500+ entries in 0.062s
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958568 << agreed on the !later tell not being that useful. And sounds like a plan; I'll have on my list to roll the !Qcalc into auctionbot and retire lobbesbot
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-28 01:17:51 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell billymg hey, you still alive ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-28 01:24:04 mp_en_viaje: talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful.
mp_en_viaje: talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful.
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell billymg hey, you still alive ?
mp_en_viaje: !Q later tell billymg hey, you still alive ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-15 22:52:40 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri
mp_en_viaje: !!later tell spyked you know i got a comment in your queue since like fri
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque Do you have a timeline for when deedbot.org will update to include newer submissions?
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mod6 If you are still updating the node list on the trb site I've got: in Costa Rica, in Bulgaria, in Kansas, and in AlfRack running and sync'd. First three running 99999 version number, last running 70001 version number.
mircea_popescu: !Q later tell spyked yo, feedbot's unwinding the whole history of comments on trilema at me fo rsome reason, halp!
mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell spyked yo, feedbot's unwinding the whole history of comments on trilema at me fo rsome reason, halp!
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-23#1956002
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-23#1955992 and http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=jB2s
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-18 12:44:45 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c Here's the strategy and why it is your best shot at recovering your coin http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=7sEi
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-17 11:31:00 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c This is a high risk case, and it presents an especially high danger for anyone arguing it on your behalf. My greatest asset is my WoT position, and should I argue your case and recover the coin... The argument that will have won your coin will present a risk to my WoT position if it is later found to be bad precedent.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c Here's the strategy and why it is your best shot at recovering your coin http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=7sEi
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-16 05:36:02 spyked: !Qlater tell dorion_road in UEFI study/review news, I'm behind with all my tasks on the subject. I'm slowly getting back on track this week, aiming to have a report published by monday the 23rd
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c Since the discussion appears ready to happen sooner rather than later I give you the option of sending 35BTC to 15eVXAW7k8uKc5moDFUSc9Y3jmHFAenNXo as a retainer. As it is 2019 I'll assume 35 BTC arriving at the address is yours and not someone else's misfire.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c I am willing to argue your case. Without your providing more details the cost structure is as follows: 35 BTC up front, 10 BTC to be refunded if my argument on your behalf loses. The best way for you to start negotiating this price downward is starting a conversation about the case in #agriculturalsupremacy
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c This is a high risk case, and it presents an especially high danger for anyone arguing it on your behalf. My greatest asset is my WoT position, and should I argue your case and recover the coin... The argument that will have won your coin will present a risk to my WoT position if it is later found to be bad precedent.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mike_c Your are cordially invited to GPGgram details of your situation to me or come into #agriculturalsupremacy and get me up to speed on your situation in a logged channel.
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell mike_c on the road right now, i'ma look at it tonght/tomorrow morning depending on traffics
mp_en_viaje: !Q later tell mike_c on the road right now, i'ma look at it tonght/tomorrow morning depending on traffics
spyked: !Qlater tell dorion_road in UEFI study/review news, I'm behind with all my tasks on the subject. I'm slowly getting back on track this week, aiming to have a report published by monday the 23rd
mp_en_viaje: !Q later tell hanbot https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ei8CbiT4Hhs/VGP0mq3X_YI/AAAAAAAAABc/JhPPjuKEXaM/s1600/elephant.gif
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-07 11:59:49 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://bingology.net/2019/pizarro-liquidation-auctions-proposal/#comment-1505 << Proposal for the auction of your hardware.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://bingology.net/2019/pizarro-liquidation-auctions-proposal/#comment-1505 << Proposal for the auction of your hardware.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-24 13:46:54 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell spyked can you add my www to feedbot-commentism roster plox ? ty
asciilifeform: !Qlater tell spyked can you add my www to feedbot-commentism roster plox ? ty
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 16:35:04 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell billymg http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=9r9U
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell billymg http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=9r9U
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell bvt http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947565
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell bvt http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=_klh
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-15 00:29:12 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Whenever you can make it to the namecheap panel I've got an authoritive nameserver ready on some ips for ns1.qntra.net through ns4.qntra.net http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Whenever you can make it to the namecheap panel I've got an authoritive nameserver ready on some ips for ns1.qntra.net through ns4.qntra.net http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque Were you wanting a blog set up on the 'anyserver' as well?
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell nicoleci http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=rrJN
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell hanbot_abroad http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=lXMx
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-10 10:26:06 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje if you think asciilifeform is liar, then per the mp's operating instruction you have wrong sign bit on asciilifeform's rating. i'ma take that -9 nao.
asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje if you think asciilifeform is liar, then per the mp's operating instruction you have wrong sign bit on asciilifeform's rating. i'ma take that -9 nao.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque Backups have finished uploading to the deedbot server.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 20:37:02 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mod6 you presently majority shareholder. asciilifeform -- minority. ( mp is owed and also rightfully has a say. ) let's discuss asap the lawsuit.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 20:37:02 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mod6 you presently majority shareholder. asciilifeform -- minority. ( mp is owed and also rightfully has a say. ) let's discuss asap the lawsuit.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 20:37:02 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mod6 you presently majority shareholder. asciilifeform -- minority. ( mp is owed and also rightfully has a say. ) let's discuss asap the lawsuit.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mod6 http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8O_Y << Notes on the recovery
asciilifeform: !Qlater tell mod6 you presently majority shareholder. asciilifeform -- minority. ( mp is owed and also rightfully has a say. ) let's discuss asap the lawsuit.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mod6 I apologize, but I have not yet backed up your server. I will return with the disks, power it on again, and see what I can do with the credentials you passed.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 18:23:45 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell billymg You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-04 21:23:32 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell lobbes You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell lobbes You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell billymg You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 12:18:34 asciilifeform: !Qlater tell trinque do you think you can get ben to reappear for long enuff to properly appoint tbf successor ? cuz imho a heavy bag o'coin attached to a beheaded tbf is unseemly and the orig charter offers no gc mechanism for it
asciilifeform: !Qlater tell trinque do you think you can get ben to reappear for long enuff to properly appoint tbf successor ? cuz imho a heavy bag o'coin attached to a beheaded tbf is unseemly and the orig charter offers no gc mechanism for it
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 13:08:24 mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell thimbronion you know your blog is still broken, click for instance on any comment or title link from http://thimbron.com/2016/08/
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell thimbronion you know your blog is still broken, click for instance on any comment or title link from http://thimbron.com/2016/08/
mp_en_viaje: !q later tell thimbronion you know your blog is still broken, click for instance on any comment or title link from http://thimbron.com/2016/08/
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell bvt http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=f8IH
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell nicoleci let me know what troubles you are having with your attempts to enter the shell. Also make sure you specify the right port.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-30 12:36:27 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-29#1932106 << what, the later tell delivery ?
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-29#1932106 << what, the later tell delivery ?
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mod6 the links to your pizarro banners appear to all be 404 on mod6.net, is there any way you could assemble all the banners together in a blog post or something?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-29 15:27:44 asciilifeform: !Q later tell trinque didja ever post a arm64 cuntoo ?
asciilifeform: !Q later tell trinque didja ever post a arm64 cuntoo ?
lobbes: !Qlater tell BingoBoingo http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hCbR8/?raw=true
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell lobbes http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/jlW5I/?raw=true
a111: Logged on 2019-08-11 17:45 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pizarro/2019-08-11#1000032 << Fellow from earlier indeed appears to have his private key. When you get a chance to, please swing by #pizarro to see if you can help him debug his issue decrypting deedbot strings to !!v.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell spyked re: http://daimon.me/blog/2012/05/winamp-ruleaza-cat-si-doua-vorbe-despre-linux/#comment-8147 the music player for linux is cmus
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pizarro/2019-08-11#1000032 << Fellow from earlier indeed appears to have his private key. When you get a chance to, please swing by #pizarro to see if you can help him debug his issue decrypting deedbot strings to !!v. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pizarro/2019-08-09#1000025
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell mircea_popescu remember you wanted to !!rate -10 princessnell http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-22#1924146 ☝︎
mod6: !Q later tell mp_en_viaje http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/OmWqw/?raw=true << Saw the logger died and you were not in-chan.
a111: Logged on 2019-08-01 21:49 asciilifeform: !Q later tell mod6 is something wedging your conveyor re eating patches ? plz do say. cuz e.g. detruncation is iirc >1y old nao
asciilifeform: !Q later tell mod6 is something wedging your conveyor re eating patches ? plz do say. cuz e.g. detruncation is iirc >1y old nao ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-29 01:57 asciilifeform: !Q later tell mod6 prolly oughta change that webchat link at trborg to go to your castle
asciilifeform: !Q later tell mod6 prolly oughta change that webchat link at trborg to go to your castle ☟︎
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf will patch viewer ever get fed !? and how about logotron genesis ?! where didja go, phf ? feeding the fish ? ☝︎☝︎
mp_en_viaje: !Q later tell nicoleci http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4Ug9B/?raw=true
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Someone wandered into #pizarro from the wilds and expressed an interest in the last RockChip. Let me know how interested you are in setting up a trilema.org box if you get a chance to terminal before hitting the road again
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf vpatch in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3420 , ty.
asciilifeform: #!later tell phf plox to snarf vpatch in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3420 , ty.
asciilifeform: !#later tell phf plox to snarf vpatch in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3420 , ty.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell Mocky http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/H7jmt/?raw=true
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell mircea_popescu remember you wanted to !!rate -10 princessnell http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-22#1924146 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell diana_coman http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XRfoU/?raw=true
BingoBoingo: !Q later tell girlattorney It appears you are looking to set up a blog. http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922579 I can get you a place to blog set up by the end of the day http://pizarroisp.net/shared-hosting/ ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: !Qlater tell hanbot "Dr. Nut was a soft drink produced by New Orleans-based World Bottling Company. It was introduced in the 1930s and was produced until the late 1970s."
danielpbarron: !Q later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/QcDk9/?raw=true
a111: Logged on 2019-06-20 20:19 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell danielpbarron Was this latest DDoS another member of your fan club?
a111: Logged on 2019-04-24 15:56 asciilifeform: !Q later tell bvt ty for digging up the 1801 materials; dun suppose you could get the author in here ?
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell danielpbarron Was this latest DDoS another member of your fan club? ☟︎
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell jurov http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/X5Eiw/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell phf hey props on your parser, it does right thing with context-supplementing bracket and link-anchoring bracked mixed in same line!
a111: Logged on 2015-02-18 12:32 brendafdez: ;;later tell mircea_popescu You're squatting the channel ;) http://pastebin.com/YNqdarX7 I could be running some shady business there instead...
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf ch19, ty.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kRyU4/?raw=true
asciilifeform: !Q later tell PeterL http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2032&cpage=1#comment-19792
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf sig in http://bvt-trace.net/2019/05/unrolled-assembly-comba/ ( and diana_coman 's earlier ) at your earliest , into btcbase, ty
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell PeterL Settle tomorrow morning like last time?