1500+ entries in 0.893s
decimation: "Last week, a dog belonging to an Ebola-infected nurse was euthanized in Spain, causing a national outcry. " << wtf
Adlai: he was really nice considering my friend's dog got cabsick all over the backseat
mircea_popescu: as per usual, reddit makes a mess of things. they're like ten year olds, those people. "o did you hear sugar kills ? sure, it killed sam's dog!"
mircea_popescu: wasn't it the dog that went to moon ?
asciilifeform: in 20 years the average us citizen is on dialup << copper phone net torn down. and where not torn down, scavengers are working. so no, not fiber, it'll be either nothing or dog-slow radio a la africa.
nubbins`: well they're gonna kill her dog, that's something
mircea_popescu: the dog's memory is good for minutes, and his representative bubble can't exceed that.
mircea_popescu: forget it, it's like asking a dog to relate cause and effect across a week
pete_dushenski: "The necklace on my profile pic is not a dog collar, silly!!!" she said. "This is actually a beautiful necklace bought at Lane Crawford (yes - funded by all you HK taxpayers!! So are all my beautiful shoes and dresses and clutches!! Thank you so much!!!!)".
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YLaAvXU734 my dog is inside the piano
mircea_popescu: china is traditionally a sort of dog vomit (the fungus). it doesn't really war.
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2014 14:17:39; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, others: re: electronics-sniffing dog << distraction psyop. in real life, hidden electronics are found with a nonlinear junction detector.
assbot: 0 results for 'digital dog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=digital+dog
pete_dushenski: !s digital dog
assbot: 0 results for 'usb dog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=usb+dog
pete_dushenski: !s usb dog
assbot: A Police Dog for the Digital Age: She Can Smell the USB Drive You're Hiding - Bloomberg
pete_dushenski: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-23/a-police-dog-for-the-digital-age-she-can-smell-the-usb-drive-you-re-hiding.html
pete_dushenski: looks like asciilifeform rectothermal scan will be… a dog:
TheNewDeal: And bitcoin years are like the hypothetical dog years
BingoBoingo: Still I lean towards choosing market as a dog turd vendor likely won't last long.
asciilifeform: (note that you could just as easily end up eating a dog turd from the market and a blade of grass from the dump)
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: You dog is from a breed that requires low derp, yes?
chetty: maybe dog walk hour catches on in usa and nyt can boohoo
nubbins`: buddy of mine has a dog named water
mircea_popescu: i knew a chick that had named her cat Dog, but at least that was a) funny and b) not the cat's doing. too much pseudo-irony for lyfe.
asciilifeform: for a small dog.
mircea_popescu: he lives with his dog ?
mats_cd03: 22:28:50 <+mircea_popescu> something with dogshit in it << looks like something meant to be synonymous with 'fiat'. so, fiat held by those smelly dog shits.
mircea_popescu: make the tablet so you can put it into a robot. make your own dog, make your own buzz lightyear, make your own fucktoy.
mircea_popescu: and they won't be able to get out of it by aggitating the "us legislation" dog, nobody cares.
ThickAsThieves: wag the dog
Vexual: msg nickerv setpassword dog
BingoBoingo: Indeed dog.
asciilifeform: dog?
mircea_popescu: http://beranger.org/ludditus/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/logo.png << who knows this dog ?
kolinko: "Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something" -- Jake The Dog
nubbins`: in fact, both were bred from an animal called the St. John's Water Dog
rithm: a degree in dog breeding sounds exciting
RagnarDanneskjol: a Degree in Dog Breeding -who knew such a thing
assbot: Butt Covers For Your Cat and Dog Can Reduce Pet Homosexuality by 43% • ChristWire
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> http://christwire.org/2014/08/butt-covers-for-your-cat-and-dog-can-reduce-pet-homosexuality-by-43/ <<< sheeeit! if only we had known this earlier! fucking cheaper than gay rights, get them a butt hatch.
assbot: Butt Covers For Your Cat and Dog Can Reduce Pet Homosexuality by 43% • ChristWire
kakobrekla: http://christwire.org/2014/08/butt-covers-for-your-cat-and-dog-can-reduce-pet-homosexuality-by-43/
mircea_popescu: what of, a dog ?
mircea_popescu: just saying, no dog died of knowing too many tricks.
decimation: another answer: when power is passed to the new generation, it tends to be divided rather than concentrated - in the end the franchise is extended to every human and his dog, and no one is really in charge
mircea_popescu: said the guy on trial for giving chloral to some dude that died "i just do astrograms. i do them for anything, including your dog if you want. i never refused anyone."
