867 entries in 0.689s
davout: nah, i was trying to figure out exactly, at what points should sane software accept user-generated entropy
asciilifeform: normally everybody proposes it and then writes it off as 'we haven't the cpu or the entropy'
gabriel_laddel: "Entropy isn't what it used to be."
mircea_popescu: in fact the smoothness comparison is a decent indication of the entropy involved.
mircea_popescu: "You dont need entropy to create an ECDSA signature. You do need it to create an RSA signature, for padding."
jurov: "In cases where keys or seeds are created without the use of software (e.g. dice, a deck of cards, or other non-digital source of entropy), the creation methodology should be validated to ensure determinism is not present (i.e. there are no weighted dice, each card in the deck is unique, etc.)."
jurov: yes, had in mind to check linux /dev/urandom without any entropy source in such a way
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: water in sahara, air in orbit, entropy on ibm pc...
asciilifeform: entropy is squarely in the latter class
mircea_popescu: entropy ios probably best.
asciilifeform: 'a' or 'd' - 'describe three mutually-orthogonal notions of 'entropy', and their applications.'
ben_vulpes: charges eventually dismissed because entropy can't in2 my dumb ass
jurov: and then someone will hax it and use radio as mere entropy source for mining :DDDD
ascii_field: 'bad entropy' is easy: the kind which the enemy can cut you off from by silencing your net connection; or the kind he can guess some bits of, by watching packets (no interrupt source in pogo is in any sense entropic other than the NIC's)
mircea_popescu: at the rate people use adresses you need something like 1 byte of entropy per hour.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i have no idea what sort of an argument is this. there's no such thing as good or bad entropy. the thing is unqualifiable by definition. do you mean that you'd have to wait longer to generate a strong address? so you would.
ascii_field: thing is, rng needs attributes ~other~ than 'shits entropy'. namely, not to be correlated with variables manipulable or monitorable by enemy
mircea_popescu: ascii_field close enough, since any two clocks are an entropy measuring tool.
mircea_popescu: because bitcoin is secured by mining which happens irl and the difficulty of mining is set on the basis of irl entropy.
decimation: why not build physical source of entropy
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn’t. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1GOHQEr )
pete_dushenski: obligatory : http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt/
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: re: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/614855224864448513 << is this the same rassah from the ol' 'mycelium knows how to make rng for their entropy dongle now but won't because it's hard and other reasons' ?
assbot: Circle City Con 2015 - Analyzing The Entropy Of Document Hidden Code ... ( http://bit.ly/1NoGch2 )
decimation: yeah I was about to ask where the entropy for the rng comes from
fromphuctor: I'm mainly trying to determine if I have generated a key with bad entropy leading to bad primes meaning easy factorability
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Block height is always going to to a rough measure of time due to entropy. Could make a great system for a calendar, poor for slicing up a day though
BingoBoingo: "coins" have insufficient entropy to be useful as a precision measure of time at all.
funkenstein_: i don't mac, but methinks you can add a couple special chars without losing entropy
assbot: The strange case of the unentropic entropy and other bedtime stories of primes and people. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1f3ZkFJ )
mircea_popescu: this is all re http://trilema.com/2015/the-strange-case-of-the-unentropic-entropy-and-other-bedtime-stories-of-primes-and-people/
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 18:43:12; mircea_popescu: HOPE was last weekend (I didn't go) and finally the design specification has been posted along with the audited code. It appears that my initial concerns were warranted, each key is generated directly from the user's pass-phrase with no salt, thus leaving the true amount of entropy in the key generation process highly unknown.
mircea_popescu: HOPE was last weekend (I didn't go) and finally the design specification has been posted along with the audited code. It appears that my initial concerns were warranted, each key is generated directly from the user's pass-phrase with no salt, thus leaving the true amount of entropy in the key generation process highly unknown. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the sole source for entropy in the ECC key generation. At the time of the debate, Nadim suggested I wait until the big unveiling at HOPE to pass judgement as he had some research into secure human-generated pass-phrases that he was going to share.
ascii_field: because there are two kinds of 'entropy' here
ascii_field: i would also like to point out that framing the question of key quality in terms of 'bits of entropy' is slightly misleading
ascii_field: i can 'reduce entropy' of mircea_popescu's pgp key by telling that the factors are odd. what of it.
mircea_popescu: and the argument here isn't about "guessing", it's about reducing entropy.
scoopbot_revived: The strange case of the unentropic entropy and other bedtime stories of primes and people. http://trilema.com/2015/the-strange-case-of-the-unentropic-entropy-and-other-bedtime-stories-of-primes-and-people/
assbot: The strange case of the unentropic entropy and other bedtime stories of primes and people. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1H8Xpuk )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since you're here : http://trilema.com/2015/the-strange-case-of-the-unentropic-entropy-and-other-bedtime-stories-of-primes-and-people/
liquidassets: sometimes I buy a few small things using their interface like a trezor or mycelium entropy
williamdunne: Bits of entropy
mircea_popescu: "Back when the NSA was routinely weakening commercial cryptography, their favorite technique was reducing the entropy of the random number generator."
