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BingoBoingo: Nigger
BingoBoingo: benkay: Two words: cunt and nigger, third word is kike
BingoBoingo: Well, I smoke menthol cigarettes like a nigger so maybe that is another false positive that might aggrevate this piece of shit.
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete ask derpopopulos how come is it possible that danny brewster fucked everyone in the ass, when he never said things such as nigger or put down women for being retarded ?
mircea_popescu: there's all these fucktards that imagine derping about how saying nigger is bad will suddenly qualify them to opine on matters.
minersdidit: M ats_cd03: the nigger jew you were asking about is drake
minersdidit: hes a nigger
minersdidit: TAT was mirceas nigger for a bit before going off on his own and hawking the latest scams
BingoBoingo: Well being black doesn't make anyone a nigger more than being white keeps anyone from being a nigger.
bounce: wasn't it "a few good men" where the hot shot lawyer guy urged to keep the nigger because of his nicely shined shoes?
steven-__: people are always blathering on about women in tech where is the outrage over MPOE-PR, surely this is more of a story than that github whore or the nigger who tweeted a picture of some boys making dongle jokes?
rithm: i'm not a coy nigger
cazalla: can't even call a guy a nigger anymore without being arrested
mircea_popescu: actually he was a nigger faggot jew afair.
BingoBoingo: I swear I tried to do the basketball post as honestly as I could without calling it nigger golf
mircea_popescu: these people can't even say nigger.
cazalla: i know that but nigger wasn't really the point, it was said we would see a bunch of MPOE-PR facsimiles and what do you know, phinny is spouting at the mouth
deadweasel: no doubt, but using nigger to call someone ignorant... is ignorant.
Diablo-D3: you don't have to be black to be a nigger.
Diablo-D3: [07:27:57] <deadweasel> lol@phinnaeus gage. cazella, I could hear the seething in his post. i'm not sure how niggers have anyting to do with it. In fact, his stupid fucking sister shold not have got knocked up by said drug-addled nigger... but of course they take no responsibility
deadweasel: lol@phinnaeus gage. cazella, I could hear the seething in his post. i'm not sure how niggers have anyting to do with it. In fact, his stupid fucking sister shold not have got knocked up by said drug-addled nigger... but of course they take no responsibility
mircea_popescu: *nigger in this context is a term of art. see http://trilema.com/2013/fried-chicken/ for the definition.
mircea_popescu: i bet you some nigger* fuckwit somewhere thought "o hey, nobody can oppose this SCAM because it'd be raycest!!11"
gribble: Error: "nigger" is not a valid command.
BingoBoingo: ;;nigger --market all
mircea_popescu: @Mircea_Popescu This is like saying "behind every nigger is stupidity" @ligayaya "Behind every troll is pain." Community wisdom @nrrrdcore #PassionProjects
decimation: mircea, I liked your nigger story on trilema, but I was confused about the link on your second footnote - do you mean Yarvin's article posted Sep 2013?
mircea_popescu: this is what this guy is, and what i meant by "nigger" in that article : he's nothing more substantial than JUST the ritual in question.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-nigger-a-practical-exercise/
mircea_popescu: decimation dunno how far i'd take that always and everywhere, i like say nigger and shit.
mircea_popescu: a state agency created to herpderp about us crapola fined a popular tv station for saying nigger or some such shit.
cads: you're saying if you were a nigger guinea you would have mpex.
cads: you're saying racist sentiment from white californians simply won't use the word 'nigger'
cads: it would be hard to false positive a negative example of "nigger" :D
cads: ie, LA has little proportion of the twitter bandwidth dedicated to "nigger"
cads: wanna see a heat map of the geotagged tweets in the US using the word "nigger" in a negative sentiment?
mircea_popescu: and the nigger went "dude it smelled good! if you didn't want me to eat it
cads: they CAN'T WAIT to put a slug in a nigger
ThickAsThieves: maybe it's another nigger word
ThickAsThieves: my dad had a pretty bad word for nigger in portuguese
ThickAsThieves: thug, it's the new nigger
dub: as a nigger I don't find it offensive, not a faggot so hard to judge
mircea_popescu: nigger > faggot right ?
