68 entries in 0.466s

mircea_popescu: it wasn't a significant sum - think, i threw away 1k btc to humiliate buffett, i threw away 5 fucking btc for stuff like the contest that produced "
shall be delivered" ; etc. moreover, to correctly account for it would have likely cost more.
mircea_popescu: what he's talking about it is fractal they
shall be delivered thing
ben_vulpes: french toast is what
shall be delivered, bbl
ascii_butugychag: against the people called 'adhesivists' in the '
shall be delivered' tale
ascii_field pictures a sciencefiction story, set in the world of '
shall be delivered', about a fella who forgot a key and goes to a specialist who 'helps remember'
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 3 for hanbot with note: Met IRL, MPOE-PR, author of award-winning '
Shall Be Delivered', provides tenacious exposure of scammers.
mod6: !rate hanbot 3 Met IRL, MPOE-PR, author of award-winning '
Shall Be Delivered', provides tenacious exposure of scammers.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for hanbot from 1 to 3 with note: had the honour of meeting in the flesh. author of '
shall be delivered.' guiding light from beyond the barbed wire.
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell hanbot those last two paragraphs of '
shall be delivered' ... goosebumps.
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2014 17:33:21; asciilifeform: people don't seem to grasp the fact that the situation in '
shall be delivered' is as inevitable as that first street drunk who electrocuted himself in the 1870s (?)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the beautifully dark cream-your-pants future of '
shall be delivered' is not attainable until folks learn to remember serious keys (yes, remember. with head.) << this is like saying the frankish empire has to wait for people who can make swords. by hand!
Shall be Delivered | The Whet
benkay: ;;google whet
shall be delivered ozbot:
Shall be Delivered | The Whet
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Given the nothingness published pre-August2012 publishing means little. "
Shall be delivered"
Shall be Delivered | The Whet
Shall be Delivered | The Whet
Shall be Delivered | The Whet
Shall be Delivered | The Whet