38 entries in 0.656s

mircea_popescu: somehow the lesson that "anomie-freedom's worse than ANY KIND of slavery" still
unlearned, 20 years later. "why did savannah fail ?" "dunno" "but you said somethings about it, dorky. where's the review of them ?" "
not me!"
a111: Logged on 2017-07-20 19:52 asciilifeform: because
unlearns faster than
a111: Logged on 2017-07-20 19:52 asciilifeform: because
unlearns faster than
a111: Logged on 2017-07-20 19:52 asciilifeform: because
unlearns faster than
mircea_popescu: "I have spent the total years of my adulthood
unlearning that crap from only a few years of my childhood. " << that poor guy. i'd say on reflection this is utterly the engineerhead problem, "takes a whole adult life to
unlearn five lines of socialist idiocy a stupid woman poured into the 3yo head"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, to unite those other threads, there is ~a reason~ simulated culture, be it in the shape of "trained" bacteria or "trained" "expert systems" or whatever else "
unlearn faster than they
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799833 <-- but! the a, b examples I gave were *not* in any sense subtractive, read again. and by "eliminate" I mean, the words from vocabulary,
unlearn them, throw to trash bin (hence "systematically"!), *not* "take monolith and prod it with toothpick"
☝︎ phf: sometimes i feel, or rather i know, that i "
learned" all these time saving techniques before i had time to save, and now i must
unlearn them, because they ended up wasting a lot of time
BingoBoingo: I'm already trying to
unlearn it as best as I can without relapsing
BingoBoingo: dbclk: You could
learn to trade like me, but that means
unlearning things like "triple top"
ben_vulpes would
unlearn anything to be free of the shitstack
gabriel_laddel: Spending a year
learning elisp, and then a year
unlearning it because it's a dead end isn't pragmatic at all.
mircea_popescu: "It, together with smart contracts, has been let out of Pandoras Box never to return, never to be
unlearned, no matter how badly some of us might want it to."
jurov: i just shrug it and try to forget.. guess i need to
unlearn that
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Kid's just been hit with the discovery he's got a year of
learning and
unlearning to get to zero. Just maybe this one gets there.
assbot: ClubOrlov: Is
unlearning harder than unschooling?
ben_vulpes: but when you're taught that the right solution to all problems is to do it by hand, with the tools handed one by authority,
unlearning that is hard
ben_vulpes: well, consider all the things i've been
punkman: I've already
unlearned two languages by not using them
benkay: BingoBoingo: i strongly recommend you not fill your cup with those idiocies. there is a strong push towards things that are easy, but taking the easy route now sets you up for a whole shitton of unnecessary
unlearning later.
mircea_popescu: before they
unlearn the stupidities and insanities they
learned and can become productive members of the community.
mircea_popescu: jurov shockingly obedience is very easy to
unlearn if you're trained properly
jurov: then i'll be
unlearning obedience not 15 years, but 30 if ever