800+ entries in 0.021s
phf: diana_coman: when i run this code http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cW0FU/ i get the output http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZDEOs/?raw=true
phf: diana_coman: btcbase is claiming that i'm missing proper antecedents for smg_oaep.adb/ads, but i think i have all your vpatches. can you please check http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=eucrypt&search= and let me know if i'm missing something
phf: http://btcbase.org/patches/eucrypt_ch10_oaep_tmsr/tree/eucrypt/smg_keccak/smg_oaep.adb#L29 http://btcbase.org/patches/vdiff_keccak/tree/vtools/src/keccak_c.adb#L63
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-01#1786600 << which os/compiler is that? i suspect that i'll have to put all the annotations into system.h defines and let specific systems pass whatever in a makefile. ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-01#1786598 << amusingly the fix is on my own blog http://barksinthewind.com/2016/wp-content-for-a/#update1 but i must've lost the changes when i was updating the theme ☝︎
phf: oh it's the https
phf: fair, https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/82a10c81707dcff5ee24dec7ef7ebf8eccfded03.patch then
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1786035 << https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/82a10c81707dcff5ee24dec7ef7ebf8eccfded03#diff-772f489c7d0a32de3badbfbcb5fd200dR91 ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1786059 << that's the only place ☝︎
phf: and in vaguely related, while writing a chain verifier for btcbase, i found that we have utf-8 in genesis http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis#L23962
phf: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/juBz2/?raw=true illustrates the issue
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-25#1785986 << i thought that it was just a helpful warning, but upon reflection i realized that this is actually a bug. investigating it further i took a wrong direction on a diff's command line flag switch, and as it stands if you see this warning it ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-24#1785862 << that's the idea, but __attribute__ is a gcc specific feature. i'd like to have a catalog of such extension because i noticed there's few more here and there ☝︎
phf: hanbot: and another option is to use this http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UpI9J/?raw=true vpatch, unsigned because i'd like to wait till wednesday to roll all the fixes and cuts together
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-23#1785651 << that works for me also, i seem to recall threads where alphabets were discussed and maybe byte order was dismissed, but my memory is vague on subject ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-23#1785630 << so offending attribute is _Noreturn, which is a c11 feature that was only introduced in 4.7. but! i tested with 4.6.4 on freebsd before release, i now also compiled 4.4.3 and it still works. running cpp-4.4 on the file it looks like something in freebsd headers actually replaces _Noreturn with an __attribute__ call that older gcc's support. with a test file with `void _Noreturn foo() {...}' but without any includes, ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-23#1785630 << naturally. i'll see if i can reproduce it ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-22#1785473 << thanks for fast testing! the warning is harmless, i frankly got desensitized to it, and it slipped through the cracks. the entire error.c needs to be cut anyway, but it's a low hanging fruit ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784792 << i got overwhelmed with vdiff becoming all things to all people, and since 4 year designs are no longer in vogue, i'm going to change the strategy and unblock specific people waiting for me ☝︎
phf: there seemed to be some miscommunicaton, because the box that i received only contains pogos. in fact http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784667 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784678 http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-18#1784730 are at odds with each other ☝︎☝︎☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-13#1783489 << S.NSA gear is not verboten, but my absolute deadline to leave expires in less than an hour ☝︎
phf: and here's a simple hack to verify that the machine is in fact BE, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/W0EhS/?raw=true
phf: diana_coman: output from powerpc g4, openbsd, identical to what x86 machine produces http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nLkau/?raw=true
phf: asciilifeform: https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.02700
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-08#1623193 ☝︎
phf: http://achewood.com/index.php?date=06102002
phf: easter europeans: https://b1.culture.ru/c/88998.jpg
phf: "For the past several years, we've moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption. And within the last year, we've also helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure by gradually marking a larger subset of HTTP pages as "not secure". Beginning in July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as "not secure"."
