1700+ entries in 0.694s
mircea_popescu: if someone makes a powerpoint they may be worth a fuck, but if someone makes a
pdf its not worth your time.
othernubs`: asciilifeform, v6.
pdf appears to be using straight-up courier bold for code
mircea_popescu: what could possibly be wrong with infinite blocks .
pdf mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves who knows, maybe they learn to not
assbot: Making sure crypto remains insecure [
pdf] | Hacker News
PinkPosixPXE: I've searched far and wide, only a
pdf version of his slides, I imagine they were just markers for him. But the commentary in the thread, specifically the first user, bullet points some of the main topics.
assbot: Making sure crypto remains insecure [
pdf] | Hacker News
PeterL: funny mistake by the
pdf converter, l to an i: We've got to seize the initiative and get the
mike_c: yes, but machines do a crappy job of voice/
pdf -> text. maybe the turks are the ones who clean it up.
BingoBoingo: Oh, I found a
pdf textualizer, but I dunno if it handles pdfs that are just photographs of text yet
mircea_popescu: iirc asciilifeform mentioned some
pdf textualizer in the logs ?
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: The textblock is as the
pdf presented it. It is a legal format problem.
mike_c: thickasthieves: the
pdf is no better
BingoBoingo: It was the first converter I tried that actually de-shitted the court
pdf successfully
mircea_popescu: and bingo you're doing a bangass job over there! everyone else links the
pdf, you put in the text. brownie points.
dignork: bounce: on the .ru site bunch of firmware_*.rar files, bin files apparently 8051(?), and not crypted, so IDA should be able to read them. *_datasheet*.
pdf from the same site might help
decimation: Vexual: cs degrees were excluded by the earlier
pdf, because it was focused on engineering
decimation: yeah :( too bad the warez only ocr
pdf decimation: heh when turned into
pdf, tripled in size
mats_cd03: www.nobius.org/~dbg/practical-file-system-design.
pdf << i have been enjoying this recently. re: BeOS, but a decent primer on how file systems work, too.
assbot: PCParity3.
pdf - Google Drive
assbot: Dropbox - cryptonight_tmp.