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mircea_popescu: re http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-06-2014#725987 (the entire plain words) conundrum, bitcoinpete got me the best in for the best example known to man. http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/21/tell-the-grand-inquisitor-theres-no-fucking-bitcoin-taint/#comment-791 ☝︎
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/21/tell-the-grand-inquisitor-theres-no-fucking-bitcoin-taint/
ThickAsThieves: taint is a factor for terrorists though
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as bitcoin taint. attempts to solve this inexistent problem, just like all the other attempts to solve inexistent problems in the history of human engineering
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'd guess: much of the panic re: btc 'taint' etc. comes from u.s. folks, who can be sent to the gasenwagen on very loose - rather than hard, 'scientific' - evidence.
danielpbarron: there is no taint in Bitcoin
benkay: ugh taint
fluffypony: danielpbarron: taint analysis - it's the reason that coinjoin and mixing isn't considered safe
mircea_popescu: anyway, the fact that bitcoin is not actually traceable, and all the sophistry of taint can at most produce persuasion is one of the largest points of pressure applied by bitcoin to human society. it may result in the "reasonable doubt" standard being taken out. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: I like my current level of OL vs. IRL identity taint which is nearly complete, but maintained because I like it and it keep sthe lowest nags away.
midnightmagic: our discussion centred on how you thought he was using a coinjoin'd transaction (re: "I taint the rich!" bitcointalk thread) to steal peoples' money or use the transaction as a historical proof that he had "access" to it in some form and thereby mislead less enlightened people for the purposes of loans or business shenanigans.
BingoBoingo: Well, in this case it seems resisting would have avoided a lot of reputation taint upon release. This is one of those situations where a gram of precaution saves tons of regret.
mircea_popescu: not only in tech terms, but also in intellectual terms. ie, the nonsense one has to believe in other to believe in taint.
mircea_popescu: artifexd: I can also just assert that the address isn't mine. Period. << absolutely. on the other hand, reusing addresses actually makes the stupidirty of "calculating taint" much more expensive.
bitcoinpete: since everything gets sloshed together in a reused address, the taint is less clearcut, as i understand it
jurov: taint can be tracked by spent transaction inputs, addresses do not need to come into picture
mircea_popescu: and it makes it possible for the entire "taint" nonsense to even tenuously exist.
gribble: Guidance : There Is No Such Thing As Bitcoin Taint. pe Trilema - Un ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/guidance-there-is-no-such-thing-as-bitcoin-taint/>; On July 29, 1914 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2014/on-july-29-1914/>; Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/>
bitcoinpete: ;;google trilema bitcoin taint
bitcoinpete: cgcardona: decent enough idea, if taint were a problem
benkay: the taint coming from 2 sources:
jurov: blockchain.info's "taint analysis" is very crude implementation of WoT, perhaps?
dignork: "no such thing as taint" ?
BingoBoingo: tg2: Each of you writes a secret string on your taint and uploads pics
BingoBoingo: Especially since BTC taint is not a thing.
asciilifeform: if unspent, sort of speaks against the 'no such thing as taint' hypothesis
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/guidance-there-is-no-such-thing-as-bitcoin-taint/
mircea_popescu: there's no taint in bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: and generally how retarded this "taint" bullshit is.
punkman: so, the US has a patent for weaponized boar taint
BingoBoingo: Duffer1: The taint, because that is what Ohio is.
nubbins`: lelelelelelelelel, "The cabal of taint-lickers"
Vexual: blockchain.info throttles their taint analysis to make it seem their mixing service works
mod6: heh, taint
jurov: and no taint
furuknap: Oh, I know. The herd thing is dangerous. I just hope it doesn't taint BTC assets in general as bubble shares. I fear the train may have left for AM.
furuknap: This is a personal thing, but to me, my integrity is extremely important to me. Even the suggestion from someone that I may be 'talking AM down (or up)' is a taint on my perception of that integrity, which is why I've been quiet in the forums the past few days.
mod6: i hate the idea of coin 'taint'
MJR_: taint is an interesting idea
jborkl: taint
mircea_popescu: taint analysis idiots prosecute person y because clearly taint analysis proves he's x.
JimRogers: i don't understand the taint analysis
mircea_popescu: if you look at taint analysis on that https://blockchain.info/taint/1M1Ugbk2P2L3ekZPESywAyfF5aeZ3wNi5d
mircea_popescu: buffett has a dim understanding of taint and blockchain and doesn't read the forum
midnightmagic: no, it's mocking two things: 1) rich-lists, 2) taint analyses.
midnightmagic: dub: What's confusing about combining monies to obscure their sources and screw up crappy "taint" analyses?
mircea_popescu: isn't something like taint analysis usable in principle to do it ?
smickles: the blockchain taint tool indicates that usagi has hundreds of btc under his control
dub: If I were you I would relinquish it or face further reputation taint
____Atlas_____: ...with a hint of ethanol like taint from Taco Bell.
midnightmagic: But why explain when it could taint any legal defence he might be mounting?
kuzetsa: ;;sell 1 "kick in the taint" @ -0.02 BTC I'll kick someone in the taint and/or add my two bitcents. Just whatever this is fake.
nefario: of course it's to muddy the waters and totally taint all coins