65 entries in 1.036s

Luby / LT codes? Got a paper on that waiting in a nearby pile, heh
a111: Logged on 2017-03-01 19:34 asciilifeform: there is no way to practically compute this value without having a copy of the blockchain. and it also ends up being
luby-transformable into any one of the 3 old tx if you have the other 2. a kind of perpetual redundancy in the storage .
luby soliton, what else?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 02:33 asciilifeform: and, i'll add, in light of the
luby proof-of-storage item.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 23:36 asciilifeform:
luby has one.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-14#1481878 << would a sort of bibliography/encyclopedia be useful in the lordship's opinion? have entries for figures that come up often;
luby, naggum, etc. obviously these are googleablelier than the dictionary entries, but might benefit from the trilema, # or no #, treatment...?
☝︎ trinque: why huck just to me either, can turn on the
luby hose and let multiple folks drink together, when they have the same question
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 16:05 asciilifeform: there is not ( and probably provably cannot be ) a '
luby for computation'
trinque: there was for example the lighthouse concept; asciilifeform has also spoken of using the
luby fountain algorithm over iirc either udp or raw IP packets.
Framedragger: i guess no way to use
luby code or equivalent on tcp huh
mircea_popescu: anyway, the exact way to apply
luby to it prolly can take more thinking. but hte idea certainly has merit.
mircea_popescu: they could have like an itinerant seminar of
luby transforms, functional analysis and convexity.
phf: asciilifeform: what's your
luby transform code written in?
herbijudlestoids: nubbins`: there is this awesome blogger bill
luby, he does vixandmore.blogspot.com ...hardcore options geekery explained for the masses.