1300+ entries in 0.593s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes but he'll hjave to get gavin to sell him some of those magical 10 terrabyte ssd's he has from the future.
mircea_popescu: in any case, the fed didn't go "mp sunk gavin's idiocy and with that our last hope to subvert bitcoin"
mircea_popescu: yo yellen! at least gavin has the ballsack to carefully come here when i'm not around, you know ?
assbot: Logged on 26-01-2015 04:02:39; mircea_popescu: someone should make a gavin retardobot
decimation: "As a result, GISS’s director Gavin Schmidt has now admitted Nasa thinks the likelihood that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 is just 38 per cent. However, when asked by this newspaper whether he regretted that the news release did not mention this, he did not respond." < lol daily mail
mircea_popescu: someone should make a gavin retardobot ☟︎
mircea_popescu: or whatever other random css expert gavin found on fiverr.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/10/25_notes-on-increasing-the-maximum-bitcoin-block-size-or-why-it-aint-happenin.html << hey ben_vulpes did gavin ever respond to that one ? << hey this one actually doesn't read too poorly a few months later
assbot: The Emperor is Buttnaked (BTC block size discussion with Gavin) : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1CpvB1r )
mircea_popescu: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/10/25_notes-on-increasing-the-maximum-bitcoin-block-size-or-why-it-aint-happenin.html << hey ben_vulpes did gavin ever respond to that one ?
mircea_popescu: (never = not anymore, since gavin is no longer in a position to merge hearnidiocy in any significant manner)
fluffypony: the reddits were all "OMG GAVIN HAS THE PATIENCE OF A GOD. HE IS TRULY A SAINT."
decimation: lulzy gavin conversation
CoraCrisT: so Kim Kardashian is publishing her new book/photo album called Selfie or Selfish... Amazon is selling a book with Satoshi`s posts from bitcointalk and gavin wants to hard fork bitcoin...
CoraCrisT: enjoying myself with gavin`s wannabee reformed theology
mircea_popescu: where's that great disney cartoon of gavin & co
mircea_popescu: but in this sense, a scenario where gavin has gay sex with midgets can also be constructed. so let's put him in prison for it,
mircea_popescu: ahahaha wait, wait. so gavin actually sprouted the ninjashogun line re b-a "conversation quality" ?!
xanthyos: is the price of bitcoin moving up today a response to gavin being dissed in assets?
mircea_popescu: so you're spending 100 cakes per loaf of bread instead. because this is "economics" as understood by "expert economists" : oleg andreev, gavin assassinsen, that nytimes thoctchke what's his name
mircea_popescu: i think gavin will make a fortune in gangsta rap
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: I agree, the only model is what actually ends up happening. I think the miners will get a taste for that inelasticity and jealously defend it. I think Gavin & co fear that more than anything else
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: I was interested in hearing gavin defend tx fee elasticity, not much else
mircea_popescu: anyway, ftr, there's nothing at all in this gavin thing. so he came in, derped about nothing in particular, found his way out. at least a dozen random noobs/spammers performed just as well.
Naphex: ben_vulpes: heard you got ignored by gavin for distracting him ;)
Adlai is impressed that gavin showed up here, but also a little puzzled - did anybody think anybody else's opinion would change?
Adlai: you missed gavin!
mircea_popescu: felipelalli: but I also found too aggressive the numbers of Gavin. And why do you guys hate Gavin? << you will benefit from reading the logs, also googling "site:trilema.com gavin" might help.
mircea_popescu: point in case of this matter, once gavin is questioned as to why exactly he wants to do x, and he immediately and seamlessly moves into "oh, so what's the right value, so you want to do X' ??" it is clear that he is not in fact interested in what he claims to discuss
assbot: And Gavin moves on to the dark side. The Bitcoin project is officially hijacked pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI2YM2 )
BingoBoingo: For people catching up on mircea_popescu gavin drama http://trilema.com/2013/and-gavin-moves-on-to-the-dark-side-the-bitcoin-project-is-officially-hijacked/
BingoBoingo: May Gavin be less successful
davout: "Gavin's patience. Wow."
