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mircea_popescu: ie, that exemplary boy would not be bothered to fuck his mother even if she were right there spreading an' begging for it (something we suspect her just about desperate enough to actually do, by now), on account of the much more interesting happenings on the screen. in which case, it's strictly impossible an oedipian complex is driving him.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-14 23:42 mircea_popescu: ault. this is what the mass-romanian is and does, nobody is needed to "do it to him", much like nobody's needed to drag shit into lelea saveta's cunt. she does it, by herself, every time she wipes.
mircea_popescu: https://www.diarioextra.com/Noticia/detalle/378184/anulan-sentencia-de-exministra-rumana << incidentally, she walks. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i hope she gets to die with it ; honestly other than me the only other customers are pretentious middle aged women buying 20 bux worth of presents with credit cards and the occasional ranchero getting a funeral suit or w/e.
mircea_popescu: woman's in my wot, what, she's gonna stiff me.
mircea_popescu: but no, i dun own any jeans. actually, hit up the local specialist in gentleman items (run by this very nice old lady, whom, when she dies, that is IT for dressing in costa rica). two suits, four extra pairs of pants, four shirts, a tie, a dozen socks and a pair of pijamas. all natural fiber, look fetching on me too. took like a fucking hour, and a brick of cash, but honestly i can't think of a way i could have spent the hour
mircea_popescu: ault. this is what the mass-romanian is and does, nobody is needed to "do it to him", much like nobody's needed to drag shit into lelea saveta's cunt. she does it, by herself, every time she wipes. ☟︎
diana_coman never heard this "how ugly it is" re casa poporului, possibly because she never listened to mungiu-pippidi and the like
mircea_popescu: she hangs herself, over sheer despair, at the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670676 coming out of her. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there's this pic of some indistinct slut i posted once i'm too lazy to retrieve. she happens to be white, sports all manner of celtic cross tattoos, stylisized "SS" etc, is taking a coupla brown dicks. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: id cow "from twitter" explaining @whatever conference "how serious they take banning" blinks incomprehendingly just as she's done with her soundbytes. yeah, why is it ??? there's entirely no difference between any of them and any other aspiring-writers-in-new-york, philosophy of art history studies rejects the world over. why those, why not these ? blink blink ?
mircea_popescu: this is the fucking problem of socialism, when that wanna-be alt-hilary stupid cow asks "if the government can print money to rescue wall street, why won't it print money to let the chitlins enjoy the college lifestyle free of charge (and permanently!)" she has a fucking point -- and the entirely similar stup ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Well, she had about 45 minutes of mains current today
asciilifeform: lol she has mains current ? potato battery ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: She's still there. Can't help people with things they refuse help for.
BingoBoingo: PeterL: To be fair, she probably also thought Uruguay is in Africa
mircea_popescu: as you stand right now, you're in a much worse position than nicoleci. she's a smart girl that got cheated out of an education, and consequently catching up. you're a smart boy that ~refuses~ education, and consequently spinning in place, in 2019 same problems as 2018.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo there's no such "rejection by default". either she was rejected by someone specifically, or else she didn't even fucking apply.
mircea_popescu: right ? it's ~separate~. fat woman THEREBY gave up her "right" to ride subway ?!?! IT IS SEPARATE!!! she overate in the past, she wants to ride now, there's no relation!!!
mircea_popescu: (and since she's not done it, well...)
mircea_popescu: speaking of a minor point above : mp tried to find slut an ipod, so she can listen to music while woprking out. mp discovered ~ipod item no longer exists~, not at used electronic shops, NOT AT POND SHOPS.
mircea_popescu: obviously no-one's to say she wouldn't, especially seeing how of fucking course she would.
mircea_popescu: somewhat parallel to the very threatened reaction of girlies in a group of girlies, when i bid one come over. "if she goes to the slaugther when called to the slaughter, who's to say i wouldnt?!?"
