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mircea_popescu: anyway, in the general : much like to say that there was a limit where the flaunting of their foul acts and opinions before the world must stop" is exactly like saying "the emperor got his crown from the pope -- not the other way around" ie, "pantsuit is the sovereign", just EXACTLY so saying "be liberal in what you accept" is exactly saying "you're not worth two shits".
mircea_popescu: ie, it makes exactly 0 difference to its might whether the web even exists tomorrow or not. but even in this very constrained field, btcbase is a larger source than twitter, or facebook, or ycombinator, or you name it (and yes, any and all of the pantsuit platforms are vying for relevancy in my referral log, month after month after month, they just don't get to actually raise to importance on the merits of their own inconsequ
mircea_popescu: curious which of the luminaries of pantsuit technologees gets pwnd first.
mircea_popescu: the one thing pantsuit kept saying early on was "oh, everyone is mp". this is not coincidental -- as far as the lost are concerned, we are literally all tulpas in one single solitary dood's head. because that's what comes out of their b&w camera when they try and photograph copper sulphate : the exact same dull gray as if ground granite.
mircea_popescu: but even if you got the entire pantsuit party, from everyone-involved-with-github to everyone-opining-on-the-internet to sign an agreement aforehand, they'll STILL deny after the fact.
mircea_popescu: a) have you read http://trilema.com/2013/digging-through-archives-yields-gold/ ? not like it's the first time the pantsuit empire is trying to ruin sanity ; b) have you read http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=segwit ?
ben_vulpes: and lo, isn't it interesting that as the barrier for lordship goes up and the bar for defrocking goes down, the pantsuit imitate to their detriment while the republic purges dross?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i'm none too interested in the specifics; i'm more interested in/amused by the long-predicted continually-lowering-bar-to-defrockment tearing the pantsuit organizations apart from the top.,
BingoBoingo: And in the latest Pantsuit thrashings via WaPo on money laundering: "Not taking on debt from a regulated lender, in short, can remove an entire layer of scrutiny from the acquisition process."
a111: Logged on 2018-05-07 15:24 mircea_popescu: otherwise you know, as far as pantsuit media outlets / science (ie, wankish fantasy with no reality support whatsoever) goes, there's https://asiangirlsbelongtowhitemen.tumblr.com/ https://sissyasianboy.tumblr.com/post/173275119419/all-asian-boys-should-be-castrated-and-turned-into https://asianwhiteworship.tumblr.com/post/169628017674/the-new-asian-sexuality-an-asian-girl-fucking-her etc etc etc.
mircea_popescu: otherwise you know, as far as pantsuit media outlets / science (ie, wankish fantasy with no reality support whatsoever) goes, there's https://asiangirlsbelongtowhitemen.tumblr.com/ https://sissyasianboy.tumblr.com/post/173275119419/all-asian-boys-should-be-castrated-and-turned-into https://asianwhiteworship.tumblr.com/post/169628017674/the-new-asian-sexuality-an-asian-girl-fucking-her etc etc etc. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: entirely the source of the vague spasms misrepresented by pantsuit into "public support for the electoral process" and "representative legitimacy" -- dorks who literally imagine they earn their 4 years' living by putting down an x once.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-05 23:03 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/wife-initiated-pantsuit-code-of-conduct-hypocrisy-leads-to-llvm-developer-departure/ << Qntra - Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/wife-initiated-pantsuit-code-of-conduct-hypocrisy-leads-to-llvm-developer-departure/ << Qntra - Wife Initiated Pantsuit Code Of Conduct Hypocrisy Leads To LLVM Developer Departure ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "that there was a limit where the flaunting of their foul acts and opinions before the world must stop" aka http://trilema.com/2018/discordatum-wormatiense/ aka "pantsuit is only sovereign"
ben_vulpes: what are you talking about, more than any pantsuit 'big tent', you can make yourself into the kind of person who belongs here.
trinque: if it worked as described, and www were sorted via personhood and not pantsuit fake ad revenue, in a heartbeat I'd pay.
trinque: Framedragger: oughta dig yourself out of pantsuit europussy for a sec and come enjoy teh phuctoring
mircea_popescu: but, yes. very worried pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: so much pantsuit wank wrapped in itself\
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in latest mosfilm news, "imperium" is the pantsuit v2.0 on donnie brasco. with the acting stars of the age (that harry potter cocksucker) and everything!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806501 << this is very muych so ; even entriely banal procedures that built and butressed cont9inued human occupation of their sad patches of soil, like say putting up preserves for the winter, are far outside their mental scope. unlike whatever irrelevant pantsuit fashions, which never did jack measurable anything, but which are all they fucking talk about. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: which is also why anonimity is the pantsuit-mandated mode of behaviour for intelligent zeks online.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the pantsuit notion of "girl" is relevant in this world, or attaches to my chattels, exactly in the sense and to the degree cate blanchett is relevant to elizabeth the 1st.
