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snsabot: Logged on 2017-01-27 17:54:54 asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. semiconductor firms replaced
cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
spyked: mp_en_viaje, besides timisoara very walkable. morning walk was cca 30 minutes from near the slaughterhouse/sala olimpia to e.g.
mircea_popescu: ie, with or without "
cathedral & bazaar", "copyleft" etc bs, something very akin to "the effects of open source" would have occured ANYWAY
mircea_popescu: not for lack of trying, right ? barcelona has better
cathedral than paris.
mircea_popescu: people such as here present will claim that bolix or something like that worked, but i have my reservations. and in any case lispm wasn't "unix", though
cathedral alright.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-03 20:42 jurov: What does the "beautiful
cathedral of unix" that he uses in a contrast, mean?
jurov: or if, then msdos was even more a
jurov: neither deserves to be called
jurov: What does the "beautiful
cathedral of unix" that he uses in a contrast, mean?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: unlike the github
cathedral-of-garbage-built-by-anonyous-rats-randomly-ambling about, there's actual people in charge which means the buck always stops somewhere. so it's not exactly "bug reports", it's more in the vein of "and here's your summons to parliament"
veen: the
cathedral commenting on milo's downright-clintonian, hair-splitting defense of his pederasty practice:
mircea_popescu: anyway, in other tales from the mortuary, who takes over the remnants of the "
cathedral" aka democratic "establishment" ? pelosi ?
mircea_popescu: and therefore to them, "the
cathedral" and "quantum computing".
phf: is that sort of like "evolution" being an emergent behavior, so doesn't actually "exist" as an object, likewise asciilifeform is naming processes described in manufacturing consent "
cathedral" and claiming that i can go touch it
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the "
cathedral" never had any consistency outside of the pointless drivel of some redditard or other. apparently readily swallowed as fact by a certain demographic.
mircea_popescu: That he has been able to surf these scandals regularly as little more than free media opportunities shows that American democracy is in serious need of rehabilitation." << in my view, this settles an ancient point of contention curtis yarvin never manned up to, re "the
cathedral" or generally how pervasive, or "in power" the idiots are.
trinque: where does he define this
Cathedral thing
diana_coman: vilnius got a total makeup when it was eu cultural capital thing (and yes, several locals complained to me that it's worse for all that polish) but the uberglitzed area to my mind is just the very-very small bang-centre:
cathedral and that molehill they call the castle
mircea_popescu: the fact remains that either you agree EVERYONE writing as many books as humanly possible is really a benefit for books, somehow (cuz you get access to supposedly valuable whatever the fuck you wouldn't have otherwise) ; or else you agree random internet dude picking up the web mantle and derping about how "the
cathedral" sucks is really fucking up the work of the actual good men involved in tearing that shit down.
spandrell_: nobody does unless you get into
cathedral circles
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 18:32:56; mircea_popescu: well no, removed the entire religion thing, from the "must build
cathedral" to "tithe" - speaking of which, you ever seen l'avare with de funes ? epic tithing scene in there - and on and on. review the literature of the 1800s, about half the drivel printed was various clerics opiniong self importantly on matters they thoroughly ignored.
mircea_popescu: well no, removed the entire religion thing, from the "must build
cathedral" to "tithe" - speaking of which, you ever seen l'avare with de funes ? epic tithing scene in there - and on and on. review the literature of the 1800s, about half the drivel printed was various clerics opiniong self importantly on matters they thoroughly ignored.
☟︎ ascii_field: those are here at the pleasure of lizard
mircea_popescu: "Adopting Russian Orthodox Christian terminology for an important house of worship, the building is called the Moscow
Cathedral Mosque. Its main golden dome and tall minaret reflected the style of many Orthodox churches, except for the Islamic crescents atop them."
ascii_field: chetty: the libertards are properly the 'repentance' arm of usg. what mr mold referred to as 'the
ascii_field: then the twerps took over in '90s and rebuilt
cathedral, aha
mircea_popescu: "There are very few classics in the field of computing. We are at the very beginning of this journey and it hasn't even begun to get interesting yet. IMHO, the
Cathedral vs. Bazaar isn't in anyway a dilemma or a classic. Linux was a failure 20 years ago, it is a failure today and any posturing otherwise is just that. "
the_scourge: mircea_popescu: if you want a first principles argument for the existence of the
cathedral, that has been given already. i'm not going to repeat it in an IRC channel. everyone knows where to find it, i'm just wondering why you in particular haven't looked at it
mircea_popescu: the_scourge: wait, are you suggesting that socialism isn't part of The
Cathedral? << a) "the
cathedral" is about as solid a concept as moldbug's new os.
the_scourge: wait, are you suggesting that socialism isn't part of The
mircea_popescu: let's try it this way. suppose there's a
cathedral tower with a clock.
xmj: ThickAsThieves: the
Cathedral defines as overall consensus whatever is in its best interest.
mircea_popescu: - They also have all their own secret handshakes, and their own terminology [like the
Cathedral ("political correctness"), thedening ("re-establishing ethnic group identity"), genophilia ("love of one's own race"), NRx ("neoreaction"), etc.].
ozbot: Harbour Grace
cathedral found to be worthless - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
mircea_popescu: the pretense of the "educated" to access it is as fraudulent in today's
cathedral as it was in the druid circle obviously.