BingoBoingo: Well, she fussed a lot
BingoBoingo: JessicaShadow 24F Switch << Indecisive soon to be late 20 something can't appreciate she's a loser while hanbot is a very cool weapon of mass destruction
mircea_popescu: how does one distinguish the usg from this fat ugly but stupid older woman strutting about as if she's gonna decide how the money's spent ?
mircea_popescu: she's screwed.
a111: Logged on 2015-03-19 20:50 mircea_popescu: i doubt anyone seriously believes she moves into anything but a jail cell once term ends.
a111: Logged on 2014-07-19 03:17 mircea_popescu: there for all eternity, to confront generations of bright teenagers that'll take about five minutes to figure out she's a furniture, and maybe not torture her for it. maybe.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: She's still holed up with mom, the two dogs, cat, and six car garage
mircea_popescu: otherwise what, every useless 30something female with crotch rot under fluorescent lighting, also "is doing a lot of work" because she "feels" so ?
a111: Logged on 2019-02-17 14:49 mircea_popescu: see, engineers are worse than whores. a whore might pretend like she's not working, but an engineer does inept shit like "/* This should optimize out, but it is wise to make sure this assumption is correct. Should these have different sizes, we cannot cast between them and the overlaying onto ERRATIC will not work. */" so as to ~pretend~ like he doesn't see WHY exactly he wants to take that code out. seriously, ooga-booga-bu
a111: Logged on 2019-02-17 14:49 asciilifeform: whore in some ways has better working condition -- at least she knows will not have to fuck tyrannosaur.
asciilifeform: whore in some ways has better working condition -- at least she knows will not have to fuck tyrannosaur. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: see, engineers are worse than whores. a whore might pretend like she's not working, but an engineer does inept shit like "/* This should optimize out, but it is wise to make sure this assumption is correct. Should these have different sizes, we cannot cast between them and the overlaying onto ERRATIC will not work. */" so as to ~pretend~ like he doesn't see WHY exactly he wants to take that code out. seriously, ooga-booga-bu ☟︎
mircea_popescu: they lie. part and parcel of http://trilema.com/2017/the-boundless-burden/ is that she ain't ever gonna be as engaged as you think she is, nor as on fetlife as you think she is, nor etc.
mircea_popescu: she was from harvard not princeton! my bad.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i think she means to learn how it's done.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-21 16:44 mircea_popescu: "Like a bad ass she is, she proved to be wise beyond her years by standing head and shoulders (Or is it ass-tall) with the boys." doesn't even INTEND irony, you realise.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no dude, as she points out, it's eulorism avant la lettre.
mircea_popescu: she corrected the numbers, it's 90 for zcx 93 for sjlj at the best.
mircea_popescu: this harsh reality whereby "nobody gives a shit about your '''career''' bs and she'd much rather http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-18#1888192 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, hard to say from here what seekrits she handed over that they don't want to print. Hence the focus on Facebook tardism.
mircea_popescu: anyway, she'll be back momentarily and we'll dig into it smore.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally and unrelatedly, since i'm fixing this other article : do you happen to recall the trilema piece where "middle age crisis" ie, dood getting rid of older wife hooking up with younger girl is explained in terms of "well, she won't be as fucking annoying" ?
mircea_popescu: right. point being, she did 1 to 5 loop sets of that, and the values converged.
mircea_popescu: mod6 no man, the difference ain't that one's topic is ada and the other's topic is cuntoo. the difference is that she said "here's the top level problem, here's the list of possible solutions, here's the failure mode of each, let me know if either the list's missing an item or wtf." ; you said "here's an error message pasted and i've been having problems".
mircea_popescu: "we wanna fight mommy just a bit so she thinks more of us, not so she gets the fuck lost and we start our own household"
mircea_popescu: seems that's definitely what she's going to do now.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't specifically know, but what she says is not without merit, "what's somebody other than me supposed to do???"
mircea_popescu: "transition phase", whatever, but the point remains that if we're going to actually take the a) view then something very much like what she's looking for ("i took what looked like the tmsr official gentoo off the foundation site") should also exist.
