1548 entries in 0.987s
mike_c: it is a gamble. more upside with a good kid than a good dog.
mircea_popescu: this is not dogs. the dog, you can kill.
mircea_popescu: jesus the dog coin is worthless.
asciilifeform: short version - bacterium isn't a sled dog. he won't work if he doesn't 'want' to. (expressed in actual flesh as the formulation: the ones without the 'work' trait - e.g. secreting dope - tend to outperform their 'useful' peers in reproduction)
Namworld: Well definitly. That cat would chew a door to get to me. Can hear it scratching doors to follow me. That plus always laying at my feet. It's more like a dog.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform omfg, it's got BEK! pankkake you sly dog.
Vexual: buy a few devkits and leave that dog fuck voin alone
BingoBoingo: moiety: This is why I hang out with my brother's dog occasionally. So I don't have to do the heavy lifting.
moiety: BB but you have to. so like to conferences we can send you and the dog.. like..: yes this is dog... bingoboino's dog so Fuuuuuuuuuuuu - kinda thing
BingoBoingo: moiety: Maybe? I dunno... Loud dog that grows to that size as an adult, as opposed to one that's still a growing puppy at that size seems more practical to feed
BingoBoingo: moiety: Well, it is a guard dog breed and I have nothing for such a dog to guard, especially while not being so friendly
artifexd: Is your dog 80 lbs in the video?
benkay: 80 pounds of high-efficiency dog engine.
artifexd: benkay: Did he give it back to you? My dog likes to run around with the ball (a green soccer ball) for a while before she brings it back.
BingoBoingo: moiety: Lol, I considered saying yes that's my dog, but... way too friendly for a bull mastiff. Such a dog allow some stranger to leash it with a belt without a fight.
moiety: @disqualifications: Any dog that attempts to bite the judge.<< lololololololol
BingoBoingo: moiety: I was going for a walk at about 2 in the morning and some stranger yells "Is this your dog". The dog in question is a brown bull mastiff puppy about 24 inches tall at the withers. Dude has it leashed to his belt says it ran in front of his truck....
artifexd: https://www.akc.org/breeds/german_shepherd_dog/breed_standard.cfm
BingoBoingo: Almost got a dog last week...
mircea_popescu: artifexd aahahah that's a good dog.
assbot: The State of The American Dog - Esquire
benkay: http://www.esquire.com/features/american-dog-0814
benkay: but i'm just a dog
assbot: A Real Shaggy Dog Story - YouTube
danielpbarron: good shaggy dog story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3JzMuvlMZM
danielpbarron: i think magnolia is a shaggy dog story
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Probably the best defense is a larger dog or a gram or so of lead
assbot: Police Use Dog To Find Memory And Hard Drives In Search : The Two-Way : NPR
TheNewDeal: gotta head to bed, but I'll leave you with this. Child-porn sniffing dawgs http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/07/08/329501226/police-use-dog-to-find-memory-hard-drives-in-search?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20140708
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, others: re: electronics-sniffing dog << distraction psyop. in real life, hidden electronics are found with a nonlinear junction detector. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ""For instance, we’ll be done with this nonsense of equality for women. I breed horses and animals generally, you understand. I know all about women. There’ll be no more nonsense about subjecting a gentleman to court action. If a woman’s unfaithful to him, he’ll shoot her like a dog. It’s disgusting, any interference of a court between a man and a wife.’
punkman: amazing dog, can sniff out child porn
mircea_popescu: so is this basically three guys and a dog being ironic and shit ?
BingoBoingo: davout: My dog is safely in the ghetto where he belongs
davout: where is your dog now
BingoBoingo: Fuck you davout We do Dog morning here.
benkay: celebrating american independence day in true cascadian fashion by going up to the forest with the babe and the dog
benkay: hello_this_is_dog.png
BingoBoingo: The puppy bit F. the dog I think is cool. Details start getting vague.
BingoBoingo: So, F. My brother and his wife's dog is mostly corgi, the rest other herding dogs. Plays alpha in all of his canine interactions or else spirals into depression.
BingoBoingo: Story for the dog injury differs a bit.
BingoBoingo: In other news justusranvier My brother's dog gets its stutches out tomorrow. My brother isn't a synthetic of you is he???
assbot: Black Dog Syndrome: Are people racist against black pets?
BingoBoingo: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/06/black_dog_syndrome_are_people_racist_against_black_pets.html
punkman1: hello, this is dog
assbot: George Clinton - Atomic Dog - YouTube
mircea_popescu: new foundland and labrador nude beach : "the only fur here is on your dog"
justusranvier: Pits are extremely affectionate dogs towards humans. Some of them have been bred for dog aggression.
moiety: my favourite dog no one had even heard of. i like the jp chin. they are like cats you know they dont bark. does this mean im a cat lady to the bone or accepting?
