438 entries in 0.662s
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: this then is a critique of
sks keyservers, strictly. there was a thread on their ML, they rejected the idea of rejecting such subkeys (...)
mircea_popescu: it's not "the
sks server" that is retarded. is the concept of machine-spread rsa key that's retarded ; much in the way of "machine-generated trust", be it embodied in "dao" or "colored coins" or "safe bitbet"
☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-07-15 19:55 asciilifeform: speaking of which, i'd still like to know where bock got all of those pubkeys that aren't in
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: If you are interested in a copy of the
SKS keyset as of.. I want to say mid-2012 or so (the same one that was used as evidence that Craig Wright backdated his keys) I can stuff it into an archive for you.
Framedragger: btw i'd choose self-sigs over "trust
sks keyservers not to include fake subkeys" any time of the year. obvs the point is to disassemble this false dichotomy. but short-term, self-sigs are not useless at all.
Framedragger: these diddled keys.. they can just be re-uploaded to
sks keyservers all the time, no? maybe keyservers should have a phuctor-like policy of rejecting shitty keys?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-05 02:49 mircea_popescu: nope. i have nfi how they could possibly "bitrot" seeing how the
sks updates are really supposed to pass hashes of files too
mircea_popescu: nope. i have nfi how they could possibly "bitrot" seeing how the
sks updates are really supposed to pass hashes of files too
☟︎ mod6: soooo i went through the epic headache of setting up
sks server on dulap, only to learn that the thing will not work without blessing from existing
sks operators. <<< uuuuugh
mircea_popescu: 4. convert the phuctor key db into a
sks as per republican spec. the strategy being that we will confiscate all public key crypto just like we confiscated bitcoin from the fucktarded zombie horde.
mircea_popescu: and why'd you install "a server" as distinct from just merging phuctor db ? wtf is this, since when do we credit
sks-pr ?
mircea_popescu: who knows, maybe it's one of those typical if hysterical cases of "thief claiming theft" and we discover HE doped the
sks servers.
mircea_popescu: no he didn't. he didn't get as far as removing the dsa/ecc keys out of the
sks dump to get a proper count of rsa moduli
mircea_popescu: incidentally-2 : you absolutely should introduce a (faux) directory structure of the type /ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD where each superior "directory" lists the subs it contains, and the last level lists actual keys. google will utterly lap this up. and it's useful in the general, passive
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag seeing how
sks itself reports them from 2002 to whatever, 2012, i dunno. lol.
mircea_popescu: the most effectual approach is to put a broken key of yours up on
sks, and wait for alice to mistake it for yours.
mircea_popescu: piratsimon you could ask that then, neh ? the pile of keys being worked on come from a dump of
sks servers.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: how large was the
sks dump?