mircea_popescu: "heart opening" fucking yoga jesus f christ. essentially the future function of google will be as pantsuit-rappropiation-engine, "here's spurious associations of our irrelevant crap to actually interesting things you may understandably be interested about".
mircea_popescu: if instead you fall into the other mental pit of pantsuit, where you go off by self for lengthy interval and come back with an intricately complex crystal of perfect beauty, odds are it'll get ignored for lack of time to appreciate it.
mircea_popescu: and while "crud never existed" may be tempting from the hallucination-as-font-of-reality pantsuit perspective, it is nevertheless not actually the case.
BingoBoingo: The Mexicans like to work, inevitably turn great again. That's why Pantsuit is trying to lure the ones who didn't come to work in 1960-2004 in now.
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw5bYlTs9Wk in other lulz, pantsuit handpuppet attempts cultural appropriotion
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/kanye-makes-pantsuit-media-headlines-while-outlets-refuse-to-acknowledge-growing-hotep-movement/ << Qntra - Kanye Makes Pantsuit Media Headlines While Outlets Refuse To Acknowledge Growing Hotep Movement
BingoBoingo: Of course pantsuit will retcon it with a sequel
mircea_popescu: that it's popular with the sort of meat puppets populating the pantsuit vatfarms is unsurprising -- it's pretty much engineered to cater to their batshit insane worldview.
mircea_popescu: and evidently the empire of idiots is aware of this, hence the spaghetti bowl of just-so lenthy strands of nonsense composing "contemporary culture" ie pantsuit nonsense.
BingoBoingo: mod6: It is an accomodation open to the public. If I am not there actively enforcing the norms of civilization they will be swiftly forgotten or a german will try to overwrite them with pantsuit.
lobbes: <BingoBoingo> [...] "dat signal's racist" << ayup. Pantsuit trains "autoimmune response" to specific signals, and causes all kinds of broken thinking. I posit that this is the root cause of things such as >> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-06#784482 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: To pantsuit all of #trilema has to read as vexual as vexual reads to us ☟︎
mircea_popescu: good quality humour always includes a pinch to heaping spoonfuls of ~providing something in short supply~. the pantsuit tards translate this as "speak truth to power", but it's utter bullshit. the politics of humour are uninteresting from a humor-centered perspective ; but the economics of humor are not -- because economics was blessed by god originally with this and only this its attribute : you will forever be field-relevan
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-20#1804068 << there was this pretty bad pantsuit cult movie, about some rock band that becomes politically involved by lowering the vote age. ☝︎
trinque: pantsuit pulling out the stops eh? children voting, black reparations, legal weed. I'm sure trump voters will defect in droves for such a platform
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/pantsuit-media-mocks-reality-of-prison-sexual-violence-against-men/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Media Mocks Reality Of Prison Sexual Violence Against Men
ben_vulpes: online personals site got taken down couple weeks back for facilitating child sex slavery and tax evasion and the usual list of pantsuit crimes du jour
mircea_popescu: sandi3, no, really, "You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind."
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, i think the average pantsuit can't do a good job on the topic of charity for fear such'd be tantamount to i dunno, having voted for trump. there's some fields in which the pantsuit perceive a need to be incredibly retarded for ingroup reasons.
mircea_popescu: 1. there's a large, seinfeld-style (why did that guy make a bn ? was it because he was funny, sigma funny != sigma money ? or was it becauyse he put all his effort into powerwashing any "controversial" anything from everything about him, sigma pantsuit ~= sigma money ?) church in socal ("grace community church"), like ten thousand others all over the us ("new religion revival or w/e the fuck, protestand heresysnake eating its
a111: Logged on 2018-04-04 22:46 mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460
mircea_popescu: (and this is no small matter, the current principal driver of pantsuit popularity among the not-retarded set is exactly this : their dumb mother told them when they were wee kids that they must have the exit code for any function call, and they never examined the idiotic outpour of the useless dumb whore, so there they sit today, unable to act unless some replicant of the original dumb whore whispers in their ear "all is well
mircea_popescu: it was all an elaborate in-joke, there was this pantsuit collective (something awful) calling it "buttcoin"
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/viktor-orban-wins-supermajority-in-hungarian-parliament-pantsuit-whines/ << Qntra - Viktor Orbn Wins Supermajority In Hungarian Parliament: Pantsuit Whines
mircea_popescu: wherever young sluts are liable to be found that waste their slut potential on idiotic pantsuit ideologies.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo sounds pantsuit alright. "united losers" is 100% how they do things.
mircea_popescu: but... somehow pantsuit finds itself subjectively in this position where it has the sovereign authority to keep throwing out people's work, and subject them to having to re-do the same work.
mircea_popescu: (tl;dr : pantsuit spazzing out over fundamental challenge to their "rationalist" ideals whereby "discussion is only for arguments", "characterization is noise" and all the rest of the "we are an equal bunch that can never be punched" "science")
mircea_popescu: in any case, all to the last of the paralogic, cvasirational behaviours of the neet, the pantsuit, the modern man generally all come back to this exact problem, of misrepresenting ontology as a subset of gnoseology, "things that exist are those among the things that are said which also had the 'exists' attribute set."