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-08#1782635 << what is that ascii says, "will throw it in the hopper" ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-08#1782610 << i have things to do before i go, which got compressed into one week from two ☝︎
phf: http://www.ramblerhostels.com/book_pocitos.html
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-04#1780917 << possibru, but it looks expensive for what it is, $30 for bunk? i'm seeing whole apartments for rent at that price ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-04#1780956 << can't do long layover over web, i'm planning on calling them tomorrow, and then if that fails i'll try my luck with their rep at the dules airport ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://paste.lisp.org << "Due to continued abuse, this service has been discontinued"
phf: also if you guys haven't seem http methods from original http2, https://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Methods.html TEXTSEARCH, CHECKOUT (like GET but locks the file), etc.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1780191 << fyi darkhttpd is missing POST (i grabbed it to see if i could trivially extend their verb dictionary, which i can) ☝︎
phf: fwiw http protocol is built around verbs on resources, cutting head is going to remove the specific mechanism you're dispatching to, but not the dispatch mechanism itself (that you still need for e.g. POST)
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1779442 << have you looked at gopher? ☝︎
phf: https://pineapplefund.org/ << "The organization was started in December by an anonymous donor who goes by the nickname Pine and claims to be among the 250 largest holders of Bitcoin in the world. The fund aims to give away $86 million worth of Bitcoin, and has already given $20 million worth of the currency to 13 organizations, including...
phf: https://wiki.freebsd.org/Newcons
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-31#1778747 << bios patched, but i haven't tried kernel conf, i'm running freebsd on it. ☝︎
phf: https://everymac.com/systems/apple/powerbook_g4/specs/powerbook_g4_1.0.html
phf: you probably want this https://everymac.com/mac-answers/mac-os-9-classic-support-faq/last-macs-to-boot-startup-macos-9.html though i think i used a different table for reference
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-31#1778333 << i actually run os 9 on all of my ppc devices. it's got MCL, simple games, pixel perfect graphics (something i have soft spot for) and shit ton of perfectly workable software. ☝︎
phf: asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sez_-UoRudg
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-28#1777688 << there's a handful of lords that are running ppc hardware, which is big endian. there's also sparc, that like ppc, is a somewhat saner cpu than x86, and that can be had for cheap for server etc. purposes ☝︎
phf: articled penned by one Julia Ebner, who also wrote "The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far Right Extremism" https://www.vox.com/world/2017/12/19/16764046/islam-terrorism-far-right-extremism-isis
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1777009 << this is exactly how "secoority" snake oil propagates: cheap tricks ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1776919 << could be the flip side of http://trilema.com/2012/strategic-superiority-a-saga/ ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1776788 << jeez, gtfo ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1776698 << if alf don't wan em, i'll take em ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774643 << you've been tricked, there's two kinds of pentesters: "modern" ones, which are basically a security equivalent of a coder, they are taught how to use nessus and metasploit effectively so that their parent company can charge $x for a regulatory assurance "penntesting performed, following findings communicated and addressed" ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774622 << this was left non-deliberately, but it's a safe change. safer than having /bin/bash there. /bin/sh is posix, so any unix is going to have ~something~ there. on this freebsd machine /bin/sh is a pure posix shell, while bash lives in /usr/local/bin/bash ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1774395 << what i don't understand is how i can have the same conversation ~with ascii~ over and over again and still he'd be repeating the same original stuff. i don't think it's a question of my blog here, unless you're saying that me saying things in log have no merit because i don't have a blog post to back it up with. this is a novel take by the way, because log used to be canon ☝︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1773848 << i've shared a version of vdiff in logs that fixed that issue, because the issue is of course there. i believe the comment was "not oneliner!!1" ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-21#1773562 << pretty sure that's one of mine, it's either comments.diff or it could be a diff against the baseline wp of that vintage (i wanted to see what kind of modifications exactly mp version introduced) ☝︎
phf: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/19/british-15-year-old-gained-access-intelligence-operations-afghanistan/
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-20#1773313 << i wrote a little checker for eater, and the other one binary is asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch.asciilifeform ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch4_ffacalc/seal/spyked
