47 entries in 0.72s

BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There seems to be a racket where a loading with get a weird ricer name like .50 BEOWOLF or .300
BLACKOUT get some USG test firings and go on to market the round as things normally get marketed to jugalos,etc based on edgy/cool name
BingoBoingo: Venezolana today during spanish class logistics talk made of a point of how maduro was blaming the "Imperialists" for the
blackout. I offered that it was almost certainly the imperialists, breaking shit is part of their regime change recipe.
BingoBoingo: They'd get
blackout drunk, shit the bed, and generally horrify the latinos unaccustomed to Madonna culture
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but yes, airflight ain't all it's cracked up to be. only seems a big deal before ape invents airplane. << Only really big deal besides boredom and comms
blackout is barotraumo to the ears
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> there have been a lot of "tape painting by fake news" events like that. mtgox printing 0's, pirate going on about how "he's going to crash btc", etc. << AHA, environment easier to evaluate back then. Time from "herd u leik BTC" to MP IS RIGHT took little time to discover. Now with all the noise discovery could probably not be made
blackout drunk anymore.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529232 << when i used to drink heavily back in philadelphia my собутыльники (literally "those who share bottles", a derisive way of saying that the thing we had in common was an excuse to drink) was a small group of european philosophy ph.d.-s from upenn program. those guys would habitually get
blackout drunk, which they thought was most important skill of a philosopher. usually we'd end up at one of
☝︎ mircea_popescu: meanwhile, more youtube views than romania altogether lol. clearly media
blackout works!!1
mircea_popescu: so : turns out a) the guy is romanian ; b) COMPLETE ro media
blackout on him. i think they're embarassed. ~only mention is from jan pointing out he was mentioned in huffpo
BingoBoingo: kingking190: I've only been sober for jsut under 3 months now. I'm still getting used to this whole deal that goes with not being a
blackout drunk. Serious lifestyle changes involved.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo cazalla you know the qntra after a day's
blackout is actually quite good!
shinohai: I had snapshill bot working so perfect before the
blackout BingoBoingo: decimation: Last summer My town suffered a 12+ hour
blackout because the largest incoming transmission line melted
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: well, i'll bug you another time i guess. i just tend to strike when the iron is hot, even if the iron is also
blackout wasted.
felipelalli: to "confiscated" the gold (I heard about that but I have to study more deeply). I came to this conclusion because I know bitcoin can't be available 24/7 forever. It will eventually fail in some situation (for example during a bad made hard fork - either because Gavin's gang spoiled or not) and at that time everybody should already is using some strong second coin to be used as backup during a temporary "bitcoin
blackout". I think this coin
assbot: Large M-class flare now &climbing! /hashtag/hamradio?src=hash
blackout, /hashtag/GPS?src=hash, satellite phone& i-net issues next 1+hr esp W.Hemisphere
http://t.co/XDx4g2mRrj gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'berndj-
blackout', with hostmask 'berndj-
blackout!~berndj@azna.co.za', is identified as user 'berndj', with GPG key id FAC02779DEC0DED1, key fingerprint BCB3F00CB5A64A16A31EFCE6FAC02779DEC0DED1, and bitcoin address None
assbot: berndj-
blackout +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
assbot: Venezuela
blackout leaves commuters scrambling, silences president - Yahoo News
ozbot: It's way too easy to cause a massive
blackout in the US - Vox
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's definitely a
blackout, it being the message of the enemy. duh.
dexX7: maybe blockchain receives the complete blocks from it's backend in some way and had a small
blackout while post-processing and adding the txs to their db ... well, who knows. they seem to be aware though.
mircea_popescu: The company that supplied electricity to the Super Bowl says the
blackout that halted the big game was caused by a device it installed specially to prevent a power failure.