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, it's true that the whole alt-pantsuit "foss" movement failed to design (or to deliver, or to mean anything, or etcetera, sursure), but nevertheless the ashes they left behind are amenable to retrospective redesign.
mircea_popescu: where's all the pantsuit press discussing "the embattled usg, ever more isolated on the world stage" ? what, this rhodesia doesn't get the usual rhodesian press ?
mircea_popescu: well, i guess we'll have to have a terminology standard then. how about this : fsf = "a little coven of pantsuit retards defined by loyalty to rms and no further characteristics", ie fsf is about on the level of importance of "starslatecodex" ; gnu = "symbol with no concrete reference, sometimes used as g- or gnu- prefix by marketeers exacly like the string 'super-'" ; open = "group of usg wreckers working on perpetuating the
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform star trek philosophy is, after all (as iirc you aptly pointed out), "everyone wears this pantsuit". thassit.
mircea_popescu: anyway, gotta do more work on the camouflage, by the time i can get "status is nothing" aka "we are just as pantsuit as any other pantsuit outfit" within five lines...
mircea_popescu: the faster the nutty dozen run for the bayonetts, the faster ^ 3 the pantsuit run for the hills.
mircea_popescu: trinque> all anyone does today is larp, from chiraq to palestine << word. and the larp that they do is always and very amusingly a sort of first-person-cool. i was explaining a coupla days ago the mechanics of "pantsuit uprising" and how firing a line would send the whole field of 'em packing to deeply disbelieving girly. she honestly thought that if i march a 100 strong regiment to the sider of a 100`000 strong "color revol
a111: Logged on 2018-04-05 20:07 mircea_popescu: we have the perfect mechanism of antipantsuit publishing ; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-13#1770196 . what's the "color of bits" pantsuit system supposed to do, get trinque to swear in court you sent it to him ?
mircea_popescu: and so pantsuit science emerges naturally, out of a certain kind of child abuse ; it no longer needs agency for explaining its existence.
mircea_popescu: we have the perfect mechanism of antipantsuit publishing ; http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-13#1770196 . what's the "color of bits" pantsuit system supposed to do, get trinque to swear in court you sent it to him ? ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: * mircea_popescu has changed the topic to: You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind. If you'd like to help see http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ . This channel is logged.
mircea_popescu: hey. ruining the possibility of pantsuit continuance is entertainment to me.
mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: speaking of pantsuit refraction lulz, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=587045
mircea_popescu: dude thinks pantsuit is right ; hates the fact that i exist, and the way i tend to rub pantsuit nose in the necessary pantsuit failure / gloat at the success of my rape & "sociopathy" campaign REALLY gets his goat.
mircea_popescu: tl;dr : "superior" & "civilized" romanian (ie, exactly http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ ) "does not like trilema" because "how dares the ney work times advertise it!! imagine, i was reading there like a good nuland drone, and what do they show me ? trilema!!! THE EVIL BADGUY FROM MY COUTRY!!! THE WHOLE PANTSUIT SYSTEM IS BREAKING DOWN!!!111"
mircea_popescu: boston told them it's impossible to travel, no such thing as learning languages or handling non-pantsuit fiatola currency is possible for human hands and minds.
mircea_popescu: (guy, notably, is the ~only ustard "literary critic" to have actually read joyce's manuscripts. and you have to hear of this from me because the pantsuit is busy discussing the pseudoachievements of black chicks or w/e the fuck they do.)
asciilifeform: it was pantsuit-bulldozed
mircea_popescu: in fact, the only legacy pantsuit item almost-v-ified would be wp, and that's STILL not done in spite of being two degrees of magnitude simpler, because of all sorts of "holy shit, svg"
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-30#1791198 << there's already a generation of kids coming up for whom alt-right/feminism is what old people do; they want to be able to post fashwave pictures, while remaining mostly pantsuit. for them facebook/twitter is where they maintain public teacher/parents friendly identity, and mastodon/discord is where they can be themselves. it's basically just another wave of social networks. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: basically, didn't ahve the time for the pantsuit to work it into idiocy, which is how things die there, "we added a code of conduct".
ben_vulpes: i am pantsuit, see me signal
mircea_popescu: when's the last time you saw a pantsuit worry outloud about how much sex a woman's been having ?