BingoBoingo: I mean is this nigger history month or not?
herbijudlestoids: The variants neger and negar, derive from the Spanish and Portuguese word negro (black), and from the now-pejorative French n?gre (negro). Etymologically, negro, noir, n?gre, and nigger ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latin niger (black) (pronounced ['ni?er] which, in every other grammatical case, grammatical gender, and grammatical number besides nominative masculine singular, is nigr-, the r is tr
BingoBoingo: He is moar nigger.tst than Obummer
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: the thing is nigger.txt is a term of art defined in this channe;
mircea_popescu: jurov ahaha they done got your nigger.txt one better
dub: you the whitest nigger I ever dun see
BingoBoingo: Depends. Am I niggers.txt or nigger.cl
pankkake: videos of "nigger friday"?
nubbins`: "the nigger"
kakobrekla: it there some nigger joke in there?
mircea_popescu: this situation exactly mirrors the situation in speech, where people imagine "being nice" or "polite" consists of never using word X, such as nigger or fucktard, rather than, you know, actually being nice/polite/whatever
KRS1: gay nigger garbage man
BingoBoingo: altkoin: You sound like a spectacularly racist nigger nao
mircea_popescu: this is what it is : no wot, you're the nigger. no matter how greatly accomplished you may think you are in your community,
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I am the nigger though. a8 is my rook
BingoBoingo: I am the one playing nigger and you keep quitting
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Would you rather be white or nigger?
mircea_popescu: the nigger of the future is easily recognised in the present by his desire for shackles.
mircea_popescu: so what's the gain of the war ? picked a different nigger to pile on ?
mircea_popescu: got themselves some of jurov's milky nigger.txt coins
KRS|gotyawallet: America needed something to divert attention from the word Nigger which worked fine for me..Worked fine for them so why not.
snackman: ;;ud subhuman romanian nigger scum
dub: did he just call mp a nigger?
deadweasel: best black artists don't use the word nigger in their rap
ThickAsThieves: there is a pressure for black rappers to use the word nigger in their lyrics
ThickAsThieves: nigger was a word to equate their value with that of livestock
mircea_popescu: nigger is markedly not.
ThickAsThieves: black people call each other nigger in an effort to take it back
ThickAsThieves: the problem with trying to own "nigger" in the classic sense it creates a paradigm, in which all black people are still pretty much tied to it
mircea_popescu: a nigger is anyone that behaves like what the implication of the word suggests.
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: nigger
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nigger | 1. nigger. A fully grown niglet. Theres one of them niggers. mark as favorite buy nigger ... 2. nigger. A word that everyone else is afraid to define except in utter ...
truffles: ;;ud nigger
ThickAsThieves: i assume "nigger" applies to any color in this example
mircea_popescu: i suppose micro aggression is what happens when some nigger is really pissed off and can't find a better pretext to lash out/
Tulak_: not the nigger part
dub: this chinese nigga keeps calling me nigger
mircea_popescu: benkay i just checked my privilege. it's still bigger than any nigger cock to date.
mircea_popescu: and calling a dude a nigger for racism.
mircea_popescu: but there's a difference between calling a dude a nigger for convenience, as the shortest word available,
benkay: not that i even know what a 'nigger' is
kakobrekla: just to clearify, 'nigger' culture or black american culture?
mircea_popescu: jcpham yes. as long as you speak american, in order to be anything anywhere within the structure you have to be a talking head. that's the thing. thats why obama's not black, even if he is a nigger.
mircea_popescu: i mean, he says nigger all the time, right ?
mircea_popescu: and move on to aids epidemic or the nigger violence gene or w/e
Diablo-D3: the only reason he was in the naked gun is because they needed a dumb nigger
kakobrekla: get some education nigger
mircea_popescu: seeing how the major distinguishing feature of the 1900s nigger was his inability to take on a loan.
mircea_popescu: so basically declare anyone in the us a nigger.
kakobrekla: i dun understand that nigger talk
dub: lack of financial crime in texus? more your nigger hangings and sodomy
mircea_popescu: stealth. darker than dark. we could go as far as to say these are the original nigger pools.
kakobrekla: diablo is more nigger than you string and he is a ginger
dub: I forget that being a nigger equates to carrying WMDs in most places
mircea_popescu: Jul 04 03:03:35 <dub>a nigger that can buy and sell your broke ass
mircea_popescu: dub i thought you were a nigger anyway.
mircea_popescu: it's like pick on the nigger, except by a different criteria.