1500+ entries in 0.167s
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell thestringpuller You oughtta fanfic too.
shinohai: !~
later tell thestringpuller will ping in a bit, got pm's shut off again so I can concentrate
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell thestringpuller If you really want a chance to do some work, you could do a breakout Xtend on the whole Chinese RMB situation
shinohai: !~
later tell mod6 cannot submit gpg key to mailing list :/
a111: Logged on 2016-10-10 23:56 mircea_popescu: !~
later tell peterl were you doing archival of #trilema links ?
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell peterl were you doing archival of #trilema links ?
☟︎ ben_vulpes: !~
later tell pete_dushenski 'no ceilings' isn't a /bad/ mixtape, on review
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell adlai That looks like great material for your personal blog! Pls publish!
znort987: !~
later tell adlai emailed you back
znort987: ;;
later tell adlai emailed you back
a111: Logged on 2016-09-25 13:25 Framedragger: !~
later tell pete_dushenski btw could you update the bots directory so that `!$ hello` means (something like) 'Prints "Hello, world!" and uptime of the bot'? (you can /msg scriba help). gracias.
Framedragger: !~
later tell pete_dushenski btw could you update the bots directory so that `!$ hello` means (something like) 'Prints "Hello, world!" and uptime of the bot'? (you can /msg scriba help). gracias.
☟︎ shinohai: !~
later tell BingoBoingo From latest Qntra: "While lesser world leaders the criminal gang in Washington" .... could use a placate perhaps? I didn't quite understand the sentence.
mod6: !~
later tell trinque anond_ here needs some help getting regstered with deedbot for eulora. he tried to register, althought I'm not sure if it worked. can you check it out for him?
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> !~
later tell mod6 good to see that out in the wild << thanks! And again, thanks for your help. :]
ben_vulpes: !~
later tell mod6 good to see that out in the wild
scriba: Logged on 2016-08-26: [06:09:42] <BingoBoingo> ;;
later tell adlai You work step 1 yet?
thestringpuller: !~
later tell BingoBoingo none of the articles on my draft table seem compelling enough yet to publish. call me one of those tortured artists.
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell thestringpuller you have been slacking on blogging for a whole month
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell diametric do you know of a good reason a 2-3kg chopper couldn't be built on aluminum alloy frame ? not whether it is, nor why afficionado's don't, but whether couldn't.
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell covertress pls to fix your IRC flouncer? consider hosting it on a different interwebz pipe? Preferably one with more consisent pressure and brazed copper fittings?
shinohai: !~
later tell pete_dushenski Sure I can put you a signed copy of wp-mp up on my site if you still need.
pete_dushenski: !~
later tell thestringpuller sorry for the delay, fire over the caddy pics when ready!
thestringpuller: !~
later tell tell pete_dushenski I have a car dilemma. I can't figure out what model Cadillac this is. If I send you pics could you decipher?
thestringpuller: ;;
later tell pete_dushenski I have a car dilemma. I can't figure out what model Cadillac this is. If I send you pics could you decipher?
mircea_popescu: !~
later tell asciilifeform it's either a short church hymn or (as used here) the "general rule".
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell mircea_popescu alice_ log was solved with a spiritual, not a religious solution
BingoBoingo: !~
later tell shinohai pls to add 12 traditions
shinohai: !~
later tell jurov Can you check and see if I borked my latest order upon your return? thx
shinohai: ;;
later tell mircea_popescu need a quick word on the auction when you arrive today, thx!