BingoBoingo: Nah, she's too tall
asciilifeform: ugh wat happened there ? they built a mcd and she took up eating in it ?
mircea_popescu: and ftr, it's not "coupla decades with broken soft". it's coupla decades interacting socially with the women and children "of" inept http://bimbo.club/2019/02/the-travel-guide/ dorks, so that i'm stuck lowering my backseat window and screaming "does she ever get laid ?!" to mother-daughter couple sutured at the palm-elbow joint.
mircea_popescu: i actually quite like the encapsulation she calls "sjm"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo give me however many fit / you want to spare, she can cuntoo-image them all for you free of charge. << Sounds like a plan. Gathering materials.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo give me however many fit / you want to spare, she can cuntoo-image them all for you free of charge.
diana_coman: hmmmm, a tiny Diana loved those well-written children stories; and then she re-read them at age 12 or so and was so shocked to see how much propaganda they were....; my point being: I doubt there is any place which is not "subtly poison" of one sort or another
mircea_popescu: she'd have no trouble at all getting an invite, huh ? such is the payoff of hard work!
mircea_popescu: education is this process whereby people are sharpened, not changed. if girl has it in her to outwrite your ffa, she conceivably will, and if not, she will not. why's this something i'm to fret about ?
mircea_popescu: whether he ever ends up euler or not, 5yo child is math-educable, provided that every time his mother goes "oh, poor darling shouldn't have to" she gets a black eye.
mircea_popescu: ie, she was ALREADY pregnant when they met.
mircea_popescu: only to discover that a) it's not fucking possible she got pregnant and ready to deliver in a single season and then b) actually count the months and discover a woman he married 2nd day after meeting mid-oct is delivering him allan's baby mid june ?
BingoBoingo: "She says Well if you will go and talk the right way to Comiskey I believe he will give you $3000 but you must be sure you go at it the right way and don't go and ball it all up. Well we argude about it a while because I don't want to hold nobody up Al but finally I says I would. It would not be holding nobody up anyway because I am worth $3000 to the club if I am worth a nichol."
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> nicole'll tell you all about it, once she digs herself out of punishment hole and is allowed maybe the use of furniture again. << AHA, see http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-03#1891974 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: nicole'll tell you all about it, once she digs herself out of punishment hole and is allowed maybe the use of furniture again.
mircea_popescu: of the latter, same fond of idiocy offers a restatement of an gallingly anonymous "If the reader is not particular about grammar and style, and is judiciously suspicious of dates, he, or more likely she, will derive both amusement and profit from Mr Browning's pages"
mircea_popescu: much like "chinese have word for this european phenomenon, it's she cow pig had kittens."
mircea_popescu: (notice, for the noob, that the woman ~is actually depicted~ in the above illustration. she happens to be quadripedal, but as #metoo taught you, this shouldn't matter IN FAIRNESS.)
mircea_popescu: "but i found her before he did, and i told her she's not a whore before she was". "yes, imperfect communication systems in olde sovoke"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This week after holding the Rockchip shelf holding went well, I am offering the Peruana the gift of English. She's ear training now on old looney tunes and winnie the jaundiced pooh
mircea_popescu: somehow 15yo girly a century ago didn't engage in this exercise in ludicrous idiocy whereby she'd importantly sprout off "you look just like the guy the old women told me to stay away from" right before running off [to be with herself in a corner somewhere].
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:36:11 <mircea_popescu> because of peripueral fever, which at the time was a 10-20% winnings dice every woman rolled every time she had a kid, it then followed that most kids at one of the boarding schools had no mothers.
mircea_popescu: i have nfi how she found the room for such kicking, but, the fact remains -- very much ~could~, a good half of all males are not worth the chickenfeed.
mircea_popescu: he has a daughter. she is almost exactly my age.
mircea_popescu: and yes, this is exactly what amateur means : one who expects things to work like she imagines copulation works, ie, "love".
mircea_popescu: and public consensus around the idea of restoring broad-based institutional democracy in Venezuela." bla bla bla bla bla in that inept vein untill she falls over.