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-16#1771366 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLQg-Mv9Hfg ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771571 << in my family for some reason they favored suit, tie ~and shorts~ combination ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1766817 << i've been using http://pelulamu.net/unscii/ ☝︎
phf: re fighting for walmart, dolly parton apparently did a pretty bad rendition of the ballad of the green beret https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7-pnAPcSN4 ☟︎☟︎
phf: http://www.plusxp.com/wp-content/uploads/jetpack1.jpg ☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: russky MIPS available for retail "soon" http://www.cnews.ru/news/top/2018-01-11_tsena_na_protsessory_bajkal_snizhaetsya_v_chetyre ☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758769 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-15#1770771 ☝︎☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-04#1621970 ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-12#1769927 << ding ding ding ☝︎
phf: oh a relevant thread http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513931 ☝︎
phf: heh, previous amuzing thread on mr. gabriel http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-09#1339749 ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1766790 << xemacs was joint work by sun and lucid, it's hard to say who's the durps here, since it was a bunch of professionals with lisp machine background trying to plug particularly nasty holes in emacs architecture (back before there even was an architecture) ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767676 << i've been out of commisssion since friday, and will be for another couple of days. got brought down hard with a flu, that hasn't happened to me in a while ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-05#1764882 << hah, i read it and didn't notice that it was with fare. there's more fare interactions there of similar nature. ☝︎
phf: mircea_popescu: you don't necessarily need to introduce a break, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764371 ☝︎
phf: ^ http://btcbase.org/patches/eucrypt_ch4_rpng
phf: a forced popup that warns you that you're sending to http from https, but there's no about:config to disable the popup. 9 years of "ffs put a boolean in configs, you fucks" ☟︎
phf: speaking of ssl everywhere, discovered this lulzy wontfix today, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=436200
phf: ben_vulpes: http://rense.com/general6/ouch.htm, https://rape-axe.com/, http://www.sapiensbryan.com/femdefence-a-protection-against-rape/
phf: ben_vulpes: oblig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4hP6nOB1dc
phf: i was going to quote some choice naggum on guile, but it's 3 pages on xach's site, and it's very very unkind. interested parties are welcome to https://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/search?q=guile ☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-20#1436658 relevant thread ☝︎
phf: that's my favorite photo http://wingolog.org/photos/photos/3482
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763609 << not sure Dugin falls into either category, he's one of the "national bolshevik party" leaders, and wikipedia is eager to point out that he's a "fascist!11" and calls to hasten "end of times" with "all-out war", but linked piece is just lulzy in its Vladimir Sorokin slavic nationalist futurism ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1763607 << it's the "let's encrypt" registrar, it started in 2016 so the certs are missing on old deployments ☝︎
phf: asciilifeform: https://www.geopolitica.ru/article/gorizont-idealnoy-imperii
phf: asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch5_egypt
phf: mircea_popescu: oblig http://oglaf.com/obituator/
phf: asciilifeform: oblig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBuAfIjsFVk&t=1m20s
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-03#1763208 << i think that's a matter of perspective. i treat is as what knuth&graham call a "recurrent problem", i.e. it can be solved by finding a small case, which is self-similar to the whole. the solution can also be proved by induction ☝︎☟︎
phf: the algorithm http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2071&cpage=1#comment-18558 is recursive, where a base case examines two values at the top of the stack and leaves the one that's larger: ``< {'_}{_} _ ☟︎
phf: this also apropos http://pbfcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/PBF234-Finneas.png
phf: relevant patch https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/commit/6e02a5455aeef5a4642a2334348544c1f19775ad#diff-912df0bf4505a2db68a4b714e475e225R385
phf: ^ http://sci-hub.la/http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022283670900574
phf: saint asciilifeform right there http://www.uni-muenster.de/imperia/md/images/fruehmittelalter/mon-cl.jpg
phf: !A [http://btcbase.org/lo][g/2017-12-29#1760407]
phf: http://btcbase.org/patches that is
phf: esthlos: got gnudiff down to 6149 loc from 300407, added shasum to it, as of now it can do http://archive.is/5WxUZ
phf: ^ http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-28#1759378 ☝︎
phf: asciilifeform: http://www.forbes.ru/tehnologii/355219-valeriy-bardin-istoriya-cheloveka-prisoedinivshego-sssr-k-seti ☟︎☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: https://www.patreon.com/xahlee