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pete_dushenski: "Starting on 27 June 2015, SMS notifications from Google Calendar will no longer be sent. SMS notifications were launched before smartphones were available. Now, in a world with smartphones and notifications, you can get a richer, more reliable experience on your mobile device, even offline." << well fuck that.
nubbins`: especially if your department head doesn't give a fuck when/where you use your stingray
nubbins`: it's useful if the telco tells you to fuck off
pete_dushenski: if all you need are cell phone towers to determine location, why the fuck does stingray matter ?
pete_dushenski: "Popescu you're the dumbest fuck on the planet and have no authority to call anyone else an idiot." << quite the saucy qntra commenter
trinque: I heard "fuck you" "gpg isn't that important" and "this place isn't that important"
trinque: I'm not insulting the guy by saying "hello, who the fuck are you?"
trinque: no, it's also so that those present can tell who the fuck you are
trinque: fuck you google
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Its not about if you're legally allowed to do it, its more I'm a billionaire, why the fuck do I give you money for a social program? While it can work with a small homeless shelter, you're talking about an airport. Not like there is one landlord who owns half of Plymouth and the surrounding area who wants to increase property values.
bitcoinfailed: why dont you fuck off and tell me instead.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-06-2015#1149352 on one hand, they're talking to a crowd, and for that particular crowd talking sense means you lose. why the fuck they imagine against plainly obvious reality that it still matters or can help them is besides the point here. on the other hand, they don't want to help. formulating cogent criticisms is helping. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "it's bad from my pov so fuck you."
asciilifeform: think of it this way (possibly paraphrasing old thread.) imagine you discovered a cache of plutonium bricks in your back yard. (rtg in space probe fell apart?) would you let them go to a scrap dealer for 100 usd each? knowing that they are worth millions, and at the same time risking your arse by revealing that you ever had them to begin with? or would you say 'fuck you' and dig a deeper hole? ☟︎
liquidassets: How far did you take it? Were you on a national team or did you just fuck around in high school?
trinque: topic of "where the fuck did you come from?"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-05-2015#1146101 << would you look at that. my wp auto-redirects to new url if i fuck up a title. you two gotta look into that. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i'll tell you : she prolly set it too low because she was trying too hard not to fuck up.
mircea_popescu: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/05/23_in-la-serenissima-inflation-prices-you-in.html << nb. ben_vulpes you know i respek the entire "fuck you php" purity and everything, but fuck man, i can't leave comments. i guess i wave at you here instead, which worx.
mircea_popescu: then as a licensee you DONT know what you need to transform to wipe the watermark, so you have to transform... "everything". which results in a turd, which as he says, who the fuck will want that.
mircea_popescu: cazalla i hope you're all weirded out and inception-ed to fuck seeing how all your friends keep showing up in here.
mircea_popescu: oh fuck you in the head already
BingoBoingo: But not really Lombary Poplars suck. Grow too fast, insufficient trunk strength, gets blown over on the first strong wind. And if it doesn't blow over dies at 30 anyways because fuck you.
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 16:13:53; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do you remember where the fuck is that discussion about how a good hardening approach is to deviate from the toolset the attacker might reasonably expect to find is ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do you remember where the fuck is that discussion about how a good hardening approach is to deviate from the toolset the attacker might reasonably expect to find is ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trick question, wasn't one per se. but the idea is why the fuck do you think you're having ideas ?
mircea_popescu: be a doctor, lawyer or a dentist. or fuck you.
mircea_popescu: justJanne da fuck do you mean "yes it is".
ben_vulpes: <justJanne> trinque: you guys said you wanted a place where "no man rules over other men", no taxes, no government, no controls, no streets. << source or seriously get the fuck out
mats: because of the structure of officer corps, evaluations bear enormous weight, and you simply cannot ever fuck up
mats: where the fuck are you going to raise capital for basic income in somalia?
cazalla: you might pay $100 to them in tax but you sure as fuck don't get back $100 worth of childcare when it's free
mircea_popescu: even admitting you could make this, who in his right mind wants to fuck the food storebox.
