438 entries in 0.662s
asciilifeform: though their 'is' is quite lulzy, e.g., the sks server talk is about 'This talk will discuss some experiences operating the services and discuss new features related to new specifications such as Elliptic Curves (including but not limited to Ed25519 and Curve25519) and the experimental Tor support available at hkp://jirk5u4osbsr34t5.onion in addition to providing an overview of the other available pools such as the TLS enabled HKPS p
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: this then is a critique of sks keyservers, strictly. there was a thread on their ML, they rejected the idea of rejecting such subkeys (...)
mircea_popescu: it's not "the sks server" that is retarded. is the concept of machine-spread rsa key that's retarded ; much in the way of "machine-generated trust", be it embodied in "dao" or "colored coins" or "safe bitbet" ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: sks, lulzily, continues to insist on displaying the short fp.
asciilifeform: see, each key is what came out of sks or whoever dumped it in.
asciilifeform: (or from sks, or any sane place)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'd remove sks from your 'contact me' page if i were you
BingoBoingo: probably pasted from sks
asciilifeform: (it is not in sks.)
asciilifeform: doesn't appear to be an sks key.
asciilifeform: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=bjoern.schroedel%40gmx.de&fingerprint=on << him.
asciilifeform: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=john.k.pescador%40hawaii.gov&fingerprint=on << ditto.
asciilifeform: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=mhkhadee%40hotmail.com&fingerprint=on << ditto.
asciilifeform: e.g., http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=alliancemicro%40dodemall.redcheetah.com&fingerprint=on
asciilifeform: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7FB82C851C5F7748 << the lul is quite visible, incidentally, to naked eye
asciilifeform: sks peerings have to be enabled on BOTH ends
asciilifeform: i set up an sks node at one point but barfed when i learned that i would have to ask heathens for PERMISSION
asciilifeform: l0l plastic sks
asciilifeform: claimed sks.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-15 19:55 asciilifeform: speaking of which, i'd still like to know where bock got all of those pubkeys that aren't in sks.
asciilifeform: and what, precisely, kept him from having exact superset of sks, for that matter, i got quite a few which he did not.
asciilifeform: speaking of which, i'd still like to know where bock got all of those pubkeys that aren't in sks. ☟︎
asciilifeform: in other nyooz, phuctor has crunched all of sks circa may 2016.
asciilifeform: for one thing, we could nail the question of whether the sks folk tell the truth in re 'nothing is ever removed'
asciilifeform: midnightmagic: i started with an only slightly younger sks
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: If you are interested in a copy of the SKS keyset as of.. I want to say mid-2012 or so (the same one that was used as evidence that Craig Wright backdated his keys) I can stuff it into an archive for you.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: current sks still has ~2 wks of juice in it
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1487874 << we're up 440k in the first score and 200k on the 2nd. is this still from recent sks dump being put in ? ☝︎
trinque: is your key on sks?
asciilifeform: sks circa may is 3799663/4265572 in.
asciilifeform: i expect that obviously phuctorable keyz will vanish from sks in not too long, likewise.
asciilifeform: can even go in parallel with the current sks pump.
asciilifeform: btw does mircea_popescu know what would happen if a pgp key with his main key but new magical subkey were generated and posted to sks ? ☟︎
Framedragger: btw i'd choose self-sigs over "trust sks keyservers not to include fake subkeys" any time of the year. obvs the point is to disassemble this false dichotomy. but short-term, self-sigs are not useless at all.
asciilifeform: the sks folk are dead set in favour of hosting random crapolade.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-03 17:49 asciilifeform: http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2015-05/msg00022.html << hilarious related thread from last year
Framedragger: these diddled keys.. they can just be re-uploaded to sks keyservers all the time, no? maybe keyservers should have a phuctor-like policy of rejecting shitty keys?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-05 02:49 mircea_popescu: nope. i have nfi how they could possibly "bitrot" seeing how the sks updates are really supposed to pass hashes of files too
mircea_popescu: nope. i have nfi how they could possibly "bitrot" seeing how the sks updates are really supposed to pass hashes of files too ☟︎
asciilifeform: and would appear to prove that anybody can upload whatever the fuck rubbish to sks and it will propagate.
asciilifeform: https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=cawest1221%40gmail.com << where found.
asciilifeform: 'people will upload cp to sks!1111' 'what to DOOOOOO?!!!' 'censor everything!'
asciilifeform: http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/sks-devel/2015-05/msg00022.html << hilarious related thread from last year ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03#1475427 << briefly returning to this thread, there is a remaining possibility - that at one point there were ~many more~ phuctorable pubkeys extant, but most were somehow purged, 'accidented' from sks. with that in mind i would ask for whosoever might know of a historic (1990s vintage) archive of pgp keyz. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: what's this, like 2 years' delta on the sks ?
