
punkman: "You should save the "
Gavin is trying to impress evil institutional investors" mud-slinging for when I get around to laying out the argument for increasing the block size, because that would be closer to the truth."
mircea_popescu: well, the death of the previous hard fork (the one
gavin & hearn created) happened through the cooperation of the meanwhile defunct 50btc guild.
decimation: I don't even get how
gavin's post is an economic argument
mircea_popescu: anyway, what i do is the lesser part. the best thing
gavin & co could do is fork themselves outside of this project.
HeySteve: so I'm guessing if
Gavin forks the chain, you'll be sticking with the tried and true?
midnightmagic: the key is held by
gavin. satoshi still has it. i don't know who else. I don't think anyone else.
mircea_popescu: conscience is fluid. look at Luke-Jr's conscience : he lied about bfl delivering. look at
gavin, etc.
los_pantalones: mircea_popescu you may get
gavin & co to ethereum mode sooner rather than later
mircea_popescu: what may perhaps happen is a day when
gavin, mike and co finally go full-ethereum
mircea_popescu: othernubs` there's really no cause to fork the name too. let the
gavin-mike-dorkteam run into obscurity and that's that.
mircea_popescu: usgavin can make usbitcoin, or they can have
gavin & mike's extra special bitcoin-identical flavouring "i can't believe it's not blockchain"
assbot: I'm
Gavin Andresen And Welcome To Jackass | Qntra.net
BingoBoingo: I mean there's the
Gavin Q/A, people recycling yesterday's news, and... is anything else happening?
kakobrekla: <Adlai> so just as
gavin is doing his AMA, i get a request to buy coins from "gavi". < you be in wrong channels
Adlai: so just as
gavin is doing his AMA, i get a request to buy coins from "gavi". coincidence? i think not!
mircea_popescu: most bitcoin reads mp way before it remembers who the fuck this
gavin schmuck is.
assbot: gavinandresen comments on I'm
Gavin Andresen, Chief Scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation. Ask me anything!
mircea_popescu: i totally wish to read more idiocy from this
gavin puppet.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski oyu know, if anyone gave a shit about either
gavin or reddit they'd just go there.
mircea_popescu: bounce anyway, it's kind-of amusing to me that the Krawisz fellow KNOWS about
gavin's ideas to reduce block propagation from a function of size to a fixed value
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> "In light of the foregoing, it should be clear that Mircea, not
Gavin, is derping here." << the only thing that matters in there is that they understand who is setting the conversation and establishing the winners and losers
nubbins`: "In light of the foregoing, it should be clear that Mircea, not
Gavin, is derping here."
mircea_popescu: anyway, seriously,
gavin and "5 ~actual~ economists", this is the "are we all wrong" astroturf consensus he hopes to go on ?
mircea_popescu: the problem here is that
gavin is trying to paint the box for the discussion.
mircea_popescu: the problem here isn't that
gavin is trying to fuck things up, because he won't succeed.
mircea_popescu: anyway, if anyone wants to ask
gavin anything, you've got plenty of material in here.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: It's the only other article I found disagreeing with
ThickAsThieves: "read it. Was it reviewed by any actual economists? Mine was by five, are we all wrong?" ~
gavin assbot: Bitcoin Blocksize Economics:
Gavin is Wrong - Coin Brief
mircea_popescu: to make it perfectly clear : no team that in any way includes any of the currently proscribed usg agents (
gavin, maxwell, hearn etc) can ever make a fork. never.
BingoBoingo: The truly scary thing is that as periperal as Andreas is... I think he has more fans than compromised
Gavin and Hearn together.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well you have to consider the idiots who write us off for suggesting Hearn or
Gavin could be coopted and have interest agaisnt Bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: "To soften my comment, I would not want to replace
Gavin with some loony that thinks the USG is competent enough to undermine bitcoin in any organized way. All this talk about Mike and
Gavin being stooges is absurd, and undermines my respect for much of the other (very insightful) stuff you guys write on the Internet. They can be wrong, without being corrupt."
pete_dushenski: thankfully, i had made a back-up but i was pretty choked for a minute cuz the auto-save didn't include that last article about
gavin's retardation
pete_dushenski: "
Gavin has done quite a lot for the bitcoin project, and is one of the few people who can credibly represent it to lay people. Still, I agree with the Romanian school inasmuch as the blockchain increase seems unnecessary and potentially disastrous to me. It’s inviting a fork that will not be honored by a large portion of the current hash power, and the current wallet balance. Thus it is a Bad Idea. What about side
BingoBoingo: You know at this point the shit
Gavin proposes on the roadmap has to suggest a three letter agency gave him an explosive buttplug.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: hmm. maybe
gavin is trying to tip us off below the radar of his handlers?
assbot: justusranvier comments on
Gavin Andresen Proposes Bitcoin Hard Fork to Address Network Scalability
pete_dushenski: "And then divide by… uh, I think 5, because Pieter’s libsecp256k1 code is 5 times as fast as OpenSSL." << love this line by
gavin must drive a lexus because he's definitely in the pursuit of perfection.
pete_dushenski: which brings up
gavin's latest, yes, make that his THIRD comment on contravex today:
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: and incidentally exactly, but EXACTLY how idiots just like
gavin end up with mortgages they can't pay. << such forecasting these guys.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: so average bandwidth in US (where
Gavin is based) is 10Mbit. An incearse of .5 per year is like what 15 next then 22.5 after that etc etc <<< in 20 years the per-block subsidy will be just about 40 bitcents. at that same time,
gavin's block size will be 110 mb. << whoa.
BingoBoingo: skinnkavaj agrees with
Gavin on scalability, that dooms it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That -dev conversation has some interesting derping lower down with luke and
Gavin agreeing
mircea_popescu: but in fact
gavin executing usg agenda. those twerps have few ideas and they keep redressing them everywhere.
mircea_popescu: it's in fact exactly recycled golfclub pattern talk, which is exactly how the independent observer knows this is not merely
gavin derping,
mircea_popescu: bounce maybe. again, im not saying "no" or "never" here. i'm trying to do some actual reasoning on evaluating patently insane claims sprouted by
mircea_popescu: and incidentally exactly, but EXACTLY how idiots just like
gavin end up with mortgages they can't pay.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: so average bandwidth in US (where
Gavin is based) is 10Mbit. An incearse of .5 per year is like what 15 next then 22.5 after that etc etc <<< in 20 years the per-block subsidy will be just about 40 bitcents. at that same time,
gavin's block size will be 110 mb.