asciilifeform: re fishes -- ru folklore notably contains ~2~ wish-granting fish stories : 1, the internationally familiar one, where old fishwife keeps ramping up the wishitude until she overflows the register and gets fucked; and ~other~, where young lad knows how to use the fish, and gets half of kingdom , via http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-14#1841561 process ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Maduro thrives on low level bureacracy. I doubt anyone is taking Nancy seriously after she proposed the same sum Trump wanted, but for robodogs.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "He/She/You can == Puede" << no you belongs there.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889150 << there's no way to have a rsa-aware client without the corresponding server, yes ? it's a whole migration, just, i was hoping she'd only have to do the server side, was the point of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884608 comment. ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform part of the lulz of ye olde physics olympiad in mp\s native lands and times was "identify the problem type". lotta ~fundamentally illiterate~ (hey, they liked "science", can't possibly think fiction, doh!!!) profs tryina come up with ~convincing~ "and then she said...".
mircea_popescu: mme carolina orasan. she wasn't very good -- but she was studious and insistent, and i suppose perfectly fine for an orc. the others, even worse.
mircea_popescu: what irks me is that these are contrary "eases" -- if you say "well, cocksucker, can't palatalize anymore, there's no 'nt' in her world" then what do you say to "she prefers pronouncing ths to thes"
mircea_popescu: and of course there's "dominate" as a fucking noun. "she's a dominate".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dunno, dood. she's just weirdlooking.
mircea_popescu: "Many paternalist conservatives, including those of the "One Nation" tendency with which May identifies, have made a point of disagreeing with Lady Thatcher's famous dictum that there is no such thing as society. But it increasingly looks as if she was right. We don't have society anymore but rather an economy." << incidentally, that is EXACTRLY what gave europe the villa economy, hence villeins ie diocletian's chained plebs,
mircea_popescu: as opposed to my buying cookies to give girly so she takes her clothes off.
mircea_popescu: took chet there personally ; she got to touch everything ; at the end hands so full of splinters i spent an hour digging them out.
mod6: "If you take care of her, she takes care of you" or something.
mircea_popescu: when diana_coman moved over the site to uy, she pruned all the shit that was badly out of date and little hope of being brought back up
a111: Logged on 2015-02-21 01:19 mircea_popescu: "she's been going through 6-7k each month since autumn, but i get to go visit p diddy whenever i feel like it. it's a wash"
mircea_popescu: the notion whereby "i've been doing something by hand in lieu of what i'm supposed to do" passing muster is not unlike the case where you send girl to buy you shoes and she comes by with "i love you alf" papier mache "8th march -- mother's day!!" gift.
BingoBoingo: Judging by the pictures it looks like she was a tanner more silicone'd version of his domestic partner
mircea_popescu: again -- just because you personally never saw the face of the usg allocated mamie in charge of usg.aspect in question doesn't mean jack. she's still there, and she's still getting the same per capita.
mircea_popescu: when i discuss some random cuntlet and you propose she's inexistent, i get you concretes. when you discuss some imaginary item, you don't extend the same courtesy.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile talking of spam : http://archive.vn/oMEya ("Julia Sowells/534 Posts Julia Sowells has been a technology and security professional. For a decade of experience in technology, [...]" -- looks like your run of the mill 20something instawhore, but whatever, i'm sure she has a decade of "experience" in tabletclucking ; "HackerCombat LLC is a news site, which acts as a source of information for IT security professionals ac
a111: Logged on 2017-11-04 16:40 mircea_popescu: in entirely unrelated lulz : the "womenz in tech" dynastry of aparatchicks over at wikipedia is pretty lulzi : sue gardner's lengthy tenure ended (she was recycled to nsa honeypot "tor project") to be replaced by lila tretikov, two bit russki scammer gal who got sent off (over the whole "knowledge engine" failed wikimedia http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-26#1729324 attempt) to be replaced by katherine maher.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884626 << i wasn't meditating, i just don't have the mental energy to defend myself. i'm in russia primarily to take care of my grandmother who has dementia, and she was in a pretty critical state when i got here. i'm sure it'll stabilize, but as of right now i don't trust myself to have rational conversations around sensitive subjects online. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i imagine she's going to bake a test as time permits. it's not a top priority item but then again she moves fast.