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu sks-2016 sawed apart (took ~30 hrs) and now pumping in.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu gonna fire up sks dump circa 2016 shortly.
asciilifeform: https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=Todd+A.+Outten+%3Coutten%40kerner.com%3E
asciilifeform: https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=T.L.R.Halbesma%40uva.nl
asciilifeform: incidentally, re: earlier phucked key, https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=visentin%40milano.italtel.it << the genuine article
mod6: soooo i went through the epic headache of setting up sks server on dulap, only to learn that the thing will not work without blessing from existing sks operators. <<< uuuuugh
mircea_popescu: 4. convert the phuctor key db into a sks as per republican spec. the strategy being that we will confiscate all public key crypto just like we confiscated bitcoin from the fucktarded zombie horde.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'will not work' means that sks gossip protocol requires blessing on both ends of the line, so i'd have to make friends with an existing user
asciilifeform: that would pull from sks in real time
mircea_popescu: and why'd you install "a server" as distinct from just merging phuctor db ? wtf is this, since when do we credit sks-pr ?
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu soooo i went through the epic headache of setting up sks server on dulap, only to learn that the thing will not work without blessing from existing sks operators.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: more generally, 'gossip protocol' is a standard term for a particular type of synchronization, as used in, e.g., sks
asciilifeform: i dun get it, why leech from my site vs sks
asciilifeform: 1256094/1298527 from sks rsa set.
asciilifeform: also many of the kb keyz are in sks.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-06#1463810 << still going, about 5k in. but this is in parallel with the tail end of sks. ☝︎
asciilifeform: (being pumped in now, concurrently with the remnant of the old sks set)
asciilifeform: immediately we learn that a good chunk was already in sks.
mircea_popescu: we'll end up the master sks in short order.
asciilifeform: i.e. host an sks mirror on dulap.
asciilifeform: well there is also the ~fresh~ sks.
asciilifeform: (bock claimed to have used sks dump, but his set diverges considerably)
asciilifeform: either that or he used ft meade's sks
mircea_popescu: who knows, maybe it's one of those typical if hysterical cases of "thief claiming theft" and we discover HE doped the sks servers.
mircea_popescu: no he didn't. he didn't get as far as removing the dsa/ecc keys out of the sks dump to get a proper count of rsa moduli
asciilifeform: the abcd thing is an idea. but i wasn't really going for an sks clone
mircea_popescu: incidentally-2 : you absolutely should introduce a (faux) directory structure of the type /ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD/ABCD where each superior "directory" lists the subs it contains, and the last level lists actual keys. google will utterly lap this up. and it's useful in the general, passive sks.
asciilifeform: will also look into what it'd take to real-time eat sks.
asciilifeform: i'ma saw apart a recent sks dump this weekend.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there is still 3 or 4 days worth of old sks archive, being pumped in.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-03#1462131 << y'know, i already have sks archive. from 2014 even... ☝︎
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: sks is the noncooperating thing.
ascii_butugychag: sks will report what told to report.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag seeing how sks itself reports them from 2002 to whatever, 2012, i dunno. lol.
ascii_butugychag: sks has the idiot new ssl thing
ascii_butugychag: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x06BD86BFBDE0B73441D018C1A0C7E90E4625ED45 << also loads
mircea_popescu: it fails to load sks-keyservers ANYMORE.
ascii_butugychag: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xA3D4C5AB683984AF9F97ABBF8F042FE3B4C21938 << loads here.
ascii_butugychag: watch'em vanish from all 'historic' archives of sks etc.
asciilifeform: anotheryou: https://sks-keyservers.net
mircea_popescu: nah, no selection. it's the whole sks dump
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: there are reasons why someone might generate wholly unusable modulus and post to sks.
asciilifeform: iceblox: sks has the interesting 'feature' that it refuses to delete obsolete keys
asciilifeform: iceblox: if you are sure that the key is yours, actually yours, (there is a number of keys on sks maliciously corrupted in a way that they appear to have the legit fingerprint when viewed in certain pgp clients)
mircea_popescu: the most effectual approach is to put a broken key of yours up on sks, and wait for alice to mistake it for yours.
mircea_popescu: piratsimon you could ask that then, neh ? the pile of keys being worked on come from a dump of sks servers.
asciilifeform: and uploaded to sks net.
mircea_popescu: Version: SKS 1.1.5 Comment: Hostname: sks.okoyono.de
asciilifeform: (new ones are still being pumped in from the old sks parse. about 200k left iirc)
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: how large was the sks dump?
asciilifeform: (fucktonnes of dsa/etc derpery on sks)
asciilifeform: well there will be round 2, with an sks dump that isn't circa 2014.
asciilifeform: hey i was not counting on the idiot sks update process
asciilifeform: mrottenkolber: get current one from http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB98228A001ABFFC7 or http://www.loper-os.org/pgp.asc
danielpbarron: deedbot- http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xCF2950F23C844002