104 entries in 0.62s
mircea_popescu: unless, of course, you download cpanel :D
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 14:26 shinohai: I don't think I've ever used Cpanel at any point in my internet life.
shinohai: I don't think I've ever used Cpanel at any point in my internet life. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Framedragger 1. open cpanel session 2. generate ssh key 3. export it 4. import it into another. see a connect to b.
mircea_popescu has this morning looked into cpanel, it would seem you can do this trivally.
pete_dushenski: i've had no issues with cpanel in the past, nor is 'cpanel doesn't unglue without reformatting' a cause to abandon it in my book
a111: Logged on 2016-07-20 04:07 ben_vulpes: go, try to remove cpanel from a machine.
ben_vulpes: go, try to remove cpanel from a machine. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-20 00:16 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: cpanel is useful for lazy idjits like me to ban ips, make back-ups, check traffic figs, and so on and so forth. it might not be lynx-friendly but i'm also unpersuaded that it's 'evil that must burn tonight'.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: cpanel is useful for lazy idjits like me to ban ips, make back-ups, check traffic figs, and so on and so forth. it might not be lynx-friendly but i'm also unpersuaded that it's 'evil that must burn tonight'. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-19 23:31 pete_dushenski: another q for tmsr : any recommendations for linux-cpanel webhosts that don't roll over to social engineering attempts ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506536 << pray tell pete_dushenski , for what do you need the cpanel abortion ? ☝︎
pete_dushenski: another q for tmsr : any recommendations for linux-cpanel webhosts that don't roll over to social engineering attempts ? ☟︎
asciilifeform lulz at the memory of how never saw 'cpanel' anywhere until mircea_popescu's
BingoBoingo: Also configure at home seems like a nice alternative to cpanel dedibortion or vps.
cazalla: whatever cpanel autogenerates
cazalla: can't log in to cpanel to delete email addy now
williamdunne points at cpanel, sorry Mr.Popescu, your billion dollar idea has already been done! Its magical!
jurov: just use cpanel to replace the ssh key, no?
BingoBoingo: Eh, cpanel's kinda the shared server standard
williamdunne: BingoBoingo: I attended a college for a short while, I was recording all of my work on a cpanel server. Had about a years worth of stuff on it when it fucked up
mircea_popescu: williamdunne you can have a cpanel acct if it helps you
davout: needs moar cpanel
mircea_popescu: must be the cpanel.
ben_vulpes: he's been derping on cpanel, i can see.
assbot: Logged on 29-04-2015 15:32:11; mircea_popescu: at any rate, THIS is why i ask people "well, can you do it on a cpanel box" well before.
mircea_popescu: must be because of cpanel.
mircea_popescu: must be teh cpanel
jurov: so shut up and eat cpanel
mircea_popescu: must be the cpanel.
mircea_popescu: at any rate, THIS is why i ask people "well, can you do it on a cpanel box" well before. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [00:54] how the everliving fuck is cpanel used with anything other than php/static wwwtron << fwiw asciilifeform i went through a very similar saga on a very similar popescuian box. i just thought that "this was how things were supposed to be" and labored in silence.
mircea_popescu: currently for instance, cpanel forums require ssl, and so i'm not visiting them. i don't generally visit sites that don't have a http version.
BingoBoingo: Cpanel's primary design goal seems to be disorienting people when they try unperverted stuff such that they get hooked on the dope
BingoBoingo: Cpanel is another retardation
TomServo: pogoplug and such I understand.. but how does it factor in the cpanel debate?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://www.nginxcp.com/installation-instruction/ << there, random spamsite has nginx-for-cpanel prepackaged.
BingoBoingo: Godaddy shoves its own Cpanel in everything
mircea_popescu: in the sense that is it still usable as a cpanel box or will i have to have it reflushed.
mircea_popescu: so basically... cpanel is super-security. even if malware expert gets root... what good is it ? :D
asciilifeform: how the everliving fuck is cpanel used with anything other than php/static wwwtron
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: where does cpanel keep apache's vhost configs, and why is this not documented anywhere ?
asciilifeform: hence the traditional 'cpanel is not removable' dictum
mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu> move cpanel's apache to a diff port, and allocate 80 to yours. <
asciilifeform: cpanel - again, no
asciilifeform: cpanel - no.
mircea_popescu: cpanel has nothing to do with this.
