47 entries in 0.975s

a111: Logged on 2015-08-08 03:58 asciilifeform: and here is where we meet up with vlsi boojum:
you can't do vlsi economically if there is room for six
computers total.
mircea_popescu: such luzly cluelessness as to how to win a war, it's possibly the prime field of ustardian bogonism. i mean... they
can;'t program
computers, sure. but at least the computer doesn't shoot
you for being an idiot.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 15:37 BingoBoingo: Still, they get an email along the lines of "I am scaling up my business here in Uruguay and need a bunch of 1U server boxes. What
can you get as whole
computers or empty cases?
mircea_popescu: anges,
computers can do well whatever
you decide and receive.
You can begin
you operating, give time to dash, following get going a further and it doesn't involve interfering with the entire process of the upfront just one particular. In the event
you copy moving upward textual content, conclusion . pumping systems adequate particulars in the create appliance, and then is constantly on the get the job done. Laptop computer do
BingoBoingo: Still, they get an email along the lines of "I am scaling up my business here in Uruguay and need a bunch of 1U server boxes. What
can you get as whole
computers or empty cases?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i do not want anything in particular ; but i do observe and therefore declare that as water flows to lower ground and as good money pushes out the bad so too better
computers own shittier
computers and there's jack shit me or
you or them or anyone
can do about this.
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160906/from:62/to:62#62 << the same thing is in principle true of cryptography generally (funny how it just keeps coming back to this again and again) : "no matter how long
you make your key, it
can be factored by adding more
computers". this is true ; but it's up to
you to make it irrelevant. the reason whenever someone does manage to ddos trilema / qntra / etc i tend to just wait is because time
mircea_popescu: especially his discussion of kqueue and the hashtable/array duality + fd_getfile workings strictly indicates a) he's an idiot ; b) that
http://trilema.com/2016/cargo-cults-a-case-study/ 's "This is what cargo cultism is,
you see : memetic stupidity, inescapable for the aculturated. Even if they try. Especially if they try." is exactly right and, sadly, c) that alf is exactly correct : we
can't have
computers as a continuation
diana_coman: imo
you are on to something else there;
computers at the moment are tools, hence programmed like tools and this is not something one
can solve at programming level (hey, let's start training
computers now and they will learn!)
mircea_popescu: and the problems with "roughly, means 'machine where
you can implement new crypto', for mircea_popescu's purposes" should be obvious to someone who astutely points out that there's no math proof for crypto. the same thinking that works there works here, it does not follow i need
computers redditard
can buy to exist in order for to have crypto.
mircea_popescu: "here baby, replace this line with your own address, plug into all the
computers you can find"
mircea_popescu: "Every file
you write in there is signed. There's no manual signing process, no taring or gzipping, no detached sigs. Instead, everything in this folder appears as plaintext files on everyone's
You can even open /keybase/public/yourname in your Finder or Explorer and drag things in."
ascii_butugychag: (somehow the conclusion that '
computers you can't program' don't belong in a security application, is lost on folks)
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: With same language
you can program the two best portable
computers ever. The TI-89 and the TI-92
ascii_shmoocon: didja ever read yossi kreinin's piece '
computers you can't program ' ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, "hacking" is not a thing, it's the byproduct of knowing how to program
computers. which
you can learn, like anything else, provided
you got the patience.
you don't sell.
you cut a deal with ONE competitor in a field, and that's that. the rest all die because they
can't deploy
computers that work.
funkenstein_: as I see it the reason to have a crapple is
you can pretend to know nothing about
computers gabriel_laddel: and
you can sell
computers preloaded without needig big investment, if
you find a niche where
you can considerably improve their process << this is true.
jurov: and
you can sell
computers preloaded without needig big investment, if
you find a niche where
you can considerably improve their process
assbot: Logged on 22-05-2015 21:34:19; trinque: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel "I see no reason I
can't sell
computers pre-loaded with Masamune." be careful,
you're underestimating the colossal difficulty of this and there are old skeletons on old battlefields that thought the same. *do
you have the connections to make these sales to big businesses, militaries, private schools, and so on?*
trinque: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel "I see no reason I
can't sell
computers pre-loaded with Masamune." be careful,
you're underestimating the colossal difficulty of this and there are old skeletons on old battlefields that thought the same. *do
you have the connections to make these sales to big businesses, militaries, private schools, and so on?*
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "lets make
computers fun" ; "
you know, for kids" and "anyone
can do this". fuck that.
mircea_popescu: bounce incidentally, since
you bring it up : most idiots of the "irc is not irl" and "i trust real people" variety fail to understand that with modern
computers i
can make any one person to say any one thing. just give me a collection of their voice recorded.
mircea_popescu: and for all the error-fiends :
you can't correctly represent decimal numbers in
computers today, it doesn't stop anyone from derping on the pretense
computers are ideal machines.
mircea_popescu: "As for the algorithms themselves, the math, many like DSA are actually overtly designed by the NSA, so
you can be sure they know how to break them, or they wouldnt offer them. Others are probably expensive but crackable in high-interest cases (were talking quantum
computers at their disposal). For anything super-critical I think a one-time pad is the only guarantee, and make sure your RNG works!"
mircea_popescu: What
can it do? Matrix math, basically. Obviously, even thinking about this in the most hand-wavey manner, optical
computers should be good at image processing. When
you break down what is involved in image processing, matrix math and Fourier transforms come to mind. We know how to do matrix math with optical
computers. The limiting aspect is how many elements
you can encode and modulate quickly. An optical matrix mu
mutate_: I'm fairly keen on being in the queue for one of the first alien blowjobs, before the novelty wears off and they start marrying humans and making them unhappy. Unfortunately I
can't by any magic Ether cards because maths and
computers got
you fairly badly bullied at school and so I simply use a computer to have my bank details stolen from and know nothing whatsoever about Linux. What
can I do?
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu,
you can also see a lot of that in Apple
computers. For example, they are supposed to be very "easy to use" (yet are expensive). But this hides the fact that a lot of people use it to run accounting software that's also dumbed down to their level, and a load of similar extra-expensive things that let them manage their lifestyle. It's becaues they make enough money to buy Macs and to buy expensive dumbed-do
benkay: because
you can do 80% of the things
you'd want to do by pressing buttons someone else put on the screen for
you never learn to actually make
computers do things.
benkay: BingoBoingo: do
you know?
can you recite the ballad of how
computers got wholly fucked?
oleganza: if
you can't rely on yourself to keep your passwords safe and
computers secure, then
you can only rely on other
pankkake: how do
you prevent an attack by
computers you can rent by the hour?
MJR_: ThickAsThieves: lol...its crazy when
you hang out with people who understand
computers and then get confronted with "
can we just make all of them blue" (select all)
jurov: generally when
computers get 2x more powerful,
you can solve one bit more