700+ entries in 0.834s

phf: package
Foo is new ffa(Width => 64*5,
phf: asciilifeform: if i have procedure
foo(x in; y out), and i'm calling it with
foo(a, a); is it up to procedure to ensure that y is not clobbered before x is used, or is it more that you don't call with a same variable in in and out?
phf: ( leaving this here for myself, awk's pattern for filtering uniques is !
foo[$col]++ )
phf: asciilifeform: i actually tried replacing my asdf with asdf1 and the failure is that of thousand cuts. small, completely inconsequential additions to asdf file or some pointless uiop:
foo-bar somewhere deep in code. some asdf files have hardcoded #-asdf3(error "asdf3 required") but then still work, etc.
phf: mode ##lmi +b
Framedragger: ben_vulpes: sorry for being obtuse, but if by 'show signature' you mean print signature in ascii-armored way, why can't you `echo '
foo' | gpg --clearsign > a.txt`, then `cat a.txt | gpg --encrypt --recipient recipient-username > b.bin`, then `gpg --decrypt b.bin`? (this assumes gpg is interactive and will ask for password, so best to break it into multiple commands)
mircea_popescu: and therefore question for type
Foo is range 0 .. 10 must always be, is
foo <= 10 ; not is
foo < 11
phf: ben_vulpes: it's a silly convention, because count(anything) would've returned the row count. select count(42) from
foo would've returned the same result
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 03:12 adlai: old: (
foo bar baz) new: (
foo (bar) baz) diff: \5\(
foo \(3\bar\5\ baz)
adlai: old: (
foo bar baz) new: (
foo (bar) baz) diff: \5\(
foo \(3\bar\5\ baz)
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-06-20 04:23 phf: which is handy if you're using something else to produce the patch, or if you need to use a non-trivial diff command. for example i sometimes need to exclude files from diffing, so a command might look like diff -x
foo -x bar -x qux -ruN a b | grep -v '^Binary files ' | vdiff >
phf: patch/diff lets you have a patch with ---
foo +++ bar in which case it seems to ~check if
foo exists, then try and press against
foo, otherwise press against bar~
phf: -p1 means a/
foo/bar gets pressed as
phf: yes, but you never do, also it's (run "
foo" nil) or if you insist (run "
foo" ()) though that last one looks funny
ben_vulpes: still means one has to (run "
foo" `())
phf: ben_vulpes: i think best way to answer that question is to read a lot of existing code from different backgrounds (pre-2000s code, famous people code, etc.). my rule of thumb is that you use optional if ~at call site~ it's still obvious what the argument means. otherwise you promote it to keywoard. (run "
foo" `("-p" "bar")) makes sense, but (run "
foo" `("-p" "bar") stream) you start guessing. is it input stream? is it output stream?
mircea_popescu: this is because the "same" string (
Foo Genesis, modified.) is NOT THE SAME string, depending on the contemplated context. it is a string in 846fdf... and ANOTHER string in whatever other context.
mircea_popescu: i was supposed to go sha512(#846fdfb9d99724efbc97b1d2b519a221df9724dec3375c54913c1853af221c8e5ad5b5b8c38fffe4b654066071eafd8194fe7b86faa5fbadfbf1c5b872e81410 "
Foo Genesis, modified.")
mircea_popescu: no, because when I hashed to check your hashes i went sha512("
Foo Genesis, modified.")
mircea_popescu: so then all strings S must incluide the antecedent hash. and in this definition string S =
foo.txt ; nothing else.
phf: literally nobody can tell me what the potential downsides of `for i in xrange(1000000): a += "
foo"` are
a111: Logged on 2016-12-07 22:11 phf: ben_vulpes: i don't know how to solve that problem, but "i know, sexp will help us!" is not. you basically need to redesign a bunch of things about reader, have a custom save format (that will look closer to (DEFUN
FOO () (IF BAR QUX (PROGN ...)))). sexp nature will help you ~a bit~, but like mp said it's closer to "let's save AST", because sexp don't preserve nearly enough required info
phf: ben_vulpes: i don't know how to solve that problem, but "i know, sexp will help us!" is not. you basically need to redesign a bunch of things about reader, have a custom save format (that will look closer to (DEFUN
FOO () (IF BAR QUX (PROGN ...)))). sexp nature will help you ~a bit~, but like mp said it's closer to "let's save AST", because sexp don't preserve nearly enough required info
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-07 14:50 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1578953 << just fyi, while you can diff an intermediate ~state~ of an image as a sexp, common lisp's input is a ~character stream~. builtin dispatch ~mostly~ operates on forms (like #p #. (concatenate 'string "
foo" "bar")), but not always, like #\; comment reads till end of line.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1578953 << just fyi, while you can diff an intermediate ~state~ of an image as a sexp, common lisp's input is a ~character stream~. builtin dispatch ~mostly~ operates on forms (like #p #. (concatenate 'string "
foo" "bar")), but not always, like #\; comment reads till end of line.
☝︎☟︎ phf: cat ought to be 8-bit clean, i suspect most of the bloat will come from gnu attempting all kinds of optimization. it probably optionally mmaps cat
foo, etc.
phf: trinque: how's the interface supposed to look? /log-first-message?nick=
foo and it gives you html rendering? or text/plain in kako format? or?
phf: !~later tell gabriel_laddel have you considered putting ~everything~ masamune into a single tree, prepatched, so that instead of "load X, then load my patch-
foo-for-X" you just have everything under single hierarchy exactly the way you expect it to run in production?
a111: Logged on 2016-10-21 18:34 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes would you be amenable to print email received by
foo@cascadianhacker.com on wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/
foo@cascadianhacker.com for 24 hours ?
mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes would you be amenable to print email received by
foo@cascadianhacker.com on wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/
foo@cascadianhacker.com for 24 hours ?
☟︎ adlai finds himself pining for that one server where s/
foo/bar/ actually works
phf: well, if Framedragger is still parsing the znc logs, then znc does it for you. it'll be <
foo> blah, or *
foo blah or somesuch
jhvh1: Last
foo lines bashed and pending publication
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [16:37:38] <phf> kind of tricky to cache search, since it's very one off. most load on server comes from searching (i mean it's miniscule still, but...), but i looked at analytics and search queries are all over the place. you have n hits from mentions, which ~might~ be worthwhile to cache. (like ascii does !#s
foo, and then there's a dozen of hits from random ips and
phf: kind of tricky to cache search, since it's very one off. most load on server comes from searching (i mean it's miniscule still, but...), but i looked at analytics and search queries are all over the place. you have n hits from mentions, which ~might~ be worthwhile to cache. (like ascii does !#s
foo, and then there's a dozen of hits from random ips and browsers)
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: with the example you've provided I send the "
foo" string and nothing occurs on the other side. If I remove the "-u" option from nc, (UNKNOWN) [] 8002 (?) : Connection refused
phf: so the vpatch becomes something like "getting baz to work^L(load "
foo") (load "bar") diff ...
foo.lisp ... +... -... etc diff bar.lisp ... +... -..."
phf: you know dos "com", which was just a flat sequence of bytecodes and when you did
foo.com it would just start executing
foo.com with the first byte
phf: mircea_popescu: problem is that when you do a execution like ./
foo on unix, ~unix~ expects "
foo" to contain certain bits and do certain kind of work to appease unix upfront. that work is specific not to "x86" but to "linux v 1.1.2, compiled on full moon, by three blind monks"
phf: c-machine assembly level has a certain shape to it. when you write int
foo { bar(); } an assembly of a certain pattern gets spit out
phf: but if i just post comment with <code>
foo</code> that doesn't work