BingoBoingo: <gabriel_laddel> BingoBoingo: The bent I'm attempting to communicate here is something like this: You've made it to #b-a, which unlike any community I've ever encountered provides a foundation for building a sane civilization and you want to... become a boxer? It doesn't follow. Boxing is a last resort sort of thing, even if you were to become the worlds best boxer you're still basicly some poor fuck who couldn't make << Where are
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Turkeys here you can catch wild. Fuck, drove past a roadkill armadillo today which should only happen on the other side of the mississippi river. Chickens though... It takes three eggs to make a decent omlette. Even if you are getting an egg from each hen per day that's still a lot of birdshit.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: The bent I'm attempting to communicate here is something like this: You've made it to #b-a, which unlike any community I've ever encountered provides a foundation for building a sane civilization and you want to... become a boxer? It doesn't follow. Boxing is a last resort sort of thing, even if you were to become the worlds best boxer you're still basicly some poor fuck who couldn't make
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: are you trying to impress to fuck a doctor or something?
mircea_popescu: http://v8chan.com/thread/3744246/what-is-this-ad.html << "As much I don't want to bring in /pol/ into every discussion, /leftypol/ is a hundred times worse. You're fucking cancer." / "its fags like you who make these threads the worst" / "No, it's fags like you who get triggered if anything remotely /pol/-like is mentioned, and I don't even like /pol/. Get the fuck out." / "You’re mentally disabled if you don’t thi
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-05-2015#1133044 << amusingly, one of the things in the 2000s romania was, nobody was paying property tax because fuck you ☝︎
cazalla: anyway, i thought all you old school bitcoiners were rich as fuck
assbot: /b/ - which one would you fuck, /b/? ... ( http://bit.ly/1e2vYa8 )
assbot: /b/ - which one would you fuck, /b/? ... ( http://bit.ly/1e2vLUn )
mircea_popescu: ie, da fuck were you doing at stalingrad.
mircea_popescu: like you know, take a girl out, fuck her, the piss on the cam.
mircea_popescu: what are you more likely to run into, a girl that doesnt want to fuck because of what she's heard the catholic church say, or a girl that wants to go topless because of what she's heard of femen ?
mircea_popescu: so government can fuck up the conviction, gets a second shot because hey, govt's speshul. you go fuck up your tax returns, see how that goes over.
mircea_popescu: dude... fuck you ?
trinque: which... fuck you AWS, that IAM does have permission to diddle the bucket
assbot: Logged on 11-05-2015 20:05:16; ascii_field: why the fuck are you telling yourself to do things you're clearly no good for ? << who wants to be biodiesel ?
ascii_field: why the fuck are you telling yourself to do things you're clearly no good for ? << who wants to be biodiesel ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trinque well entirely different consideration, this. i was looking at it from the subjective perspective. nevermind what the world tells you to do. why the fuck are you telling yourself to do things you're clearly no good for ? it's as if at the orchestra auditions everyone wanted to play the instruments they sucked at.
mircea_popescu: that's what i like about "typed" languages, you know ? if (i = "" or i =="" or i === "" or i = 0 or i == 0 or i === 0 or i &= null or i ^= undefined) fuck your mother.
mircea_popescu: then the fuck do you care ?
davout: fuck you all, i'm leaving, going back to brewing my own beer and growing vegetables on my balcony
ben_vulpes: <davout> [18:12] with every day that passes the "get actual computer, fuck with gentoo" item climbs higher and higher on my todo list << davout if you can figure out what an "actual computer" is, let me know
mircea_popescu: really, it's not intended as a thing to fuck with people from. it's intended as a thing where to be safe from people fucking with you.
mircea_popescu: i can see the case, i tell you. quentin tarantino makes a new movie, it's on your box before release, he comes here and goes OMFGWTFBBQ what am i supposed to say ? fuck you, give us free shit ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, to round off the capital thing : without ownership you can not force anyone to care about you. whether you can or can not force me to care about you, i will force you to care about me. the illustration of this narrative are the sufferances of young gavin. he drank the "piketty" aka libertard coolaid, and now here he is, wondering what the fuck happened.
mircea_popescu: this reads very brokenly to my eye, for many reasons, such as : a) people who can't afford things get no voice. this is what "financial reasons" means : shut the fuck up and go home. if you are poor, you aren't a person.
mircea_popescu: o wow, "He is the writer of the graphic novel RED, adapted into the film starring Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren." << how the fuck did i miss this. you seen it nubbins` ?
mircea_popescu: fuck you, be good instead. who the fuck cares how "diverse" good is.