assbot: Must-read: Transcript of block-size discussion with Gavin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXCr8j )
mircea_popescu: hey gavin ? YOU ARE GETTING A FREE RIDE. you're pretty much the only one. you're a middling software engineer that is STILL leeching some historical happenstance.,
mircea_popescu: seems kinda bizarre gavin still pretends like he's had a public discussion about this but so far has not quite got his courage up enough to bring his hairball of non sequiturs, wild jumps and logic holes over here.
mircea_popescu: "The fundamental pain point here, is that Gavin insists on everyone being able to get in, instead of allowing a sane transaction fee market to emerge, by letting the blocks actually fill-up."
felipelalli: with Gavin proposal, bitcoin core should be very simplified (like an "amateur" version) connected to trusted (few?) full nodes. It can work but it affects the decentralization, is that right?
BingoBoingo: Well, Gavin seems to want to actually kill Bitcoin with his ridiculous exponential growth stuff.
felipelalli: but I also found too aggressive the numbers of Gavin. And why do you guys hate Gavin?
BingoBoingo: Theymos doesn't get to have much of an opinion, but at least he isn't gavin.
assbot: theymos comments on Gavin: Twenty Megabytes testing results ... ( http://bit.ly/15tv9Td )
felipelalli: What do you guys think about this proposal of Theymos? http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t2xrh/gavin_twenty_megabytes_testing_results/cnvew17
chetty: BingoBoingo, oh yeah maybe Gavin does need some fixin
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, gavin's top priority is... you've guessed it.
mircea_popescu: basically, gavin has pretty much 0 support in -dev.
mircea_popescu: if i wasn't so disinterested i'd have someone mine reddit to get a relative comparison of votes/words wasted on gavin's coin vs neobee
Luke-Jr: especially if Gavin has the big merchants and exchanges onboard - if they follow his lead on this, everyone who wants to buy stuff with Bitcoin is likely to follow along too, for better or worse
mircea_popescu: people here don't "have concerns". people here are going to skin the fork as proposed so far, no argument there. gavin can start reading or press ahead, either way.
Luke-Jr: anyhow, I don't think Gavin knows people here have concerns. I'd suggest doing a writeup of what those concerns are, and what Gavin needs to do if he wants your approval for a hardfork. I know you shouldn't *have to*, but otherwise I don't see any way this is likely to come to a resolution.
Luke-Jr: mircea_popescu: If Gavin wanted to force the hardfork, he wouldn't be frustrated at his inability to convince people ;)
Luke-Jr: mircea_popescu: I'm definitely in favour of taking a conservative approach, and I'm pretty sure most of the Bitcoin Core team is as well. I think Gavin was probably frustrated earlier when it came up in #bitcoin-dev because nobody could give him a straightforward "way to convince everyone"
Luke-Jr: decimation: also, Gavin is no longer the final word for any git repo
decimation: why would we care what some guy (like gavin) commits into some random github repo?
Luke-Jr: asciilifeform: I agree Gavin should persuade you - but he will probably ignore you if you're not there discussing it
Luke-Jr: and I hope Gavin doesn't plan to just ignore DarkWallet and your fork - though I wouldn't be surprised if he did to be honest
felipelalli: MPEx are going to negotiate Gavin Coins?
Luke-Jr: looks like Gavin's recommendations, which were lame
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000 "Gavin Scamcoins" @ 750 BTC Future delivery. Larger amounts will get you an even better deal. Smaller amounts may be considered. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000 "Gavin Scamcoins" @ 750 Bitcoin Future delivery. Larger amounts will get you an even better deal. Smaller amounts may be considered.
Luke-Jr: mircea_popescu: Gavin wants to know what has to happen for people to agree to it - he isn't trying to force it through without consensus
mircea_popescu: same shit's happening here. gavin is lying, and you're falling for it.
mircea_popescu: and what lies gavin is sprouting to an eager ear... his problem.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000 "Gavin Scamcoins" @ 750 Bitcoin Future delivery. Larger amounts will get you an even better deal. Smaller amounts may be considered.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000 "Gavin Scamcoins" @750 Bitcoin Future delivery. Larger amounts will get you an even better deal. Smaller amounts may be considered.
mircea_popescu: ;;sell 1000 Gavin Scamcoins @750 Bitcoin Future delivery. Larger amounts will get you an even better deal. Smaller amounts may be considered.
