2100+ entries in 0.123s
davout: ;;
later tell mircea_popescu ^
mircea_popescu: ;;
later tell mike_c i dun recall what you answered. are you planning to move btcalpha over to deedbot data or ?
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> ;;
later tell BingoBoingo when you have time, need to discuss what do with my paltry qntra shares. << Pile more qntra shares on top of them?
shinohai: ;;
later tell BingoBoingo when you have time, need to discuss what do with my paltry qntra shares.
ben_vulpes: ;;
later tell pete_dushenski interesting! so one can either borrow at a low rate and expect no return, or borrow at a high rate and pray for a return?
pete_dushenski: ;;
later tell ben_vulpes it may well be that i hail from narnia, but yes, interest rates and house prices are inversely correlated. furthermore, and i forget sometimes that americans lock in rates for entire mortgages, but canadians typically renegotiate their rates every 5 years. longer terms are available, but it's been +ev to take shorter terms for so long that i don't know of a single homeowner who doesn't do 5-year term
pete_dushenski: ;;
later tell ben_vulpes then numbers are just the colours of your drapes!
pete_dushenski: ;;
later tell shinohai how comes the node tracker site ?
davout: ;;
later tell mike_c wb and congratulations for the new kid (and job)!
ben_vulpes: ;;
later tell pete_dushenski what, the numbers mean something now?
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 15:11:05; mircea_popescu: ;;
later tell mike_c here's a thought, in
http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/ might be a good idea to hide users not seen in i dunno, a quarter ? a year ? something ? explained, and with link for "full list".
mike_c: <ben_vulpes> ;;
later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere?
BingoBoingo: ;;
later tell Vexual I'm sorry I've been ignoring you for months, but I've got to take my sobriety seriously if I want to live
nubbins`: ;;
later tell funkenstein_ references to bezzlars removed! ^
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 13:53:13; mircea_popescu: ;;
later tell koinplug a) mpex also uses undisclosed addresses in special cases ; b) we have some old fixed-price contracts with some users who renew their key periodically.
mircea_popescu: ;;
later tell koinplug a) mpex also uses undisclosed addresses in special cases ; b) we have some old fixed-price contracts with some users who renew their key periodically.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ;;
later tell BingoBoingo where is the qntra on the police station mega-postal ? << WHAT?!?
shinohai: ;;
later tell BingoBoingo ping me when you have time to look at possible qntra submission. Grazie.
thestringpuller: ;;
later tell asciilifeform Finally experienced the stuck node thing. Interesting behavior. Wouldn't even accept the "stop" command. Had to kill -9 it.
adlai: ;;
later tell trinque deedbot- seems to have choked again
shinohai: ;;
later tell mod6 gentoo trb v99995 was a success
pete_dushenski: ;;
later tell mats feel like running another audit on bbet's reserve capital ?
BingoBoingo: ;;
later tell mircea_popescu Apologies for my latest qntra being a bit on the long side, but had to shame United States Gang while promoting my pet cause of preventing people from being born more retarded than they have to be
shinohai: ;;
later tell mod6 gentoo ready for test when u wake up
assbot: Logged on 09-03-2016 03:31:17; asciilifeform: ;;
later tell mircea_popescu
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-03-2016#1427413 << my brother was once a game programmer, for a co. that has died many years ago, and they had the contract of producing the 'official' mtg client. he had to learn the rules of the game, with much loathing, and play it for year+ straigh, all day, every day, with loathing, possibly more hours than just about anyone alive
trinque: ;;
later tell funkenstein_ hey, regrind your vpatch and I'll sign it
hanbot: ;;
later tell williamdunne feel free to pm me for ro chat/queries also. though my principle strength seems to be accidentally portmanteauing.
BingoBoingo: ;;
later tell fluffypony Did you really sign a document about being more polite?
assbot: Logged on 08-03-2016 05:15:34; ben_vulpes: ;;
later tell nubbins` you're starting to sound a bit like tiberius!
ben_vulpes: ;;
later tell nubbins` you're starting to sound a bit like tiberius!
☟︎ danielpbarron: nubbins`> BingoBoingo what's next?! signed & ready to go << link the signed encrypted thing as a text file (on dpaste or your own site) in a
later tell to Bingo
BingoBoingo: ;;
later tell shinohai Fine. I'll show you how to juice that headline with a story in under 100 words, just to intoduce a target.
shinohai: ;;
later tell BingoBoingo I couldn't come up with a lulzy enough filler for that story so gonna pass it on to whoever wants it.
jurov: ;;
later tell fghj ^
assbot: Logged on 25-02-2016 01:38:57; asciilifeform: ;;
later tell mircea_popescu
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-02-2016#1415038 << i suggest that it is done 1) no earlier than 4th 2) no earlier than working cramershouptron is posted 5) paid not to my earthly carcass but to snsa piggy - under whose flag it will be published.
danielpbarron: ;;
later tell trinque please to add this feed ^^ I think it only works for you
BingoBoingo: ;;
later tell adlai not really news at this time
mod6: Saw your
later tell, thanks.