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: I was a TA at a pharmacy school for 2 years. Pretty sure anticonvulsants are they way to go, but they vary so much from person to person. << no, he has a point. a woman is ideal but fail that a dog works.
BingoBoingo: My brother has a corgi mix named Frank. Frank is adorable. Frank would not make a good guard dog. Frank is great at giving elderly relatives hope though.
RagnarDanneskjol: you have a dog?
asciilifeform: decimation: catch a ball << bad example. when high-speed photography appeared, people learned that man (and dog, and circus lion) do not catch balls by computing integrals, but through 'bang-bang correction'
Vexual: good dog
mircea_popescu: speaking oif such instinct. i dunno if you've ever had dogs, but they're beyond funny when virgin. because while the dog's instinct absolutely drives him to try and mount the bitch, the dog's brain itself doesn't comprehend wtf is happening
Vexual: good dog
asciilifeform: this other picture, is that of a feral dog, who knows that the next stop is the soap boiler and carries on accordingly
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the broom dood. not the dog vomit moss.
mircea_popescu: "and this was Sunil Dutta. he thought he was a cop. he thought he was pretty cool. this is sunil dutta with his wife and kids. this is sunil dutta with his dog.
mircea_popescu: have her breastfeed the dog, watch it meow.
gribble: Nigger (dog) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger_(dog)>; Urban Dictionary: lab: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lab&defid=7148451>; Urban Dictionary: bitch ass nigga: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bitch%20ass%20nigga>
mircea_popescu: im not paying people shareholder $$$ to advertise their dog's vomit.
xanthyos: why is the tail's dog wagging?
mircea_popescu: poor dog.
mircea_popescu: is this like fake dog snuff ?
mircea_popescu: why is the dog's tail shaking
moiety: who gets a dog to not walk it?!
ben_vulpes: with my dog curled at my feet
BingoBoingo: lol here people have yards so they assume their dogs exercise themselves and both get fat, unless they have a motivated dog who takes walks at night at roughly the same time I do.
assbot: Woman Walks Naked Man on Dog Leash, Puts Unknown Object in His Anus
BingoBoingo: Also apparently mircea_popescu is unwelcome in West Virginia http://gawker.com/woman-walks-naked-man-on-dog-leash-puts-unknown-object-1613629007
cazalla: i'll never understand how someone can pick a cat over a dog
thick_as_thieves: or dog complex
dub: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/yes-this-is-dog
mike_c: oh oh, i get it. dog the bounty hunter.
pete_dushenski: mike_c: this is dog
mircea_popescu: mthreat i've never had a hot dog.
mircea_popescu: i may build a shoddy dog house, and that's my problem. but you may not sell me shoddy hammers nailks or planks.
mircea_popescu: that would be dog.
mike_c: dog died
DreadKnight: benkay, bacon is food, apple is food, naming software or hardware after food is somewhat applying psychological manipulation, think about the Pavlov's dog
asciilifeform: a police dog (at least, ones trained in the russian tradition) will attack if fed by a stranger.
asciilifeform: he wrote an interesting autobio (afaik, never translated) about his dog work
asciilifeform: turns out his profession was - police dog trainer & handler.
asciilifeform: e.g, herr einstein: a junkyard dog, who took credit for the genuinely interesting late 19th. c. work
benkay: if you've never trained a dog, set both of yourselves up for success.
benkay: DreadKnight: this is the kind of advice that ruins people's lives: "go adopt a rescue animal for your first dog! you'll have no idea what it's suffered through or how trainable it is! think of the poor dogs!"
sexy_saffron: on the internet, no one knows you're a dog
benkay: (my dog just sneezed in his sleep and narrowly avoided rolling off the couch)
mircea_popescu: the point is to live like a feral dog AND leave the country.
asciilifeform: now, if you're willing to live like a feral dog, it isn't even necessary to leave the country. i recall, a few years ago, an article about one fellow who lived in a dugout in a u.s. national park. for ~30 years. he was caught by pure chance. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: which is closer to walking a dog ?
mircea_popescu: the fact that a wife is relatively safe, in her person and property makes the relationship much alike to that with a dog. which dog, in it's bestial stupidity, is also relatively safe.
mike_c: obviously slave, like dog, will participate favorably at some level.
mircea_popescu: which is why i said a wife's closer to a dog earlier.
mike_c: it is same as dog. you are limiting the downside, but also limiting upside.
mircea_popescu: at least as commonly practiced wife and dog goes.
mircea_popescu: as far as i can see, wife's closer to dog than to slave.
mike_c: right, same with dog.
mike_c: that is the benefit of slave, like benefit of dog. it will do what you tell it or else. child and wife have different pros & cons.
mike_c: and i don't want a dog. different strokes.