mircea_popescu: as far as hardforking goes." << the downside of a hardfork is that every user that buys into the gavin scam will be left without a bitcoin node.
asciilifeform: anyone who has read medical treatises from as little as two centuries ago, will see a place for gavin et al in that profession
mircea_popescu: if gavin were a blacksmith, he probably would have passed for a good one. if this guy were an actual lumberjack, he'd probably have counted for a fine lumberjack.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i mean it deeper than that. i mean, actual quacks passing for professionals. see, since the internet there's a line being drawn : sure both gavin and wood dude pass to a certain crowd as idiots for the genuine article. but there exists a thinking crowd that sees through it.
mircea_popescu: but yes, im sure gavin "talked" to everyone handled by the same office.
mircea_popescu: "Edit: On IRC, Gavin explained he already talked to most (all?) big merchant processors and exchanges, and they were all onboard." derp.
assbot: Gavin Andresen On Future Blockchain Security: I Dunno LOL! | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/156Ddsx )
felipelalli: I made a mess here with html formatting: http://qntra.net/2015/01/gavin-andresen-on-future-blockchain-security-i-dunno-lol/#comment-7830
thestringpuller: hanbot: lemme guess "Congrats on being an idiot gavin" is you?
mircea_popescu: so wait, "you must accept MY altchain because otherwise you get a CHOICE of alt chains" ? this is the gavin pro-fork argument ?
scoopbot: New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2015/01/gavin-andresen-on-future-blockchain-security-i-dunno-lol/
mircea_popescu: i would suspect once we've beheaed gavin for things to proceed apace and by 2020 or so to have a more reasonable 50 to 100k move daily, of which that 1% is then maybe 50 btc a day.
jurov: i'm surprised gavin isn't considering rule like "allow for blocksize increase if tx fees bigger than some % of coinbase"
Apocalyptic: heh I see Gavin delivered, as expected
thestringpuller: LOL Gavin
BingoBoingo: More Gavin drippings http://gavintech.blogspot.com/2015/01/twenty-megabytes-testing-results.html
assbot: [RFC] The Gavin Assassinsen Memorial Mining Pool Implementation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zrL3uu )
mircea_popescu: davout http://trilema.com/2015/rfc-the-gavin-assassinsen-memorial-mining-pool-implementation/ there you go, degraded to rfc. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: check out dooglus (who isn't a gavin-approved economist, in spite of being exactly as certified&educated in the topic as the random idiots a la Oleg Andreev et all) explaining economics :
scoopbot: New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/open-the-gavin-assassinsen-memorial-mining-pool-implementation/
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] Adlai that's the idea. looky here : gribble/wot was created a few years ago,. when btc was worth nothing and nobody bothered distinguishing between taaki and gavin. << oh we're distinguishing between taaki and gavin nao
mircea_popescu: what's gavin dressed up as this time ? perianne boring ?
mircea_popescu: Adlai that's the idea. looky here : gribble/wot was created a few years ago,. when btc was worth nothing and nobody bothered distinguishing between taaki and gavin.
mircea_popescu: http://38.media.tumblr.com/c137c08dddcf441ea324c1f37c8c8246/tumblr_mnryfvVNSu1ssms30o1_500.gif << post gavin salvation.
fluffypony: don't worry guize, Gavin will save err'one
fluffypony: "The alert key will be raised by Gavin"
mircea_popescu: TomServo welll... some guy i never heard of presented on some webpage i never saw before as important, turns out he's another gavin, doing parlour tricks atparties and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: like gavin, or the rest. the million people that's a million extra hands on github
mircea_popescu: gavin isn't quitting the scam foundation either, and obviously the msm would present it as "influential". what's it influence, reddit ?
mircea_popescu: so what, o'reilly smelled the gunpowder and is splitting from the scam foundation ? or are they actually yielding in corpore but still trying to protect gavin's head from my platter ?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller feel free to tell em for me that if "the community" doesn't like the proximate results of Gavin "innovating", tough. The time to suck cock was the 12th.
punkman: no meat for gavin
mircea_popescu: gavin apology forthcoming yet ?
asciilifeform: or whatever the nice folks handling gavin have in store for his cowardly skin