mircea_popescu: douchebag you know, this abundance of girls willing to do it but who've not ever done it before suggests to me the brave new world of pantsuit is really very economically inefficient.
lobbes: I've been slowly eyeballing Austria mainly because I enjoy what little I've learned of Deutsch (and actual Germany screams "pantsuit" based on what I've read), but it is -essentially- still in natoreich (and I dislike cold climes). Seems like all roads eventually lead to a LATAM of some sort.
mircea_popescu: gambling AND slavery ? oh the pantsuit are gonna love ya
trinque: douchebag: y'know, once you bring two women by the forum topless I dunno that you get to keep the pantsuit "autism" hat anymore.
mircea_popescu: let's just make idle pointless strongly worded warnings to maintain the general state of pantsuit mindset!@!1
BingoBoingo: Right, nothing's a sure thing. Pantsuit is eating their Facebook of all things. US politics is getting deliciously weird on the way to the flush.
BingoBoingo: 250 signatures is the bar for getting his name printed on the ballot. Bring da sutures for da pantsuit buttleakx
asciilifeform: phunphakt, even decade++ ago, asciilifeform nearly came to blows with pantsuit-professor over elementary fact that some languages considerably less expressive, esp in re civilized approach to philosophy, than others
asciilifeform: eng. linguists used to call 'lcd language' , a 'pidgin' ( not to be confused with the homophonic bird ) , but iirc this term is now pantsuit-verboten
BingoBoingo: In other pantsuit failures "I wanted to tear my hair out. HOW CAN YOUR RACE NOT BE THE BIGGEST PART OF WHO YOU ARE, I wanted to scream. DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR HISTORY? WHY WILL YOU NOT LET ME TEACH YOU?" >> "Would it have been different if I was black rather than brown?"
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/pantsuit-disarmament-march-eclipsed-in-popular-headlines-by-opposition-from-musicians-killa-mike-and-bataclan-survivor-jesse-hughes-call-for-sanity/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Disarmament March Eclipsed In Popular Headlines By Opposition From Musicians: Killa Mike And Bataclan Survivor Jesse Hughes Call For Sanity
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform but the most pantsuit part of this story is what they left out. WHERE is it teleported TO ? does the ship leave droppings, like mice ? << To the kitchen naturally, recycling
mircea_popescu: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-2-14#303288 << pantsuit progress, today as in stardate whatever.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but the most pantsuit part of this story is what they left out. WHERE is it teleported TO ? does the ship leave droppings, like mice ?
mircea_popescu: much like in the case of say showgirls, the pantsuit "public oppinion" panned the wicked lady, speaking of course with the usual pretense of ex-cathedra "everyone agrees" and http://trilema.com/2018/memoranda-of-congress/#selection-159.15-161.0 nonsense. nevertheless it's an infinitely better movie than all the retarded crap they gush over. i'd take it every time over crap like "mandy" (aka "clash of silence", the 1952 waste
mircea_popescu: which is how come a) "oh, we have the dumb flickering plastic from star trek!!!" is somehow supposed to be a pillar of faith supporting the pantsuit money printing press ; while b) nobody fucking notices that the ~only item of any value whatsoever in the whole franchise was marina sirtis' ass, and they still don't get to see that, much like there's no jane russell porn.
mircea_popescu: pantsuit is actually more like boston than cali. imo it's an interesting case of parasitosis.
mircea_popescu: there was a time, a decade or two, when pantsuit actually thought the kingdom of their father's upon us. remember that ?
mircea_popescu: that whole 2000s pantsuit "hopes and dreams" pie in the sky / end of history scenario took the bath of all time, and it ain't ever coming back.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-03-24 15:23 mircea_popescu: in any case you can't blame the vegetative system for cognitive failure ; and in the same spirit, i get it that ~everyone smells the pantsuit on douchebag and is driven mad to the point of barking with it. however, it seems to me the kid's merely maleducated, but fundamentally his brain works underneath.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-24 15:31 mircea_popescu: in any case you can't blame the vegetative system for cognitive failure ; and in the same spirit, i get it that ~everyone smells the pantsuit on douchebag and is driven mad to the point of barking with it. however, it seems to me the kid's merely maleducated, but fundamentally his brain works underneath.
mircea_popescu: but so far on the instant case, as to 1. "the internet is right there, it's your responsibility to find your way out of the pantsuit paper bag" -- well he's found the republic ; and as to 2. "make something of yourself, son"... too soon to tell yet, isn't it.
mircea_popescu: in any case you can't blame the vegetative system for cognitive failure ; and in the same spirit, i get it that ~everyone smells the pantsuit on douchebag and is driven mad to the point of barking with it. however, it seems to me the kid's merely maleducated, but fundamentally his brain works underneath. ☟︎