50 entries in 1.281s
mircea_popescu: this is in the lawgs!
BingoBoingo: Oh my, much lawgs and numbers to digest this evening
BingoBoingo: Hi-lite for the lawgs: "One unarmed casino guard was shot, no patrons were injured, and no suspects have been arrested."
shinohai: Must've missed it in lawgs
shinohai: Did I miss a drinking record post while I ws down? /me searches lawgs
BingoBoingo: imagine how poor FBI interns must feel when they get hazed with tmsr lawgs
BingoBoingo: PLS STAHP THE PM'S until I catch up on lawgs
jurov: (and it will break all links in teh lawgs)
BingoBoingo: <assbot> 'Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImK18m ) << I put in lawgs last night
shinohai: But basically qntra et all need a sane place to host their respective pages? I must research this "host" thing in lawgs.
shinohai: dunno mircea_popescu said sumthin in the lawgs about it crappin out for some unknown reason.
BingoBoingo: Well, that's rare then. Most people now seem to register and hopefully later fuck off to 6 months of lawgs
mircea_popescu: shinohai> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1181693.msg12505384#msg12505384 <<< someone mentions bitcoin-assets lawgs
shinohai: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1181693.msg12505384#msg12505384 <<< someone mentions bitcoin-assets lawgs
shinohai: The lawgs and qntra have replaced my newspaper with morning coffee.
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip ... ( http://bit.ly/1J76CWy )
ben_vulpes: weak lawgs
ben_vulpes: sure enough, brief discussion in teh lawgs
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> i see our little cant count for shit friend dropped 850mbps of bs on the lawgs << was about 750 on qntra earlier too
kakobrekla: i see our little cant count for shit friend dropped 850mbps of bs on the lawgs
kakobrekla: reading ze lawgs is a full time jewb.
mike_c: it's in the lawgs. hetzner.
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
jurov: so i came to the systemd stuff in the lawgs .. and
kakobrekla: if someone cant open the lawgs ping me
kakobrekla: lawgs not coming back
RagnarDanneskjol: dem lawgs still down
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo perhaps ddoser is reading the lawgs
jurov catches s.qntr mention in the lawgs
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
RagnarDanneskjol: so much lawgs
RagnarDanneskjol: hmm. let me look into it. not off the top of head, will chek lawgs and ask around for you
TheNewDeal: there was an article posted here a while back (it's in the lawgs). It was 2 dudes, one of them for sure had an indian last name
jurov: no lawgs?
jurov: ben_vulpes: what is that your service everyone is talking about? i'm 10 days behind with the lawgs and your blog is dead
BingoBoingo: <nubbins`> it's a bit saucy to say anyone "siezed control" after being voted into power in an internationally-monitored election << Shhh don't let Obama read the lawgs his election wasn't internationally monitored
BingoBoingo: Huh, I can't seem to see a genericpersona derping in the lawgs
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
assbot: 10 results for 'lawgs' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=lawgs
TheNewDeal: !s lawgs
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
TheNewDeal: so what you're telling me is, it's in the lawgs https://imgflip.com/i/9iu9z ?
assbot: 6 results for 'lawgs' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=lawgs
TheNewDeal: !s lawgs
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
davout: fluffypony: someone hasn't been reading teh lawgs :3
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
assbot: Image tagged in lawgs - Imgflip
TheNewDeal: I'm actually just beginning to read about it now, after it being mentioned yeshterday in the lawgs
BingoBoingo: Now we just need to distribute the lawgs as a chain of blocks