mircea_popescu: move cpanel's apache to a diff port, and allocate 80 to yours.
asciilifeform: the requiring apache (and not just any, but cpanel's custom) is cpanelism
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> i am still awaiting your gentoo canonical << not even objecting to the linux flavour of that box, but to the cpanel idiocy
Adlai: logged into cpanel as root ?!@ << asif you need root to fandango
mircea_popescu: you logged into cpanel as root ?!@
ascii_field: betcha it was 'lost' as soon as i logged into cpanel
ascii_field: and cannot be retrofitted without being clobbered by cpanel the next time it is used to make any alteration
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: apache won't play along with python without a plugin 'mod_wsgi' which does not appear to exist in cpanel
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: how -the fuck- does one run a python www proggy on cpanel box
ascii_field is blithering at the sheer amount of litter that cpanel leaves in every conceivable aspect of system
mircea_popescu: not cpanel's.
ascii_field: and that the motherfucking cpanel thing puts it fuck knows where
ascii_field is still wondering how mircea_popescu can use that cthonian horror, cpanel
mircea_popescu: With your preferred file transfer method, upload the custom module's archive file to your server's /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods/ directory.
assbot: Custom Modules - EasyApache - cPanel Documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/1P3gQ7W )
mircea_popescu: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/EA/Custom+Modules
mircea_popescu: well... once you decide to commit to sysadmining that box, you can take cpanel off :D
kakobrekla has no idea how the fck do i diagnose whats wrong in this 'cpanel'
mircea_popescu: prolly cuz it had no cpanel.
jurov: iirc i broke cpanel as quickly as you did gentoo
mircea_popescu: every 15yo can run a cpanel site.
mircea_popescu: myeah. that's nothing : at some point servers were owned through an actual cpanel update.
mircea_popescu: dude stop fixing things that work. you wanna do something, make gentoo work as smoothly as cpanel.
asciilifeform playing with 'cpanel' for the first time, struggles to understand wtf is the point of it
assbot: How to install Varnish Cache - cPanel KnowledgeBase ... ( http://bit.ly/1bwZRhQ )
ben_vulpes: that way you don't have the "lol installed cpanel server is useless for anything else until os reinstalled" prazlem
mircea_popescu: im hosting trilema on cpanel
mircea_popescu: cazalla / bingoboingo : just in case you were wondering where the ftp server went, turns out cpanel decided to upgrade stuff on the 23rd, failed to get pureftpd upgraded correctly, decided it's no longer needed and nuked it.
mircea_popescu: if you can use cpanel i can set you up momentarily.
mircea_popescu: if you can live with a cpanel account i can spin you one up rightnao.
cazalla: BingoBoingo, legit actually, i make backups with cpanel which makes some 100mb archive but i didn't delete em
mircea_popescu: punkman if you want a dyi mirror, i can give you a cpanel ?
assbot: 10GBPS Unmetered Dedicated Servers Windows and Linux Cpanel PLESK WHM
cazalla: dunno, i used pos file manager in cpanel so doesn't matter
jurov: shows cpanel
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> suspended for excessive use of resources, can't even access cpanel or ftp to make a backup, submitted a ticket << that's classy o.o
cazalla: BingoBoingo: Apocalyptic: Cazalla is hosting it, I don't have panel access <<< suspended for excessive use of resources, can't even access cpanel or ftp to make a backup, submitted a ticket
mircea_popescu: anyway, what's the story here, derp couldn't get a secure cpanel environment in 3 tries ?
ben_vulpes: mpex.cpanel (error)
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: cpanel indeed
kakobrekla: as they need to pay for... cpanel.
kakobrekla: cpanel hosts are actually not the cheapest
kakobrekla: <asciilifeform> cpanel !?! < since ever
asciilifeform: cpanel !?!
ben_vulpes: wow cpanel does some insane shit to machines
mircea_popescu: so about... well just about five years ago i did this thing where i gave a free domain + free cpanel hosting to a bunch of romanian bloggers that seemed more or less okay.
mircea_popescu: no i mean, the hole being cpanel
assbot: 4 results for 'cpanel' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cpanel
mircea_popescu: !s cpanel
HyperChetty: well I would wish disease on cPanel but it seems I am too late
mircea_popescu: mostly for "The network of cPanel Inc.'s support department was compromised and machines used for connecting to customers' servers were found to be infected with Ebury"
Mats_cd03: trilema cpanel i guess?