BingoBoingo: <decimation> if you are wondering the southwest and find a gigantic blue wasp dragging around a freshly-paralyzed tarantula, leave it alone << Fuck. No tarantulas here, but that coloration is new this year among some of the assorted wasps I've ignored as variations on the paper wasps. Will have nore concern for
mircea_popescu: if you don't have providential management, da fuck you gonna do. trust in the tools.
mircea_popescu: fuck you, everyone. 27 letters or go back to your fucking yurt.
kakobrekla: fuck you im fixing stuff
mircea_popescu: and the monkey is going "fuck you bitch" quite literally at the experimenter, whom it (wrongly) perceives as a monkey of the same age and sex. ☟︎
davout: how'd you know it doesn't go "you know bob, this is un-sjw!!1, also fuck you bitch!"
mircea_popescu: the animal doesn't go "you know bob, this is un-sjw!!1". it goes "fuck you bitch!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah i figured you would, but i didn't wanna fuck with it.
ascii_field: this is how 'fuck you i'm a dragon' probably began.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne how the fuck are you going to make a neutral list of "vps hosters" anyway.
assbot: Logged on 29-04-2015 14:29:15; mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel "why are the holes not marked or filled?" << ftr this is not what i was contemplating. what I was contemplating is, why the fuck don't defaults pop up. bring back the fucking paperclip, put it the ONE place where it makes fucking sense. "hey john, I see you changed FuckOff() from bool to int. This function is called 82 places in 22 files. Would you like me to a) check all places where
mircea_popescu: fuck you and click the boxen, "creative" boi
mircea_popescu: "you're supposed to have been", jesus who the fuck came up with english grammar. "o i know, we'll save on predicative modes!!1"
mircea_popescu: none of this "i'll fix the details later, i'm in the middle of doing sexy work now". fuck you and fuck your "ideas".
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel "why are the holes not marked or filled?" << ftr this is not what i was contemplating. what I was contemplating is, why the fuck don't defaults pop up. bring back the fucking paperclip, put it the ONE place where it makes fucking sense. "hey john, I see you changed FuckOff() from bool to int. This function is called 82 places in 22 files. Would you like me to a) check all places where it's called and rep ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <trinque> if I represent a grammar in SQL tables you cannot fuck it up << You want to throw a stake down on that???
trinque: the database if told as much as is known about the data you want to represent, wont let you fuck it up
trinque: if I represent a grammar in SQL tables you cannot fuck it up
mircea_popescu: and before anyone doubts that there can be such a thing : you COULD fuck a woman with a 3 inch drill bit attached to a percution drill.
mircea_popescu: fuck you.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: With the FetLife replacement project how important is the client side JS encryption? Would it for example be redundant if hosted on metal outside of the US, and operated by someone willing to say fuck you to a subpoena?
nubbins`: mircea_popescu do you find that argentinians mallet the fuck out of steaks?
williamdunne: jurov: Fuck yeah I'd pay $20 for that. I thought you meant something roughly equiv to a rPi. With a well optimized site you could get a k reqs a second on that
cazalla: jayk, ya mean real butch lesbian types that ya can't get hard for or pretend 16 year old lesbian to get your attention so you fuck her straight?
gabriel_laddel: FUCK YOU READ MORE
mircea_popescu: why the fuck is it that people can't ever just you know, be wrong anymore ?
asciilifeform: so you end up with something like 'fuck of infinite magnitude'
mircea_popescu: the weirdest prt being that what, you actually have to organize columbian prostitutes to fuck gringos now ?
assbot: Logged on 21-04-2015 19:24:03; mircea_popescu: but you can't make "woman flour", so just fuck up everyone.
mircea_popescu: but you can't make "woman flour", so just fuck up everyone. ☟︎
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-04-2015#1104866 << bit late to pretend you were innocent, those GAW hangouts you featured in.. i know that guilty look, you knew what the fuck was up the entire time ☝︎
mircea_popescu: you can put whatever the fuck you want wherever the fuck you want it, bitch will be filling a file somewhere.
mircea_popescu: http://www.rawstory.com/2015/04/80-percent-of-police-force-resigns-after-missouri-town-elects-first-african-american-mayor/ << what i want to know about this thing is, how the fuck do you cut an integer 80% out of 6.
mircea_popescu: php 5.4 decides to combine E_ALL and E_STRICT. because why the fuck not. next thing you know, half terrabyte of logs expounding on FUCKTARDED php 5.4 "warnings"
assbot: Logged on 18-04-2015 00:21:09; trinque: fuck you, entire web
trinque: fuck you, entire web ☟︎
davout: fuck you gribbleh
mircea_popescu: da fuck you doing in... bolivia