mircea_popescu: funkenstein_ generating entropy is not easy, and oyu can already do that as-is.
funkenstein_: is that I could easily generate my own entropy for my keypair
asciilifeform: you'd have to use intervals between spikes as the entropy
Hasimir: no, not seriously, there's a big difference between some bunch of people with crap entropy sources and rsa being borked
mircea_popescu: mxtm it's not a REAL entropy source. it's a defined sequence that may be confused for an entropy source, if one's definition of entropy is test based.
mxtm: Apocalyptic: then how would it be an entropy source
mxtm: why would pi be an entropy source
mircea_popescu: justJanne the application here is that, if i give you a string of random numbers which unknown to you are the nth digit of pi onwards, you may think you have entropy by "tests".
justJanne: @ascii_field, about pi: No, pi is not a good source of entropy
mircea_popescu: (if you think about it : an entropy source that always pass tests is by definition not entropic. see last year's amusement with the "guess number" toy alf made)
decimation: lol she claims that (52:41) that openssl just adds the current time of day in seconds to the entropy pool
mircea_popescu: and then, as that's ripped out, some tests will find the entropy not as good
mats: (as long as you fill unused flash with high entropy NOPs that eventually jump to a fault handler, and do attestation via reset to a minimal bootloader that can use all memory)
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform, mircea_popescu and others interested in entropic information: what stats about generated entropy are useful? if i need to shoop my entropy over to gentoo i can, but if that's not necessary (for dieharder tests) i'd like to avoid it
ben_vulpes dives into entropy quest
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what's the entropy analysis tool?
mircea_popescu: so described, it is rather clear that bitcoin can not in fact exist : immutability and entropy are mutually contradictory.
mircea_popescu: because that is the property here : same as entropy, bitcoin lacks the ability to review earlier states on the base of later states.
ben_cash: right up there with home-rolled entropy pool.
williamdunne: asciilifeform: I saw you tear the Entropy apart a-while-back, did they fix your main concerns?
mircea_popescu: i suppose we could put the string through teh entropy tests... but no, doesn't look like it's 8/8.
Chillum: I suppose "search space" is more accurate than entropy
Chillum: it could be stronger if you asked it for more entropy. It creates the password with the entropy you request
Chillum: the idea is that humans can remember more entropy when it is in a story form
Chillum: I saw a nice talk about a password creator that created small sentence fragments from very long lists of words. The user could enter the words in any order and with known mispellings and it would still pass. All while making sure you get the requested entropy
BingoBoingo: hanbot: Entropy logic is patent GBBG by Google Images of AusieDude and GrumpySpamLady. License available with Founder shares, pls buy...
hanbot: is this entropy-logic?
Chillum: using numbers only adds entropy when you randomly selecty them from the same set as the letters
hanbot: if there's 10^26 bits of entropy in that thing I will eat someone's pet.
Chillum: 10^26 = 1.1447546×10²⁸ enough entropy for a remote service
Chillum: there are 26 letters and 10 numbers. Number have less entropy
ben_vulpes dodges entropy again
assbot: AMD Bulldozer Linux ASLR weakness: Reducing entropy by 87.5% ... ( http://bit.ly/1F6vG8d )
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn’t. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0hill )
pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt/#comment-13873 << lol mr. mycelium comes back for 'correction'
mircea_popescu: it doesn't "dilute" anything. if you have 1 bit of entropy per byte, it puts out one byte every eightish bytes.
Chillum: but if the source is a lamp humming 60hz how does the algo filter the pattern from the entropy without diluting the entropy?
Chillum: you can't create entropy with an algorithm
mircea_popescu: <Chillum> no amount of debiasing will create entropy from a patterned source << howdja figure that one ?
assbot: Mycelium Entropy Devices Possibly Tampered With During Transit | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ylrWgE )
cazalla: scoopbot fetch http://qntra.net/2015/03/mycelium-entropy-devices-possibly-tampered-with-during-transit/
Chillum: the debiaser can't tell entropy from pattern
jurov: and you think since there will be some hum, any entropy is lost?
asciilifeform: Chillum: ever play http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html ?
Chillum: I think you over estimate your ability to create entropy with everday objects
Chillum: no amount of debiasing will create entropy from a patterned source
Chillum: sound has entropy but it also has a lot of pattern
Chillum: though most entropy from PRNGs come from hard drive timings, which run black box firmware
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1y61MkH )
asciilifeform: http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt << pete's summary
assbot: I do not understand the Mycelium Entropy packaging : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1GTtu )
assbot: I do not understand the Mycelium Entropy packaging - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1GHKT )
assbot: What is the point of the "tamper evident" sticker on the Mycellium entropy devices? - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1FBi8 )
jurov: tbh, "mycelium" "entropy" souds like some suspicious chemical
asciilifeform: 'Mycelium Entropy opened by Border Agents' << entirely unsurprising. 'how're we to know that it isn't full of crystal meth?!1111'
assbot: Mycelium Entropy opened by Border Agents - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ee1eOk )