BingoBoingo: justusranvier: Plz say your dog is okay.
assbot: Jennie Dog Acre Article
dignork: o dog, i know why the term looked familiar, mircea_popescu - forum cookies: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/xcp-ipo-announcement-dunnecapital-ltd-uk-bitcoin-exchange-and-a-casino.304299/
ThickAsThieves: the pope is replenishing hit points "Pontiff says couples who decide not to procreate and opt to get a dog or cat instead face the 'bitterness of loneliness' in old age"
decimation: how does the user validate the dog pile of javascript he gets each time?
pankkake: nobody should know if you're a dog
benkay: drained the testes a few times, oversaw the wallpapering of lady v's office, wrestled with the dog...
moiety: i would like to hear a call between manul and dog. "yes, this is dog" "fuck you dog" "kden, bai manul" "fuck you dog"
mircea_popescu: is dog ? thank you.
mircea_popescu: davout are you dog ?
chetty: <moiety> also, i can't get off this site now. http://www.weather.com/video/meet-the-awesome-half-dog-46363?collid=/video-minutes/melt << srry bout that, its a bit addictive for sure
moiety: also, i can't get off this site now. http://www.weather.com/video/meet-the-awesome-half-dog-46363?collid=/video-minutes/melt
moiety: interesting how they chose pics where the cat has a lead on but the dog doesn't
moiety: BingoBoingo: http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Epic_Dog_Race.swf
moiety: was it i was about to answer, yes, this is dog because it hought it was mod6 lol
mod6: "Hello, is this dog?!"
kakobrekla: " betas today top dog single core ?" < so thats a yes? also 'beats' instead of 'betas'
kakobrekla: so you saying dual opteron from 2010? betas today top dog single core ?
assbot: Dog With a Blog | Disney Channel
mod6: http://disneychannel.disney.com/dog-with-a-blog
benkay: hello this is dog
nubbins`: mircea_popescu thank dog for the log!
assbot: Hot-Dog Legs
fluffypony: http://hot-dog-legs.tumblr.com
moiety: happier dog is happier: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--mE9csF2Umw/U26McT2qLcI/AAAAAAAAAJk/bmmqP-4djlM/w688-h373-no/corgi.gif
BingoBoingo: moiety: DEoesn't even look like a dog really
moiety: looks like a totally different dog with a haircut
mircea_popescu: benkay yes she is in bitcoin-assets. is this dog ?
mircea_popescu: 'm like pavlov's dog over here punkman, i see your name i expect great links.
mircea_popescu: so they either do it in the bushes, with the constant risk of a stray dog taking a piss on the couple during,
benkay: otherwise, dog.
bounce: "clippy", unless you're thinking of bob the dog
benkay: BingoBoingo: YOU TRADE LIKE A DOG
bitcoinpete: BingoBoingo: you just learned to trade like a dog
thestringpuller: it talked about professionalism and how one doesn't care if the mechanic's dog died earlier that day
mircea_popescu: this is like the people who spend 5 years to train their dog to get their newspaper.
mircea_popescu: today i learned Basenji is a sort of dog.
moiety: rhodesian ridgeback is an interesting dog imo
BingoBoingo: 'They were developed as a water rescue/lifesaving dog, but according to O. Krasnovskaya, "That was not a good idea as [they] were not willing to save drowning people, but mostly were looking to bite them so this breed was never developed".'
BingoBoingo: Or its ancestor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Water_Dog
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The basenji is basically a pariah dog type. What other dogs revert to after uncontrolled breeding. Natural strays.
mircea_popescu: like any other dog.
asciilifeform: at dog shops
BingoBoingo: artifexd: Have you ever owned a dog?
gribble: Urban Dictionary: The frito shit scoop: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20frito%20shit%20scoop>; Pet Poo Can Transmit Disease: Scoop Your Dog's Poop! - Yahoo ...: <http://voices.yahoo.com/pet-poo-transmit-disease-scoop-dogs-poop-12052938.html>; 10 Reasons to Scoop Your Dog's Poop - Petfinder: <http://www.petfinder.com/dogs/living-with-your-dog/scoop-dog-poop/>
asciilifeform: there was, if i recall, suspicion that higher animals (e.g. dog catching ball) can crunch diff. equations - until high speed photography developed
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: no vamps tho << should've gone with me on expedition at night. i flushed out the wild dog packs that i -knew- existed.
mircea_popescu: jurov: Apocalyptic: imagine world directors talking about important topics whole days wrapped in clouds of smoke << this is shockingly true, i think we smoked a small dog's weight of tobacco
BingoBoingo: Next coin: Floppy coin. Instead of a dog or a bird, it is just a bored dick.
kakobrekla: its like dogecoin but it has a bird instead of dog.
mircea_popescu: "The Whippet (also English Whippet or Snap dog) is a breed of medium-sized dog"